Should the minimum wage should be increased?

Should the minimum wage should be increased?

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People should stop buying every new iPhone for the most part.

Yes, and other wages increased accordingly. Trickle-Down economics is fucking stupid. Keynesian economics prevented another great recession.

Robots aside, if the minimum wage is increased, production costs are increased, and prices increase accordingly, returning purchasing power to what it was before. Minimum wage solves nothing.

But dude iPhones arent a luxury, you NEED them these days. Welfare should pay for them.

I'm being sarcastic but some people actually think this.

nice b8

I... I like human contact
I mean, Mcdonalls is not like Detroit here (yet)

Holy shit I'm next door to that exact same McDonald's right now and just ate there today. Small world.

Lol I'm like one block from that McDonalds in chicago, Adams/Wabash.

No, it should be removed entirely

i am humble helicopter merchant, would you like tour?

>Should the minimum wage should be increased?

Yes, it's way, way overdue in the USA.

minimum wage only helps keeping the prices up
take it out and let prices crumble



I wish they would install these on the drivethrough as well. Yelling in to the speaker and get garbled static in reply is no good.

Same here fellow Chicagobro. I'm doing some work at the Palmer House which is right next door to that McD's. What about you?

^ this
I don't know why people are so stupid that they can't understand this.

No, it should decrease.

yes, I want more machines and I want to deal with people less


We need our IT, factory and pharma jobs back.

depends, do you want to fuck up economy?

Yes. Automation is inevitable anyway, so minimum wage workers should get paid out the wazoo while those jobs still exist.

We need to homogenize the culture of this country fast, so we can have an effective socialist program to help the people who will lose their jobs from automation

If only there were a political party that combined bringing the people of a country closer, and emphasized helping out the people with a socialist emphasis as well....

from what I know, those machines haven't fired people from mcdonalds, the only thing they did was making orders easier so workers could work more effective.

Yes, because turning a bunch of nigger-jobs into robot-jobs means that (((they))) can't bring in more subhumans to do "work that robots won't do"

I don't even own a iPhone . just have a 80 euro android

I don't know man, leaving such a nice looking piece of technology naked to the elements seems cruel.

Absolutely, yes. I don't care if it contributes to brain drain, we're irrelevant on the world stage anyways

Thats probably the worst thing you could do for the minimum wage workers.

Yes, the minimum wage needs to be increased. People who work 40 hours are unable to afford insurance, let alone the ability to live.

HOWEVER: The government increasing wages is almost always a horrible idea. We need to kick out the illegals, inject free market back into our economy, and watch as the jobs grow. As there are more jobs, there are more demands for workers than create better wages


Not even close to true. There were many businessmen of the 20th century that paid their employees a larger equivalent salary with more benefits than what factory workers make today. That is because there were so many factories cropping up around the country that they had to give people reasons to work there.

With the minimum wage what you essentially see is government sponsored price fixing. Companies do not need to pay above the minimum wage, so they all just pay people $7.25 or $8.25 or whatever your state amount is, and those people live in poverty despite doing hard work.

Corporatism breeds an oligarchic class that destroys the poor. Capitalism forces companies to treat employees like human beings, because the companies need employees.

>leaving something valuable outside for niggers to break or steal

The come of our glorious robot overloads is near
Bow or get crushed like a vile biologic being

I used that thing for the first time last week and it was amazing. But they refused to bring it out to me so it defeated the purpose of the number.

>I deserve things because I am alive
>Other people should be forced to give them to me

[helicopter idles in distance]

>wants minimum wage raised

Well tickle me pink and call me Boy George.

Did you even read my post you retarded nigger?

Jesus Christ, just fucking off yourself.

>minimum wage
>not forcing an employer to give you something

>Should the minimum wage should be increased?

Yeah. We're at historically low unemployment and we need inflation to eat away our high debt and leave room for Federal Reserve rate hikes.

Inflation isn't bad unless you're an idiot who doesn't invest his money and keeps it all in cash.

In my post I literally said: "HOWEVER: The government increasing wages is almost always a horrible idea. We need to kick out the illegals, inject free market back into our economy, and watch as the jobs grow. As there are more jobs, there are more demands for workers than create better wages"

That is literally me arguing AGAINST the concept of government set minimum wage.

>i did not choose to be born yet don't deserve a good wage

contradictory don't you think?

Only one of us wants things he hasn't earned, Tyrone. You wuz the nigger all along.

not really. you don't count in the factor of automation and increased reliance on computers. productivity has skyrocketed while wages have remained stagnant.

your old world rules don't apply in a world with robots and computers.

You being alive, whether you chose it or not, doesn't imply other people owing you things. They didn't choose to be alive, either, so why is your welfare more important than theirs? Why are they required to sacrifice for you?

no, should it should not should be should increased should you should stupid should fucking should kike

No point in even bothering to decrease or remove minimum wage at this point.

You already get more on welfare than minimum wage, so no one would even bother working for

It should be lowered so local business can afford to hire and train the uneducated dropouts. This will give them value and they will naturally be moved out of minimum wage as their employer will find it cheaper than training someone new. Jobs work on supply and demand just like everything else. If you artificially raise the value, inflation or automation results.

>productivity has skyrocketed

love this meme

productivity increase doesn't hold a candle to the increase of third worlders. It's why jobs are outsourced, they can do a competent job for much less.

The dollar isn't worth enough. The cost of living grew more than wages did. In most families both parents must work. Raising minimum wage will fix that for only a few months before inflation catches up Everyone goes right back to the shituation they were in

No it should be abolished.

Minimum wage IS a wage set by the government, if it isn't set by the government it's just called a wage.

Who the fuck makes minimum wage? Seriously every entry level factory job pays a few bucks more.

Stop flipping burgers and stocking shelves, or work for a company like mcdonalds that offers management training programs and shit for people that have worked there for years.

The minimum wage being increased produced better results in EVERY country it has happened in, but no let's just stick to using retarded ass comics to 'explain' a point.

No, but you should be holocausted for being JIDF trying to normalise Jew presence on Sup Forums.

Also first 4 posters are likely shills.

>The minimum wage being increased produced better results in EVERY country it has happened in
Care to back your statement, leaf?

Two things can be true at once, user.

He is right that the US produces more in volume and value - even in the manufacturing sector - than it ever has. This has been accomplished through automation and with fewer people in those jobs.

You are also correct that the /rate/ of productivity increase in the 3rd world is higher, since doubling a small number yields a 100% increase. The rate of growth is faster, but the output is smaller.

Given both of the above, the US still specializes in high-tech, capital-intensive products, which cheaper, low tech and lower capital products are made abroad.

In short, productivity worldwide has increased, though the rates of increase and the absolute values of output are different.

This is either b8, or you're the worst sort of shit stain millennial - the sort that believes you're owed something for nothing.

I'm 32 years old, and I can guarantee you're under the age of 25, so let me help you with some advice I had to learn on my own in my 20s:

"Deserve" is a meaningless word. You don't deserve anything from anyone, now and forever. You either earn, or you don't earn. You're either owed, or you're not.

Grow the fuck up and take control of your life - or know that you'll always be a bottom feeding piece of shit resented by anyone around you who achieves actual success.

"the states where the minimum wage went up had faster employment growth than the states where the minimum wage remained at its 2013 level."


how do i get to fairy wonderland?

I don't get why people buy iPhones or Samsung phones when you can buy a cheap LG or Motorola phone for like $30.

Are you fucking blind? It CLEARLY says the source at the bottom.

you don't get why niggers are shitty with money?


>refused to bring it out to you
>a paying customer
>they want their wages increased

I rather deal with that machine than some retarded idiot at the register that cannot even speak english.

I might actually go to McDonalds now.

Minimum wage means less people can get jobs. It's also harder for smaller businesses to pay a minimum wage so it's harder to start up meaning the gap between have and have not is solidified. This is common in things like this: people think they are helping the average man but really they make it so he will never rise above that. If people look for a privilege, they hurt themselves.

Here is an honest abe you can play with while adults do the talking


>no mention of people losing their jobs
>well, they just go on welfare and vote Dem anyway, so who cares?

If you need a phone, go to warlmart and buy a 15$ burner.

Millenials prefer the kiosks anyway

when you increase the minimum wage, the min wage workers get a cushion of added money, everything increases in price a little. the middle class gets to pay more without a legislated raise. This is why socialists love raising the minimum wage, it tends to help the min wage worker while making stuff more expensive for everyone

Why? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just launch a mobile app and pay via the app

Who cares about the source when the picture says nothing. No shit the wages went up for people who kept their job when min wage was increased. But people get fired and hours get cut. Not to mention local businesses raise their prices so you still can only afford the same shit you did before the wage increase

Nice this is 10* better and more effective than regular ordering
Order kiosks is the best thing since self checkouts

Good goy, every inteligent human should stop using self checkouts and ordering kiosk's.

yes, especially here
wage is easy to keep low, but it doesnt necessarily save the employer a huge amount even if raised by a quid.

or at least set a mandatory minimum overtime rate higher.

Oy vey!
The burger knows how to read

No. No one deserves $120 a day to press buttons at mcdonalds

These machines are surprisingly complicated, I'd rather make my order directly with the clerk.

The Chinese are screwing us in trade. Minimum wage people are competing with Chinese slave labour.
It's cheaper (and more efficient) to use Chink made and Poo in Loo programmed robots than welfare bums.

I live in Atzlan err i mean california and once they get these kiosks all these latinas who fuck up my fast food orders will be unemployed .Muuuahaha