Uhhh guys, Trump BTFO? Holocaust survivor speaks up on increased deportations

Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit.


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Is this work friendly? On break with no headphones i dont want people to know im crazy.



>same pic as last thread

It won't work just like the last 10,000 times the MSM has tried to scream "TRUMP IS HITLER!!!!!!".
It's also hilarious how completely TYT has gobbled up the Russian narrative cock so completely they sound just like the MSM now.

Fuck the kikes, you don't need to look very hard to find them behind every fucked up thing going on nowadays.

>jews jewing

so what and? remeber the 60 gorrilion.

Then he is ''anti semite'' because his (((people))) run USA

I like how you hide like and dislike button, Kike.

>implying muh60million was real
You lost me there

The eternal holohoax survivor strikes again.

So what will they do when it's not realistic for there to be any holocaust survivors anymore?

>holohoax survivor

>downplaying the suffering of the 600 gorillion

Oy vey its like the shoah all over again! I was in camp for 5 years and got gassed 69 times! My papa got turned into a lampshade before my very eyes!

This kind of shit is what makes people critisize jews. Comparing Trumps America to the holocaust, really?

>6 gorillion deaths
>no trace of human remains
>all death camps discovered by soviets

Really makes you think...

Find a rope and the nearest tree and hang yourself OP. Do the world a favor

William Pierce is a good man
A lot of nu/pol/ doesn't even know where the day of rope meme comes from

>You're enforcing immigration law and sending people back to where they came from because they wanted to circumvent the process.
>This is just as bad as rounding them up and killing them.
Do Jews realize they're belittling the Holocaust by making these asinine comparisons?

>holocaust survivor
i thought the holocaust was a massacre?
how do you survive that?

anybody who has ever met, and attempted to befriend a Jew will become familiar with Jewery very fast.

You're constantly treading on thin ice to avoid triggering their inflated victim complex.

The moment anything; a game of vidya, an argument, etc, reaches a turning point against their favor boom. It's over. So they always wait for an arbitrary point where the random fluctuations of chance are in their favor and end it there; miles from the finish line declaring themselves the victor.

If you bump into them in a narrow hallway it's aggravated assault.

If you roll your eyes at them you're an antisemite.

And if you knock too hard on their door you owe them a new house.

At this point anybody who has never met and "befriended" a jew will accuse me of arguing to the absurd.

Anybody else will know exactly what I'm talking about.


Did he survive this nuclear strike?

>holocaust survivor
So just old and Jewish.

A waiter might have brought him half-and-half instead of cream one time. In his mind that was the gas chamber at auschwitz.

>You're constantly treading on thin ice to avoid triggering their inflated victim complex.
Same with native Americans.

oy vey , my crispy emotions

"hey six gorillas died once you schmuck!!!"


American education, everyone

let's flood the country with poor people until it sucks, cause it's the right thing to do.

Not an argument

I'm part native. Go gas yourself trailer trash.

Plenty of natives embraced the modernization of north america. But they all intermarried and disappeared into obscurity. Hence why you have a billion white people claiming to be 1/5th cherokee.

The whiney SJW bait nates are the ones who were too dumb to integrate and embrace the future.

Nothing like the Jews. Where you can't breed their Jewery out of them.

Hitler was enforcing immigration laws on unlawful immigrants??

I love Hitler now?

Do you see how he feels that he has to emphasize that he is a holocaust survivor?
Because without that no one would listen to what he says. If your argument is good you should be able to win people over by this argument alone without trying to quilt trip them.

the irony of an organization named after a genocidal group using a Holocoaster survivor to attack their political enemies




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>6 gorillion jews died
>there are also 6 gorillion survivors

really makes you ponder

>using the holocaust to garner pity to make it easier to push an agenda

Typical jew filth

>increased deportations is like the nazis
>ending funding to NPR is like the nazis
>not having single payer is like the nazis

Oy veyyyyyyy

that's cause you're a dirty spic.


I know a Jew who is pretty friendly but has potential to be like this. He loves to constantly complain about Trump and his only criticism of Obama was Obama's treatment of Israel. He loves to proclaim that Trump is a racist, and somehow spun that it was Trump's fault NASA can't go to the recently-discovered planetary systems 39 light years away. Yes, he tried to blame Trump that we cannot travel at light speed.

What if the nazis just kicked all the Jews out Germany? Wouldn't that have been way better than the holocoaster?

A jew wants his lawn mowed but doesn't want to pay that much so he brings up the holocaust.

how did this guy get citizenship?

yes, its a young turks video

Oy vey how could you deny one of God's Chosen? And a survivor at that! Remember the sixty gorillion, goy.

>still not remembering the 600 trillion at auschwitz

if you actually read about Hitler, you'll see that he tried to do that time and time again, during the period of almost 10 years, but Jews always came back and/or changed surnames to look more German/Polish (that's why most famous Jewish surnames nowadays end with -berg or -witz). But ofc we won't hear about that in our history classes, fucking Jewish influence

Eventually he flipped, and started exterminating them. Can't blame him.

>being a holohoax survivor is an argument.

gorillion jews died
>>there are also 6 gorillion survivors
>really makes you ponder

yep.. imagine if they had doubled their efforts

>still believing that the holohoax happened

>it happened but the numbers were exaggerated

>systematic killing happened but they only killed a few thousand so they said that it was 60 billion instead

>Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit.
Sure you did, shillmeister


It was real in his mind, don't be a bigot!

Holy shit...

Not gonna lie, there seems to be only 1 post by this id

My god I cannot wait for the last holocaust survivor to finally die 80 years from now

>we keep electing people who turn around and do the exact opposite of what we elected them to do

U wot m8?

My family didn't flee Nazi Germany quick enough when we had some very advanced, and ultra fair, warning for many years. Now I'm going to compare an American President to Hitler.

Seriously. Why in the fuck didn't they just flee? Why is he still alive? Shouldn't he have been gassed or burned or otherwise just killed?

How can we have so many fucking survivors? Sounds like the Germans were pretty shitty at killing people en mass.

Should've asked that old fuck about the swimming pool and tennis court


Flee where?

You saying the smart thing for refugees to do is run to other, safer countries?

>imagine if they had doubled their efforts
Then I guess they would be twice as stupid.

Genuine question. How the shit are there still holocaust survivors? Didn't it happen over 100 years ago?

Jews were everywhere all over Europe, and in the US.

There's well documented proof that the Germans were getting ready to take care of the immigration problem on their own as the League of Nations wanted nothing to do with getting the Jews out of Germany; which they were pleaded with over and over many times to help come to an amicable solution for.

I know direct descendants that took action and fled to the US to avoid the entirety of it. Those that didn't flee were arrogant, unimaginative, stupid, or all the above.

Or perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, there's a ruse at play here. PERHAPS.

If it started in 1935 and ended in 1945, that'd be a 10 years span from 82-72 years ago. Still plausible, but you are right, they are running out of survivors to provide testimony. Not only that, it just proves the Germans weren't as proficient as they claim they had to be in order to kill the sheer numbers of people that they did.

Also, to address your other point, these aren't refugees. These are subversive combatants. You know this. Don't pretend to be ignorant. That type of nonsense is enemy action.

Fuck that kike. According to his story hitler was shipping trash to disposed of at camp.

This is returning the trash to where it came from and then building a wall to keep it from coming back.

False equivalency is strong with the hebe.

So many survivors...

Fucking zionist anglo fags

>American education, everyone

and they all personally met Mengles

Doesn't look old enough to be a holocaust survivor


What qualifies this guy to speak up about a topic he knows nothing about?

Might've just as well called the video:

We are still trying to push the narrative that Trump is Hitler.

I'll bet there are more holocaust survivors than there were people in the Holocaust

>part native
Whoa easy there Chief Wahoo I hope you didn't get triggered too hard. Must have been the trail of tears all over again. Better smoke the peyote and talk to the skin walkers before the evil tree spirit comes to steal your rabbit feet.
>muh 1/64 Cherokee

>having a country with borders is like killing 6 million people

into the trash it goes

>I'll bet there are more holocaust survivors than there were people in the Holocaust

A survivor on every street corner. Makes you think.


>deporting illegal aliens (Mexican citizens) from America is the same as the Hall of Cost.

Can liberals fuck off?

>open video
>first three seconds
>"six million jews..."
>close video

>42 year old jewish holocaust survivor who has never left Uptown Manhattan

If Hitler was able to deport the Jews the hall of cost wouldn't have happened but nobody wanted them

Already covered


The Nazis drank water, are we all Nazis now?

Do a quick back check of this guy, his story doesn't fit and his reason for not having a tattoo is absolute bullshit( truth is very few actually got tattoos ) he could of just said he didn't get one, but instead has to make up this story about it because he was never there. fucking kike lying again, saged

Catchy song, thank you.

>muh 600 million

Wow Brave. So how did all these Holocaust survivors survive the gas chambers for years? Must be great to hear their stories. Maybe they slowly build up an immunity to Zyklon B so the gas wouldn't affect them? Would love to know more

>comparing being sent back to your home country to being murdered

Top kek.

Don't you know? The trauma is genetically inherited. We'll still have 6th generation Holocaust survivors 300 years from now, assuming the Jews haven't been exterminated by then.

When was the holocaust first discovered? I found this old highschool history book, published in the mid 60s, and it doesn't talk about it at all. When I was a junior or senior we spent a decent chunk of a semester on it.


The Holocaust should have happened, but tragically didn't. Hitler should have given the order that every kike be executed on the spot upon being identified, but he was a softy.

There is a holohoax survivor coming to north Dakota sometime in April to lie to children about surviving Auschwitz

A lot of these kikes were not even born during the "holocaust". Also has anyone ever asked why the armenian genocide never gets talked about as much?

100% right, guy in my class was from Isreal acted this way.