Why doesn't Sup Forums want to admit that it was the west who caused all these problems in the Middle East which in the...

Why doesn't Sup Forums want to admit that it was the west who caused all these problems in the Middle East which in the caused the massive immigration and radicalization of a lot of muslims ? I'm talking about installing their governments, arming the rebels etc.

You imagine that you're allowed to rape children because the CIA are terrorists? Suddenly I begin to understand why all Muslim coutries ae disasters.


We don't want this shit, its globalist jews that want cheap labor and obedient tax livestock

The middle east being a clusterfuck is better than it being a united Ottoman empire

Look at the stats of the crime and terrorist acts before and after west "interventions" and you will see the whole picture. Also look at it this way, the reason why Europe and USA are turning to the right wing is because our values are under attack. That is the same thing that happened to the Middle East when the west tried to impose their values onto them, instead of going liberal they went right wing.

if that's true why does the rest of the world think it's wrong if we pull back and cut off ties with the region?

no more immigration+no more terrorists=no more wars=no more problems

They are stupid, sure, their religion is even dumber, sure. But foreign countries selling weapons to just about any group that happens to be buying in such a place is even more stupid.
Dumb people vs dumb people with guns.

Not to mention the Brits fucking invented Wahhabism and set up the saudi kingdom. But be real, you goat fuckers would be lost regardless

The rest of the world all thinks you're morons for constantly fucking shit up over there you know
Only cuckservatives somehow live under the illusion there is some kind of organic support to what you do over there

you mean the CIA/deep state then yes

also the middle east has been a clusterfuck for all time and will continue to

that's my point yet the pussy countries(like you) get all bent out of shape every time we talk about disengaging and exercising our power less on the world stage

Very few middle eastern countries found that kind of behavior acceptable prior to their democratic governments being toppled.

No we don't
We've pulled out of NATO decades ago, we have the atomic bomb.. we mostly complain when you start some shit and then lose, flee like cowards leaving an even bigger mess than previously... that's literally your military history in the second half of the 20th century : Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, you name it

I forgot that the West invented Islam and has made you guys kill one another and anyone else you run across for the past 2 thousand years or so.

Bitch, Vietnam was as much your mess as it was ours.

We were decent enough not to napalm their people and spray them with agent orange at least

Look at the crime stats before and after western interventions. Look at the middle eastern countries under those so called "dictators" and now when they are "free". We had the same thing in Yugoslavia where we had a "dictator" but people had an awesome life and the country was on a path to become of the leading world forces. Now that former Yugoslav countries are "free" we are dump tier.

The homo sapiens founder in Vietnam, much like most of SEA and the middle-east, are not people. The are humans in only the strictest understanding, but to call them people is a tad too far.

>the country was on a path to become of the leading world forces.

>destroy your people in a fit of slef destructive altruistic guilt
No. No sane man should slit his throat because his government stepped on someone. Stop being an apologist for this soft invasion.

Because it was Jews and their shabos goyim in government not the west

Where was ISIS and other similar terrorist organizations before the western intervention ?

The arab springs were the origin of all the mess, the US just gave the last push before the cliff

The arab spring caused the middle east to go full retard ->beard + allah + meatbombs.

We don't trust euro sandniggers, you gypsy mongrels

I do. It's how a Progressive Democrat happily and eagerly voted for Trump.
Why the fuck are you supporting the people slaughtering brown people for money, you fucking racist, sexist piece of human garbage?!?
Seriously, dude, if you're on the left what in the ever loving fuck is the matter with you?!? Why are you supporting Barack (Did you know he was never the U.S. President?) Schumer, and Clinton? For real, where has your humanity and morality gone to, you sick, degenerate waste of fucking oxygen?

We all see Hillary talking about Gadafi and we all know that all the arab spring is promoted by US and wasn't a bad idea but instead of democracy all north Africa went full kebab, Obama finance ISIS through Saudi Arabia to kick AlAsad and control middle east