Should disabled people be humanly euthanized?


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They should be offered the option. Everyone should, really

>that fucking THING leading them
no way man, she's LITERALLY worthless. all she's capable of is eating and shitting, WTF

In my opinion what ever it's worth, only those mentally retarded should be aborted and thrown into a grinder. Op I'm sure you remember last year a female Doctor broke under the stress of looking after a vegetable and tried a murder suicide thing. Thankfully the justice system itself a mental retard didn't charge her with anything and let her off. There should be an unwritten rule about that mental strain it takes to look after an elderly person or retard.


>They should be offered the option. Everyone should, really

If a fetus is detected as being disabled, autistic, or otherwise ill with a disease that will seriously affect its quality of life, it should be aborted, if not for societies sake, then for the sake of the fetus.

Once they're an adult, though, they have rights. Give them the option, if they want it, let them take it. If they don't, leave em alone.

yes, both the physically and mentally disabled should be culled at birth

The value of our society is based on how we treat our most vulnerable.

What kind of society do you want to live in?

If we can euthanize someone days before they leave the womb then I don't see why not

Yeah, she can't dig a ditch. Guess she'll have to settle for being a computer programmer.

>What kind of society do you want to live in?

The problem for Americans is the society they're already living in. We're an extremely cruel, callous, close-minded people.

They don't bother me in principle and deserve dignity but God damn if I was in their position I'd be praying for a comfy gas chamber to put me out of my misery every day. Ironic how respecting the dignity of life at all costs intrinsically cheapens it at the same time.

As long as they can't reproduce (either through use of force or just by the nature of their illness) then if seems like a waste of money and time to kill so many

>If a fetus is detected as being disabled, autistic, or otherwise ill with a disease that will seriously affect its quality of life, it should be aborted, if not for societies sake, then for the sake of the fetus.

This, I developed RA thanks to my parents' shitty genes and I fucking hate them for it. If disease runs in your family and you still have kids you're a selfish piece of shit.

no, but they shouldnt be allowed to have children though if its inheritable. plus there are groups people a lot more deserving of being euthanised


Only if it includes annoying as shit autists. If you're an okay autist it's cool, but fucking holy hell there are too many annoying autistic fuckers in this world. Get rid of them lol.

Yes, starting with me.

One that doesn't sacrifice the wellbeing of hundreds of healthy to support a cripple who will statistically never produce for society.

>What kind of society do you want to live in?


Yes, we should start with the irish.

it gets better, user

Aktion T4 is a controversial issue in our family.
For one, you can't deny that the Nazis did in fact euthanize tens of thousands of disabled people for a few years, before changing policy after realizing how unpopular it was.
My mother's family were German migrants who grew up in communities looking after, and living with, disabled people, following the war. I didn't grow up in those communities, but I have visited many times, and have worked and lived in them briefly.
The truth is, you really do begin to see the humanity and value of individuals when you work and live alongside them on a daily basis. Those communities are based on a far saner approach that really does take "from each according to their ability" seriously. You have illiterate spackers who can't talk cause they're always biting their tongue and dribbling, but who can stay focused enough to intricately engrave crystal glasses. You wouldn't believe it was possible.
The dehumanizing attitude of reducing everyone to their economic value is symptomatic of progressive economics, and a society lacking spiritual and religious insight.
Alas, fascism and national socialism are no less progressive in this respect than capitalism, communism or any other strains of socialism or liberalism or the myriad of amoral ideas that came about as a consequence of the industrial revolution.
Judge people solely by their economic value? Then don't complain when you can't afford to live because you can't find work, because it's been outsourced or automated.
Disabled people offer a brilliant opportunity to both develop kindness, and recognize kindness in others. You should always remain aware of the fact that you could have been like them, and what's more, a stroke or hemorrhage could still leave you disabled yet.

Having said that, I agree with this sentiment.
>Give them the option, if they want it, let them take it. If they don't, leave em alone.

If you are born as a cripple then definitely and people who become cripple later in their lives should be given an option

I think it should be an option in severe cases. I also think they should be prevented from breeding and polluting the genetic pool.

yes, first and foremost drumpfkins

Just humanely chemically castrate them. Problem solved.

Can someone ethically euthanize me? Please I'll do anything.

Fuck off with your poo opinion, pajeet.

t. merkel

The following should be killed

>IQ less than 90
>the obese
>people who are passing incurable genetic defects to there children (diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy etc)
>people with black hair - this covers Africans, Asians, South Americans and Middle Easterners.

Anything I'm forgetting Sup Forums?

>I also think they should be prevented from breeding and polluting the genetic pool.
Well yeah that much is commonsense.
The highly functioning can be kept alive. They might teach us or someone insight into humility, perhaps give us motivation. The ones who drool, shit and do nothing but waste time- off to the chopping block.

Yeah, common sense but I've seen news reports of downs syndrome sufferers having babies and being praised for their bravery and how wonderful it is.

No, that's going to far. Just range ban canadian IPs.

liberals spoil everything. They don't even see the humanity in disabled people. They see a list of minority status' they can virtue signal about.

there was a news report a few months back here where people were upset about this test for it because they didnt want a world with out downs syndrome.

Wow easy their you might cut yourself on that edge

Sterilisation would be more humane; although it does not address the issue that they can be a drain government resources.

As if DS is some great gift...liberalism is literally a death cult of cultural and racial genocide.

fuck yeah. they are useless

>One that doesn't sacrifice the wellbeing of hundreds of healthy to support a cripple who will statistically never produce for society.



Quintessentially Swedish, like a midsummer's eve with fisting.

I'm pretty sure this just violated my NAP


>(translation) "We will march. Today the war starts. We will shed blood, sweat and flesh. But we do this for the cause of our people. We will kill all non disabled. From now on, the world will be ours. The world will be retarded!"

Should OP be human(e)ly euthanized?

We would all seem frail and stupid to our wild ancestors.

>you will never balance a quadruple amputee on your dick while walking around the house doing chores.

Don't pretend that you're helping the fetus by aborting it, you're just being a selfish prick.

No, but aborted ASAP. anyway, crispr will make this a thing from the past.

They should be aborted

>The value of our society is based on how we treat our most vulnerable.
Christcucks, not even once

One in which we don't force children into the world if there is a damn good chance they're going to be miserable throughout their life. Don't force your fucking morality on others when you're the one who doesn't have to suffer the consequences.

t. autist

All people should be euthanised.
Glory to the grays.