Muslims > gays

muslims > gays

Other urls found in this thread:

"b-but user i-if you behead me I won't be able to see the animes while we snuggle .~."

Gays > Muslims.

Also, same gesture, different meaning.

no one will miss you, faggot

>traps > muslims > gays

>tfw you are a kaffir
>tfw you will always be an alienated faggot
>tfw when your own children won't speak your name because of some new "bigotry" invented 10 years in the future
why even bother, faggot nationalists?

>over 9000
>still going

fuck off abdel bary.

>Tfw no bf to miss me


Order is


something about this is mesmerizing. I need to set something like this up with my niggas and get a huge group going. channel some spiritual power.



dude, its okay, this is your first impression of the divine.

Its like they are opening a gate way to another dimension. They seem to move like a flock of birds or fish. Like they are one mind. Almost like a hive. Its fascinating. The chanting reminds me of barbarians.

the christian version of it (that still exists... the shakers are extinct) is sacred harp. Its the same sort of primitive shape note singing, radically egalitarian.

its less kinetic tho.

Yfw the eagle is scavenging, not an icicles chance in hell one of those could bring down a goose

They don't dance though. Not as powerful without the motion.

mfw Canada fears America and is our little maple bitch regardless.

Mfw war of 1812

mfw thats what Canadians always go to when they know they've lost. AS if modern Canadians have anything in common with the Canucks from that time. Maple nigger please.

Trudough is the perfect metawhore for the modern Canadian male. It defines what it means to be a modern Canadian male in everyway.

Canada is indomitable lmao and you're grasping at very very thin straws, I personally assure you most Canadians despise Trudeau, even the disgustingly degenerate leftists seem to, something to do with the pipeline idgaf about. Great leaders come and go as do shitty ones, same here as anywhere. Now try to make an actually well founded insult about my assuredly flawed country or stfu and gtfo