Really jingles my jangles

Really jingles my jangles...

Everything is correct in that picture.

Name one flaw...

>free market
>zoning laws that prevent the building of new real estate

Good. Homeless people must die and their organs be harvested.

That is because you are an idiot

wtf I hate the very foundations of Austrian Economics grounded in the empirical methods of praxeology now

>building houses you can't sell

smells like government "job" creation

that isn't free market capitalism, that's exactly what happens when the government intervenes and sets rent control prices

Hey, if I recall correctly, your country basically defaults on its bonds every couple years or so

Cronyism and monopolies are a bigger threat to Capitalism than any commie.

your country doesnt have a budget and can raise it's debt limit in order not to default bros.

avoiding poverty is very easy in this nation.

as is getting a loan for a home.

at least Cronyism requires things to run in some fashion. Commies murder people.

Monopolies can be good if done by the market place.

The difference is that the former enables the latter.

Exactly, because no matter how much debt we issue, investors from all over the world want US bonds. It's the safest, most stable investment you can get. Hence we can keep raising the debt limit as much as we want

Really rubs lotion on my skin

Have you seen what those people do to the places they live? Why would you want them to render thousands of skilled man-hours of American labor worthless?
Are (((you))) trying to kill the trades again?

Says the leaf, yet you're drowning in debt as well from your cucked PM.

>Exactly, because no matter how much debt we issue, investors from all over the world want US bonds. It's the safest, most stable investment you can get. Hence we can keep raising the debt limit as much as we want

Milton is wrong on this one. It is not the safest any paper printed simply disappears in mismanagement and cumulative miss allocation. This cannot go on.

Not saying we are better.

Just means you can't go on telling other people there banking sucks when yours is on artificial life support backed by propaganda.

End the Fed. TPTB no longer have easy money to bid up prices. Home prices fall. Problem solved.

Yes it can go on. If the debt really got that bad, the government would just raise taxes. While a 3% debt tax would likely piss people off, it would raise about $500 billions every year. Additionally, this is feasible if other useless government programs are cut, such as social security and Medicare

That's wishful thinking, but points for trying.

>Yes it can go on. If the debt really got that bad, the government would just raise taxes

Don't contradict yourself too quickly bros.

>really activated my almonds
>really stimulates my synapses
>really innervates my neurons
>really fiddles my diddle
>really itches my ditch


>Yes it can go on.

>It can because I say it

your dumb.



In that case mentioned above, there's already vacant homes not being occupied or sold. A probably naive understanding of the free market would lead us to believe that prices for these homes would drop until the poorer people can afford to buy or rent them.

>empirical methods


>Tfw the difference is that one is heading towards a construction sight and the other is too busy to notice he's driving the people off a cliff

Wrong. Where did you take microeconomics?

Monopolies are not only bad for consumers, but also producers. Products are no longer diversified, innovation falls and prices are set by one firm.

A duopoly is ideal for a producer and polyopolies are ideal for the consumer...


Is that what Vancouver is like?