Dr. William L. Pierce GENERAL: long cat is long edition

Leadership: youtu.be/YU5-POkk914

Genocide at Vinnitsa: youtu.be/71fUyqb36Ww

Feminization of America: youtu.be/8Bw7FhF8Miw

How to Improve Our Souls: youtu.be/fs74yAskT20

The Big Picture: youtu.be/fs74yAskT20

Nationalism vs The NWO: youtu.be/Dw_dkv_D0T4

Individualism and Alienation: youtu.be/FQafa244xVk

Feasting on the Sheep: youtu.be/92tFO4fXKOk

Termites: youtu.be/QrEThEJGjSc

Other urls found in this thread:



Thx man!

good thread too bad it's being forum slid
have a hand

I wonder what Dr. Pierce would suggest that we do if he could see the world right now.

He had a special insight and a way of seeing how everything ties together that no one since has had.

Well, i think he would warn about Trump rewarding only Jews, hope that niggers become more polarized to instigate race war, and probably bash Paul Ryan as a massive NWO faggot!

Normal Sup Forums shit


Kek! I remember that vid/s. Youtube still has them up.

Too bad Dr. Pierce isn't a ghost to help us out.

Mext general tomorrow will be 'The ghost of Dr. Pierce edition'


I kinda wish the gobalist cucks can rise up, so we can have an actual war, I hate to sound all edgy here, but I wanna take all of my own anger and rage to murder all these cucks to feel satisfied

You're not alone, bro!
You. Are. Not. Alone!

If he could see the current healthcare debate then I think he would have a different view than most of Sup Forums and I think he would support some form of nationalized healthcare as a way to force whites to see healthcare as an explicitly racial issue by forcing them to interact with non-whites on a regular basis.


You can see some of that kind of, "Shut up and take your medicine. It's going to suck, but you need to do it" kind of thinking in this video on how he viewed the white middle class.

I definitely think that Dr. Pierce would be supporting every method of radicalizing whites and keeping them from becoming complacent (whites after Reagan was elected for example) in the wake of a Trump victory.

Who is this guy and why should I watch these videos?

He's one awesome dude that'll open your eyes, please read the Turner Diaries, and you will understand.

>please read the Turner Diaries
Checked it out. I'll give it a read


He's one of the most intelligent and insightful white nationalist leaders since George Lincoln Rockwell. After Commander Rockwell was assassinated then there was no one other than Dr. Pierce that was articulate and intelligent enough to take the fire that Commander Rockwell had started and to keep it burning. If it wasn't for Commander Rockwell and Dr. Pierce then we probably wouldn't be here today because their ideas inspired basically every American national socialist / American white nationalist who is relevant today.

Good man!



lol no. rockwell was a fine man, pierce was a huckster living large off other peoples' money. and his philosophy is so delusional and scatterbrained he did more harm than good by putting a lot of right minded folks on a road to nowhere.

That is pure speculation. Wow! You are literally an idiot

dis racist

as opposed to what else? he died in 2002 and so who is responsible for these fine men not being rounded up by someone else? his cosmotheism thing is kind of nonsensical but a lot of people assume it was for tax purposes. the vast majority of his legacy are his hundreds of broadcasts he made that still inspire people today