Where do you stand politically? Where does your parents stand?

Where do you stand politically? Where does your parents stand?

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Whats going on in this image

Conservative on issues like immigration, etc. And mostly libertarian on social issues
My parents where both members of Senterpartiet (the agricultural party in Norway)

I hope you didn't forget to sage for such a shit thread.

Anyway, the parents were heroin addicts and had an overdose.

Kid was found like a shitload of hours later next to his parent's corpses.

2 Parents Overdosed on Heroin while the Child was in the car, because they got their money that day and gave them self the golden shot ...


Ah. Depressing.

they chewed 5 gum

I was slightly wrong actually

the quick rundown:
>car was swerving (running)
>police pull over
>Grandmother and boyfriend literally passed out from heroin overdose
>lucky not to die in car crash and just swerved off road.
>inject grandmother and BF with anti-toxine for Heroin (Heroin is LITERALLY a poison it seems).
>Apparently there's been a Heroin epidemic with a shitload of deaths.
>police can't stand this shit anymore, there's a kid in the mix.
>before they cart them over to the hospital (they lived), they take the picture and spread it for awareness.

Dad is Right-Wing, Mother is centrist but still redpilled above average women of her age

Me: Conservative Libertarian

>before they cart them over to the hospital
and there's the fuck up
Just let the idiots die

Sad pic but the kid is probably much better off now, in a way it's a good thing they overdosed

Its like literally voting for AP

It's NARCAM I think. Flushes the opiate effects of heroine out of your system pretty quickly. Just the high feeling, you still have poison in your veins.

monarchy or ultra nationalist. normies.

By definition everything is a poison, but by human standards the more ootent drugs (not caffeine) are what we consider to be poison since they have negative effects on your vital functions.

Right-leaning libertarian, but honestly idk where exactly I stand, my views are an unusual mix.
Father is full-blown conservative.
Mother is left-leaning centrist.

>parents: conservative Catholic
>me: conservative Catholic after years of being a liberal faggot
Too bad my brother never grew out of his liberal faggot phase

Conservative and trasisionalism is pretty much what I like.
Keep and preserve our culture and deport non whites.
Parents are pretty Liberal.

mom soc-dem, dad Bernie Dem
me: right-wing libertarian, minarchist

My parents are Midwest democrats. A Midwest democrats are pretty much republicans except they like Unions.

I'm a libertarian sliding towards fascism. Every time I see a rich 20 year old purple haired dyke tell me I only have what I have because of white privilege I want Hitler to come back.

Storm front reporting for duty.

My family? Dead weight..... collateral damage. They are a lost cause user. Grab weapon and start cleaning

Sverige demokraterna


That's what I like to hear. Lean a little more friend

They died in the year 1999 because of a car accident, 6 years before the union with ap

I'm EthnoNatCap

Dad's right leaning, Loves O'Reilly/Tucker/Hannity but isn't a cuckservative. Mom voted for Aleppoman and generally leans left.

Parents are right-wing conservatives in the US.
I'm right-wing progressive.

Something tells me that "car accident" might have not been an accident

Poor kiddo :(

Ethnic Communitarian Hoppe Libertartian

Me - centrist minarchist on lower level, but believe in need for state to shape society for betterment, unironically not racist

Mother - old school center-left, pretty racist

Father - edgy pseudo-conservative, very racist

Unsuprisingly they had divorce when I was 4.