Why do Republicans suddenly hate internet privacy now? Why do they think it is okay for ISP's to spy on their customers?

Why do Republicans suddenly hate internet privacy now? Why do they think it is okay for ISP's to spy on their customers?

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Gosh, if only there were some way to influence the actions of private corporations that engage in 100% voluntary transactions with consumers other than politics.

How bad are your hand shaking comcast autsit lol. we cough you. now the FTC is going to make you pay for your shit kid lol. get fucked with your propaganda fro here

bump for truth

Do you realize the vast majority of Americans have only 1 internet provider option?

How are they attacking it? They aren't like the Democrats that want to know everything you do on the internet. It's the most asinine statement

Same with utilities.

You act like monopolies are some crime against nature.

>Do you realize the vast majority of Americans have only 1 internet provider option?

Everyone has at least two.

>No Internet

Or, and here's a nutty idea, you could get a hotspot from any of the half-dozen nationwide cell networks.

But you won't, because you are weak and without principle.

They are actually a crime under US law.

Do you realize the internet isn't a right?

There are multiple providers and people have choices. Their are regional providers. Stop lying.

Attacking the internet to you is government fucking off like they should. You're inane.

Republicans are trying to pass a new law that will make it legal for internet providers to spy on their customers.

> Everyone has two.
That is a total lie.

That's why the Federal reserve exists then and has the sole right given by the government to print money.

Shut up.

Most republicucks are stuck in the 80s mentally

This is a direct attack on the internet, you moron. Tell me, how does allowing ISP's to steal data help the consumer?

Trump can still veto right? What if he doesn't?

>google lobbied against this bill because they have a virtual monopoly on internet tracking

really makes me think that this is a distraction to cover up from the fact that google, facebook, etc. have already been doing this for a decade.

(((large corporations))) are always looking out for the little guy


They are companies. They are going to sell your data to other companies. No one cares. You're an idiot if you prefer governments unfettered access to your information over a private company

Nice try. You can grant a license in the case of printing currency because a nation needs to have a standardized currency.
A monopoly on internet access is hardly the same.

Of course you have two. You can subscribe to your ISP, or you can not. One, two.

How about no one have access at all?

privacy makes it harder for them to determine why we hate them.

that makes them paranoid. then they blame the new left for the mistakes they make.

You're deliberately ignoring the real issue. I'll ask again: How does allowing ISP's to steal data help the consumer?

Hows that boot taste Statist?


How does it really impact anything?
It didn't. The government havening access to that info is the dangerous situation because they fucking control the laws, cops and courts. Why should Google have unlimited access to my data solely to give the the NSA?

I don't care that Target knows I like red tupperware

both the gov't and ISP want to fuck you over.
one taxes you to death. while the other wants to pimp you out to advertisers.

Who cares? If you don't like it don't use the internet. It's that simple. Fucking libcucks these days. They provide you service so what if they can sell your history to sell more shit. If someone at walmart was digging in my shopping cart and finds a better product for me to consume then so be it.

Sup Forums doesn't think for themselves anymore. so long as it makes liberals mad they will agree with it, regardless of any critical thinking that may be necessary. it's just group-think, mob mentality. it's the same idiocy that killed the Dems this last election...and the same idiocy that killed the Reps in 2008

Says the guy who wants the government to introduce more legislation restricting your ability to make transactions between private parties.

Why do you want it out then? It does nothing but benefit us.

You sure got. I bet we couldn't find any more government approved monopolies at all.

Again shut up. Private companies will have access to your data and then can a f****** do anything because I don't care. Only a cuck is worried about private companies and your data.

Allows them to accurately provide product ads and constantly shill things that are relevant to you.


This isn't sudden. They've hated it for a while.

>the internet isn't a right

Jesus what is wrong with you fucking boot lickers

Are you willfully ignorant or just retarded?

>This is what ancapfags actually believe

Why should ISP's be allowed to steal data from their customers? This does not benefit the general public at all.

That's not a good reason to abolish internet privacy.

>oh no my ISP is spying on me I hope to God they don't shoot my dog, do a midnight raid, throw a flashbang grenade at my child like the government's local law enforcement would

> Merely pretending

>omg I literally can't even: the response

How does that in any way make it ok for ISP to sell data? Please, spell it out.

>That's not a good reason to abolish internet privacy
Internet privacy doesn't exist moron. The Obama era regulations never took affect.

idc if google is handing my metadata to the NSA,

just as long as they don't repost my posts here to the NSA in a way to discredit me as a Muslim-lover.

I hate radical Islam; but moderate Islam will not institute shariah because only the radical imams believe the lie that Islam and democracy do not mix.

and shariah can only execute without democracy because Islam is not inherently democratic.

the succession of caliphs proves this: nobody wanted Ali to be caliph so they assassinated him because he tried to be hereditary "King of the Muslims" which leads to the error of nepotism.

additionally a secular government is morally superior to a caliphate because of the lack of nepotism.

It's okay, just wait until Smith and Wesson start selling your gun buying history to the FBI, then you'll change your tune.

>ISP will get to do what they've had the opportunity to do all this time but choose not too
oh no

Do you ever listen to yourself for even one fucking second?
Do you really think someone could not have internet access and still function in today's society?
It has evolved into a utility

You Americans have been fucked so hard by corporations that you're practically mind broken at this point.

>There are multiple providers and people have choices.

Government subsidized cable/ADSL duopoly isn't free choice. Watching kneejerk "muh free market" responses from people like you on behalf of incumbent telecoms that refuse to compete with each other and who overtly oppose the blind dogma you're trying to defend them with is genuinely the most painful part of all of this. There is no free market in terrestrial ISPs.

So what happens when ISPs start selling "profiles" of people that include all search info and websites visited, and anyone can buy that individual info, like say, the place you are applying at for a job?

I literally can't. You really think the US has a functioning, competitive ISP market

This is your brain on corporate shill.

That's just more proof that the Republicans who voted for the bill are corrupt. They're claiming that the privacy laws were bad because they interfered with business. But if the laws didn't even come into effect yet, then how can you say that they were harming businesses? The truth is that no businesses were harmed. They lied.

God help us

this is true, and I don't regret it one bit
I always use the internet with the understanding that someone is watching... because I use google chrome.

So with that in mind, I do enjoy watching the left shit bricks

What happens when a political opponent of the next Democrat runs for office and his ISP decide to sell all his personal information to the DNC so they can launch a massive smear campaign? You faggots are not thinking this through.

This is beyond illegal. Someone might be hanged for it. All i know is that i'm going to start doxxing myself to see what i can find out. You can to. Eventually, we will all know each others dirty secrets and have a big orgy as god intended.

Oh wow look at that the regulations never went into affect. So nothing changed. Is there even an ISP that currently does all these wild scenarios you faggots have dreamed up? No.

Do you mean like how most ISPs already provide user data, not only for free but unsolicited, to national intelligence agencies?

Do you expect the government to pass a law preventing the government from acquiring this data?

In what way precisely is this analogous to an ISP selling your data to another private company, for advertising purposes, for profit?

Also consumers buy guns through dealers, not directly from manufacturers.

>This is beyond illegal

Not anymore. Republicans want to change the law so that ISP's are legally allowed to steal data from customers. Tell me, how is that any different than communism?

>and his ISP decide to sell all his personal information
You know what is so fucking funny about this? The fact that there are memes going around that your ISP contains all of your personal information means that if a fake newsstory is published for the sake of tarnishing a political opponents' reputation, it could just as well be made up horseshit and the people will eat it up as long as it is popular enough. HAHAHAHAHA! You Americans are so fucked. Wait 'till Vlad hears about this.

What makes you think you have a right to privacy when you are subscribed to an ISP that sees everything you do. You are consenting to that when pruchasing the service.

Unless you support government intervention into the market to enforce arbitrary privacy.

If the government never got involved in this issue we would see privacy conscious ISP's in the market.

>ISP's are legally allowed to steal data from customers
Your level of fear mongering is approaching SJW tier


>What makes you think you have a right to privacy

The Constitution. You CANNOT spy on somebody without a warrant. You want my data? Get a warrant you fat fuck.


whats wrong with all these shitty boot lickers on Sup Forums these days?

what happend to anonymous?

Yeah! Let us all stop using the internet! Right now. You go first, mon ami.

You do know Google does the same shit right? If Obongo's law goes through Google will have a monopoly on your data.

There is no market. No one can just freely dig up everyone's lawn from coast to coast to lay new fiber and start competing with the current government-subsidized telcos and cable providers.

you can somewhat defend yourself against google by using ad blocker and not using chrome...

Using google's services isn't a requirement of being able to access the Internet.

Is firefox the best option?

You already pay ISP's for their service Why should they be able to profit from your data without consent. If they want data they should start their own websites for data farming. Not take it from customers who are paying them for access to the internet.

I don't see your point. If you choose to use Google, then that's your choice. I don't think they should be allowed to do it, but at the end of the day there are many different search engines you could be using instead if you want.

As far as I know, it is

What-about-ism att it's finest. I don't care if the Dems broke into your house and fucked your sister. Right now, the republicans have passed a law making it legal for ISPs to sell your search history to the highest bidder. And you right wingers suddenly support multi-billion dollar companies having unrestricted access into your private lives?

>You want my data? Get a warrant you fat fuck.

This whole MOLON LABE shtick would be more badass if you weren't willingly paying the company you want out of you private data, to transmit your private data across their network for your personal gain. As it is it kind of comes off as yelling "FUCK DA POLICE" while they're pulling a mugger off you.

If I pay an ISP, then I'm paying for internet access. Period. Them having access to my data is NOT part of the deal.

This whole debacle is a farce. The FCC is simply expanding its power to overlap duties of the Federal Trade Commission. This was a redundant and unnecessary law.

read thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/technology/326364-obama-fccs-privacy-rules-were-a-sham.

>Them having access to my data is NOT part of the deal.

It is if it's part of the contract you agree to when you voluntarily enter into it.

If you got into a store to buy a sandwich, does that make it okay for the store-owner to follow you home and watch you eat it? NO. So why should ISP's be allowed to do that?

Internet privacy is protected.
What's not protected is your ability to keep a business you pay to transfer data over the internet for you from using information about said data transfers.
Your cookies aren't saved by them.
Your log in info isn't saved by them.
Only your traffic.

Which is THEIR traffic.

Seriously, if you check a book out at a library, they have records of the books you checked out. It's not YOUR records.

Yes, because they're the only sandwich shop in town and you could have just exercised your natural right as a consumer to not eat anymore.

>If you got into a store to buy a sandwich, does that make it okay for the store-owner to follow you home and watch you eat it? NO.

Again, it is if you were informed of that as one of the terms of buying the sandwich, then agreed to it.

You don't get to enter into a deal then pick and choose which parts of it you want to observe as it suits you. If you don't like the terms, don't enter into the deal.

It's actually down to about 25% when you are only talking about land line internet, and down to almost zero when you're talking phone internet.

The republican ruling gets rid of a last minute Obama decree giving the federal censorship committee the authority to observe everyone's data all the time and tell everyone what they could or could not do with it, which had not yet gone into play. Nothing changed and now it still will not

statists support the FCC mandating how ISPs operate their data collection processes, which this law undid.

It's a free market economy! Where the only role the government has is to make it easier for huge coorporations to gain more power!

Because said coorporations paid said government to run their errands! Via lobbyism!

And the right-wingers and alt-righters and libertarians are supporting this. Say no to big government, who will be replaced every four years via the democratic process. But say Yes to big coorporations, they get promoted for their greed and ruthlessness.

It's fucking hilarious.

Freedom of information, free markets.

If you don't like Freedom TM you can fuck out of America.

Hey really wrong and bad guys if the people who own the lines can look at it but you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide when the murderous crooks at the CIA get a peek.

Fuck this "debate".

Internet Service Providers should be Internet Service Providers. If I pay an ISP, then I am buying a certain product. That product is called "internet access." But what I do with my "internet access" once I have it is none of their business. They have no right to spy on me or steal my data.

He says he supports this

It still doesn't change the fact that Americans were in a shitty hole, had a chance to get out of it but get pushed right back into the shithole. Except once this gets changed back your stuck in it forever.

Corporations are people and are proof that individualism in a capitalist society is successful.

The new changes are pro freedom in business. It's telling the govt to fuck off and let corporations sell shit like they want to do when they're left ALONE.

>haha monopolies on things like energy are the same as monopolies on consumer services like internet xdd

>Again, it is if you were informed of that

But I wasn't. The Republicans want to make it legal to steal and sell data WITHOUT consent. That means that the ISP can steal your data WITHOUT EVER TELLING YOU ABOUT IT. That's what makes this so dangerous.

Their votes were bought.

Fuck off it's not even your data, they don't need your consent. You use the ISP, a service that you don't own. Whatever data that is a result of this service belongs to the service owner, i.e the ISP.

Get reckt commie.