Investment advice

Aus fag here
>30k in bank
>Live with parents only pay $50 a week to live
do any Bros have some solid investment advice, My goal is to own my own home "or several"and not work by the time im 30 and just shit post all day

>Pic related my pay slip

>taking financial advice from Sup Forums
Also not politics related.

Get a better job. Buy a house, rent it, live off profits living in eastern Europe.

American. 30 years old. Had poor, uneducated parents. Never learned any proper savings or investment techniques. Living paycheck to paycheck, $700 in savings, $6k in credit card debt, $20k in vehicle debt. $200 a month for internet/phone service, $500 a month for rent, $300 a month utilities. Only make about $2.5k a month.

How do I dig myself out of this hole?

Start putting money into tracker funds and a private pension. A little every month.

30k is more than enough as an emergency fund so any money you make from now on should be "put to work" i.e. earning more for you than the paltry 0.5% interest it's making sitting in a savings account.

The way your excess budget works is this, in order of priority:

>emergency fund
>paying off debt
>securing assets and/or investing it for the future (retirement, basically)

When investing, just use tracker funds. Don't listen to anyone who tells oyu to "play the stock market", although, if you do come into some extra side money - you bet a horse or some shit - feel free to buy some hand-picked stocks as a gift to yourself. Otherwise, stick to the trackers and indexes.

Look at the money you put away every month as money you've already spent i.e. pay it into the investment account/pension and then FORGET IT EVEN EXISTS for the next 25 years. Do not dip into it.

It will almost certainly be worth locking yourself away for six months if you can save and get rid of one of those debts.

So i shouldnt invest in something?

Thanks for the advice Dad.

But, you are writing as if I already have 30k put away. I have 700 dollars...

>You are literally saying:
Step one: Save up 30k in savings (emergency fund)
Step two: pay off debts
Step three: Investment

I have a 401K that I have been paying into for about two years. I think I only have 3 in it right now.

I don't even know what a tracker fund is. I'll have to look it up. Thanks man. I think I'm going to start doing an hour or so Uber driving after work each day.

quit your job and start smoking the cock.
become an alcoholic.

Everyones in my life has been telling me to start investing
i dont know what a tracker fund is either lol

Save up money to start a business.

Use the current money for emergencies.

Wait till business vectors self sustaining.

You can retire

Wow, I'm truly a retard.

What do you mean lock myself away?
I have to travel for work. I have a 2 year degree in graphic design and am thinking about starting to work on a portfolio and try to start a small, GD business on the side of my full time job.

The big issue is that I have to make several flights this year, Colorado, Florida and Scotland. Trying to pay off debt and save for MY wedding next year sucks. Luckily I saved up the 2k for my engagement ring, no debts there. But now I'm fucked.

No, I'm not saying you need 30k; an emergency fund should be enough that you could live for roughly six months should you lose your job. If your job is secure, then you can obviously play around with the numbers a bit, take on more "risk" and dedicate more funding to paying down the debt. But look at it this way; if you can get rid of one of those debts, you can immediately use the money you're saving on it to start putting a dent in the other one.

sage and reported


Don't put your money in jew investments especially at the highs of a late stage bull market. Buy real assets you can use, like quality tools.

Tracker funds 'track' the performance of one of the main stock indexes. They're passive so that means you just sit back and let the money ride; this is different from active 'managed' funds which will be run by a fund manager who will take a large commission because you're relying on his ability to pick stocks. The tracker fund removes the need for this - you're invested in every company on the index: if you're invested in a FTSE100 fund, for example, and the FTSE100 goes up, you make money.

This doesn't mean you can't have a 'side' portfolio with your own hand-picked stocks but think of those as if they were little gifts to yourself when you have extra cash - a bit like a day at the races.

/biz/ is filled with 16yo faggots daydreaming about getting into IB. It's a shithole.

want solid advice?

don't invest in the stock market right now. asset prices are at record highs. hold your money as cash as this isn't going to last forever.

I mean cut back for a while. Run the numbers on what your monthly outgoings are and see where you can cut them; eating out, drinking etc. Paring it down to the non-essentials, basically, and using the savings to attack the debt.

Like what?

Of course, cause they want you to jack up their 'investments' a little more. It's the same shit over and over. It's why there is bull-bear cycles. There's always a new bag of suckers.

Buy Bombardier stocks, skyrocketing right now, if they sell planes in the next year youre sure to Make money

30k in the bank and live with parents? WTF is wrong with you?

You stupid millennials wonder why you never get laid and have arrested development. Move out of your parents house you fuckwit!!! You aren't winning at life, that 30k is literally your parents hard work not your own.

Asking for financial advice plays into politics as well .... dont get so butt hurt

Theres a house i was looking at buying it's 520k-550k
3 bedroom house with a 2 bedroom granny flat complete with kitchen and bathroom
i was going to rent both out for a return of about $650 pw with the mortgage repayments being around 450-500 per week

C-series won't sell.

My parents wanted me to live at home so i could save a deposit for a house

typical seppo mindset.

32yo here

Buy a house.. I've worked mining since 18yo as rigger and pissed well over a million bucks up the wall traveling.

Now I'm on normal money in the city and housing affordability is fucking aids.

I've been 40+ countries but drive a $1000 commodore..

Buy a house..

Your mommy wanted you at home so she could keep you away from other women. You are her little manchild, do you still nurse from her tits user?

damn user
was the travel worth it?
Me and my gf want to go to Alaska next year, but i want to start making some good decisions

i'm not as familiar with what's going on in terms of housing prices but my impression is that they are much inflated as well, although probably not to where they were a decade ago.

be careful. we're definitely overdue for another economic crisis. if that happens housing prices could fall on their face and/or you could have trouble selling the house if you needed the cash.

learn about the mortgage laws in your state/country. what would you do if you ended up with negative equity?

do you know what a sensitivity analysis is? if not, learn about it and do it.

also make sure your mortgage won't fuck you.

You realize he wasn't replying to you right

Should've got a cheaper car. I bought a Jeep a few years ago..was paying over $300 a month for it, insurance was another $150. Decided fuck this shit, I only need something to get me from A to B. Traded it in for a used car that was worth $6000. Now only pay $120 for car, $40 for insurance. Hugeee difference, maybe look into doing that to help a little?

Buy stock with that 30k OP

I recommend the Canadian Marijuana market. I have already made $17,000 after tax profit off that shit with a 31k CAD investment in a single year.

And i don't think it's stopping any time soon.

Look up OGI.V ACB.V BLO.CN these all have big potential to go to the sky.

Convert some kangaroo dollars into syrupbux and get in on the train before it leaves the station

ignore people like this.

You and MILLIONS of Americans...Welcome to the new American dream

The reason why I did it was because I drive 90k a year for my job. I really wanted to start with 0 miles.

Yeah travel is awesome if you can afford it.

But I've just had a kid and can't fifo anymore and have taken adult apprenticeship.

Wage has gone from 2500wk (4000 gross) too 582 (632 gross), say 150k down too 30k lol

Don't get me wrong, i love my kid and my apprenticeship but i wish id have a house paid off because normal money fkn sucks lol.

Definitely go Alaska you'll love it but don't forget to plan ahead a little. Enjoy yourself while your young, you can worry bout housing and shit mid 20s

How do you put money into tracker funds?
While in the military they basically did this via a type of 401k as I understand it.
Now I'm civilian with 90k or so.

It's just sitting in my bank though doing nothing. Tracker funds via the bank or what?

I don't know alot of those terms user but i have been speaking with a few different real estate agents and they have been saying housing are going to stay roughly the same prices for the next few years then go up.

The reason behind this is, i live in the middle of Sydney and Newcastle about an hour drive from each city and Sydney's population keeps increasing and the average house price in Sydney is now 1mil+ so people are moving out from the city but it's also where all the jobs are

Short the South African Rand.

Some 8ch anons did this and made tens of thousands

It keeps plummeting as the SA racewar gets closer, and no one is doing it because the (((media))) wont talk about SA

If that is the case then you should buy now.

If the city continues to expand and get more expensive, it will push people towards you. And when that happens you'll be forced out of the market from higher prices due to the higher demand

>20k vehicle debt

You're a fucking moron for that alone.

just be careful. real estate agents are incentivized to sell homes, not to necessarily act in your best interest.

i've lost at least $20K on shitty investments since i've been in the workforce (currently 31). don't want that to happen to other people.

How do you go about doing this?
Airport currency trader?

I'm uneducated with this type of stuff. I'd be willing to try it out.

Ah shit user thats a massive pay difference, whats the apprenticeship doing? and city?

I think the cheapest ones in the US (in terms of fees) are Vanguard but there are fucktons of articles out there about them and (whisper it) Reddit threads you should look at.

I needed a new, reliable vehicle for the amount of driving I do.

Get a load of this poor fag

Another thing. Don't invest now. The markets are so over bought that if you do get into it and if there is a crash or correction you'll be under water forever. Dow up over 20k is a joke. Too much cheap money out there to borrow and re invest in corp buy backs.

Forex trading. But it's a dangerous game to get into unless you absolutely know what the fuck you're doing.

thanks user,
one agent is a family friend the other 2 have been randoms
Ive been abit suspicious of what they have had to say because the Aus market is usually about 5-10 years behind the American market right?

he's better off than you nigger

Only if you wanna stay POOOOR

Yolo that shit nigga, i have 95% of all my assets in stocks and 5% as cash to spend if i need it.

My stocks make me on average 80 bucks a day in passive ezpz income. Some days i make 1000bux, some days I lose 100-200. Overall though it averages to around $1200 a month of free money.

Just don't be a lil bitch. I say do 60% blue chip div stocks, 20% high paying riskier div stocks, 20% full yolo emerging market stocks.

no you didn't.

Car goes A to B.

Unless you're spending 100K+ on a car for women.

CNC Machinist, Adelaide.

Just got up feed bubs as we speak, 9 months old.

Travel definitely worth it if you're keen while young, like i said enjoy your youth just keep in mind what you might need in the future as you get older. But definitely go enjoy life.

I'm happy just meh about money. It's catch 22, enjoy youth forgoe adulthood or forgoe youth enjoy adulthood. I think a good balance is enjoy yourself until mid 20s than start think about family last 20s imo because you can't travel with a family.

If that is the case then just load up on bear stocks and get rich when the market corrects.

Oh not so confident now are you? Get some skin in the game then let's talk.

Me? I have a 55k bet saying the market rally will continue for at least 2 more years. So far it's paid off handsomely.


That's where you're wrong.

>buying a new car that you can't afford

look at this nigger that can't handle his money then cries for mommy and daddy to help out

Stop spending like a fucking woman and save your money



Index funds and let it sit.

All i need is videogames to enjoy myself. I don't like the outdoors.

I gotta sleep anyway best of luck with your endevours nog

Are you stupid?
I drive literally hundreds of miles a day. If I bought a used car I would end up paying more on upkeep than on payments after a year.


buy a honda

You'll regret it.

>pay parents 50 bucks a week
>asking for investment advice

ask your rich ass merc driving suburban parents for financial advice instead m8

Me and my girl friend were in Adelaide only a few months ago, visited my friend who lives in christies beach pretty chill place was hot tho,

After Alaska she wants to do Europe but i talked her out of it due to the Muslims causing a ruckus

Is it hard to get a job like that with no experience? Whats the pay like?



So do you sell that car and buy a new one each year?


My parents aren't rich, My dad was a green keeper for 40 years and used to clean the bowling club on the weekends for extra money because he had a big family, im the youngest of 6.
They have paid of their mortgage but dad still works full time as a green keeper at 67 years old

Regret what? I hate outdoors anything and some of my best memories were in videogames.

What else "should" i be doing? I am having a blast all day every day nigga.

buy crypto faggot

especially ETH or if you want mad gains PIVX

ive been shilling this shit for months and you faggots didnt listen meanwhile its gone up 500%

its like Sup Forums wants to be poor


No but I don't want to buy a used one with miles already on it with the amount I drive. That's not too complicated to understand is it?

see and stop being retarded with your money

Investing isn't likely to turn 30k into enough money for several homes and retirement in 7 years. If it could everyone would be retired and have multiple homes by now. Working is the best way to make money for most people. That's why most people do it.
This is false. You came here to ask for help and started arguing with the people trying to help you. You are fucked.


i forgot to add ive made 1.2m in 4 months

keep rotting idiots or ask me for advice

>Graph ends at 2009
>Ends at the start of the greatest bull market in human history

it seemed pretty easy to get about 10ish years ago, but mining is slowing heaps. i know 4 dudes from mining. 3 have lost their jobs due to projects finishing.

What where your first moves as an investor?

just turned 18 and am looking to invest, have 10 grand set aside for it

please user
give us advice, i dont wanna be poor





user could you explain what to do in baby terms? I'm 18 and fully willing to give it a try but I don't know fucking shit

>dad worked 40 years
>67 still working
>parents aren't rich
>pays 50 bucks rent a week at home

strewth cob buy your parents a fucking cruise and pay more rent then you useless cunt

Go to school and get a high-paying job; dont be a fucking idiot you will never own several homes and be retired at 30 by sitting on your ass all day. You'll be a fucking sap for the rest of your life and be forced to get some shit job like all the jerkoffs on here who wasted their 20s fucking around doing stupid shit instead of forging a career and success. Ultimately though you wont because you are fucking lazy and do not want to put in the work to reap the success, like all the hopeless cucks on /biz/ who think they will be millionaires by trading stupid stocks


I wanna give it ago user

If you are young and have some savings and a safe job: buy a place to live. Buy it close to safe major employers (such as a big hospital) or a university.

If you don't have a GF/wife, rent out any spare bedrooms. Use the income from this to pay the loan. If the income is higher than your monthly loan payments, save the rest or spend it on other property costs you have.

If the bank have reason to believe that property prices will rise in the area you are buying, they will be very lenient with loan conditions.

Keep on saving money from your work. Before you know it, you can afford another place. Rent it out.

You will probably not make much money the first few years. The true profit comes from selling the properties after prices has gone up.

Sell -> repeat

Move closer to your place of employment then?

get yourself some bitcoin any way you can, sign up to and buy all the PIVX you can.

im sick of Sup Forums complaining and i fucking hate poorfags. all you idiots sit on ur PCs all day fucking about when youre 2 clicks away from financial GLORY. cryptocurrency is the dotcom not-bubble and yet wagecucks still exist LOL.

the last job i worked was 12 years ago. let me know if you want pics of my mansion.

Used to be easy. Getting harder.

Best bet is go do a Rogging and Cranes course, most states subsodise it so it's cheap (don't pay $$$$$ for tickets, ive spent 20k on tickets. You can get them nearly free now).

Do the courses and just apply for everything. If you're fit scaffolding is easier to get into or just approach rigging companies for a start. They like younger guys with initiative.

You can get 1400-1800net in the city, fifo is harder but depending on state you can still get 2000k+ week net.

Great job if you like the lifestyle imo.

Do it, don't let cunts tell you otherwise.

pics of your bank account or statement showing where ur money comes from

Adeliase is a shithole but mrs grew up here so family is here etc.. else id be in perth or the uk.