Which side do I choose, Sup Forums?

Which side do I choose, Sup Forums?



Nuke em all. Especially the goat rapist
Also sage

I choose Europe

Your a bit late on the payment,
till then you have to hang out with the turks.

True redpill supports Palestinians

Wichever side will put you in the oven you belong in.

Shave those pubes off of your face, looks white-trashy af

Nothing wrong with Islam as long as it stays in the Middle East, Islam was based until Israel created terrorism. If Israel was never created and Jews were all slaughtered then we wouldn't have Moahammed and Achmed fucking Sven's wife

You're a good looking guy, you should first shave that beard, you still do not have enough mature facial hair to be able to pull it off. You look unkempt and like a transitional neanderthal species with sparse light coloured facial hair like that. If you shave yourself clean then you will look like a respectable intelligent and clean man, risen above the apes.

Secondly, unless your are involved in either of these conflicts, dont be so arrogant as to assume your opinion is needed in them. People from within the conflicts who pull others in are also arrogant base people.

Self reliance and responsibility means expecting others solve their own problems also.

Just please shave that fucking pubic facial hair


Jews are raping us on all fronts right now, we need any ally we can get,

This side.

Shave if you can't grow a good beard.

Also, sharpie in pooper.


>Choosing something that isn't real
Do you also bealive islam is the religion of peace?


>It's shitposting

Your own country

Pick you own side. Don't be such a fucking faggot.


The side that actually produces quality products for the world to use.
I do wish tat Israel would treat the Palestenians a lot better.

Whichever side makes the most number of people angry at any given time.

Listen to the wise yellow man

william pierce?

The Palestinians have suffered through everything that Europe is about to suffer. I guarantee that if a leader that named and fought the jew arose, the Arabs would respect him enough that they would fight with us, and not against us.

Get out of Poland, Ahmed

The white one, so neither of the 2 implied by your pic.

You choose white people side, dumb anglo.

The human side, so neither but EUROPA.