What the heck??? when did we suddenly decide we hate trump now??

what the heck??? when did we suddenly decide we hate trump now??

Since the shills went into overload.

We never did, shill.


can't tell if shill or someone falling for shilling

huh, good point. maybe a shill, maybe not a shill. Either way we love Donald because his enemies are really fucked up and creepy.

Shadilay, brothers.

ShareJew has dumped millions into relentless shitting upon the chans and Plebbit. Desperation. It's all they have left.

We still love him, the great tides of shills have crashed upon us and it keeps getting heavier. It has made this place a shit hole though


"We" didn't.


Yeah I only come here now out of a strange sense of duty. They would have to tear me away from this terrible battle, now. I want it over, but there is no way in hell I would stop fighting the shareblue fucks.


Do you retards realise how retarded you come across, calling non-redpilled anons shills?

i think "shill" is the new "reddit." its a blanket term for something you dont like. Sad.

Do you ever feel like 2 year ago you didn't give a shit about any of this shareblue cuck shit and now someone made you anxious and angry about it all the time?

Really not a shill. Live in spokane washington and we are all fucked if we dont stop the globalists.

Who did I directly call a shill?

>its a blanket term for something you dont like
Kind of like "Nazi" and "Hitler", huh? Really captivates those cashews.

Some autists paid by David Brock are at it again. ShareBlue or ShariahBlue or something

i would imagine either its become so obvious how incompetent he and his team are.

a realisation that trump would likely at some point try to curb net freedoms.

or else just an identification that trump fans are the most sensitive fans there are.... the whole trump movement was basically "stop calling me dumb you guys" 2016

its not an agenda, its just low standards of journalism based on sensationalism aimed at stupid people.

very rarely do the mainstream media give the whole story on anything , for anyone

how do you deal with the cognitive dissonance of supporting the most beligerent israeli dicksucker in modern history?

I wish I could get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums all day :(

it turns out he was just (((their))) another stunt, and i'm not hyping for another bush or whatever

Russian shills are getting BTFO

Former Trump supporter, I love shilling now.

We don't. This board is being targeted by David Brock shills. Resist the lies.

We knew what we were buying when we voted for him. He likes kikes, it's his biggest drawback. Was there another choice? Shills trying to drive a wedge using our own views is laughable.