Rasmea Odea is getting deported. The short story is she was accused of terrorism by the isareli gov't way back...

Rasmea Odea is getting deported. The short story is she was accused of terrorism by the isareli gov't way back. They used bizarre sexual sadomasochistic tortue methods to get her to confess to a crime she couldn't have committed. At the time, we really did not know all the weird shit they do in israel. IMO, she is probably innocent.

Because nowadays, we know israel is very fond of sacriligeous, sexual sado-maschoism in torture.

what is that, puke or shit?

Basically, she claims the jews brought in her dad, beat him, stripped them both, said they would shoot him if he didn't fuck her...

in other words, typical israeli behavior.

Its human feces. they didn't let him clean it off for 48 hours.

to be honest i hate all semites, senpai, both kike and sandnigger types. Just thought you should know that.


thats abu graib, you little lying fuck.

Go on?

so............................did he eventually?

The panty, if you are wondering, is soaked in female urine.

That's suppose to be torturer?

It was israeli contractors my dude who supervised the interogation program there.

I'll believe that happened, Jews are sick fucks. But she still has to go back.

looks guilty af

>Applies to immigrate to the US
>Gives false accounts of her past
>Lies about her arrest record
>Everyone is supposed to be surprised and sympathetic now that she got caught
>Activist judges say "fuck borders and laws and shit"
>These judges are allowed to continue serving
At least she's getting deported.

lol we should be deporting you to israel, zionist.

Just read up about the rampant testicle crushing Jewish interrogators did on the nazis during Nuremberg

You're trying too hard.

>jews using weird sadistic sexual torture methods for interrogation

This is why the cia are filled with pedophiles and sadists. Oh my Fuhrer, why you did not V2 the jewish controlled anglos and win the war. Why did you show them mercy? They are demons.

>When I arrived in Fallujah there was a small chair, about 2 feet tall, made of plywood and two by fours, and it had plastic zip ties used to secure someone's hands on the bottom. The Palestinian Chair was intended to put someone in a crouched position from which they could not recover and forced all their weight onto their thighs and their calves and they stayed there for as long as an interrogator decided they were going to stay. ...

>A close friend of mine and I did lock ourselves into the Palestinian Chair at one point to get a sense for what it was. We both lasted less than about a minute. ... I did not [use it on anyone]; I did witness its use near the end of my stay in Fallujah. I had walked past the door of an interrogation room which was open and I witnessed one of the prisoners in the Palestinian Chair.

>This is the point ... where I recognized that I had gone to a place that I wasn't coming back from, that there was no way to suggest that that kind of treatment of another human being wasn't abusive and that it wasn't torture

Listen goys.... the jews aren't your buddies. They are demons, and they would have no problems torturing the shit out of you for some precieved benefit.

the really jooicy photos are still suppressed.

thanks king nigger.