MFW somebody says they're against abortion

>MFW somebody says they're against abortion.

John Stuart Mill won the debate on ethics with his greatest-happiness principle.

Why are you fags still acting like there's still a debate to be had.

Agreed. If committing murder makes you happy, you should be allowed to do it.

Utilitarians belong on r*ddit

Because that wont fit the narrative, also it goes against what i want to be true so its obviously fake news

>not understanding Mill's utilitarianism

>Not an argument

I would be happy if utilitarians all jumped off a bridge. Natural law is the only way.

>inb4 kant fags start showing up

Give me the cliff notes maple nigga

But wouldn't there me just straight up more happiness in the world with more people existing? In that case wouldn't abortion be wrong?

And more importantly are you just making this thread because you are happy with your PHIL103 grade?

Ok is trying to justify his wife killing her boyfriend's baby.

Kinda funny that I never thought that way. Or maybe for me dilema was not "killing" but "whom will you let to die" or some sort of "whom will you save".

I don't have much time but here's a very brief summary.

Stuff like liberty,justice, etc are only tools. They are means to an end. If liberty caused only suffering then it would be useless and should be discarded.

A good action is one that dulls the pain and create pleasures for sentient beings. In other words the best ethical action is one that creates the most happiness and less suffering.

Mill also says that intellectual pleasures should be seen as superior to lower physical pleasures.

Pleasures should be weighted and measured by their quality, quantity, intensity and length.

Etc read his book on utilitarianism

Utilitarianism doesnt get you past Is-Ought. In a sane world Hume and Darwin ended all discussion of morality as anything other than an adaptive trait we engage in to get along with one another. There is no "Law above the Law" to appeal to, no matter how much you try to pretend there is, at least not in a scientific materialist epistemology.

Wtf I love opium now.

Time to get myself the greatest pleasure!

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
On half a pint of shandy , was particularly ill.

You know what makes me happy? Discriminating against women who have had abortions. Refusing to sell housing or food to them.
Sorry, but utilitarian filth are Godless hedonist. Dumb animals driven by nothing but pure pleasure.

They refuse to understand that morality, much like the physical world, is objective.


Babies first morality lmao

Hear, hear

>scientific materialist epistemology

Wew, sombody get this brainlet out if here

>suffering is inherently bad!

Interesting prejudice, too bad everything worthwhile is built on suffering and there's nothing bad about pain

Ya, I remember being forced to read John Stuart Mills in college. Reading 'On Liberty' made me realize what is wrong with modern libertarians.

>violating the NAP against a defenseless fetus