Sup Forums thinks white pride is good

>Sup Forums thinks white pride is good

What is the logic? I'm white and I'm not particularly a politically correct person. But I don't see how we've been a good force. Slavery, colonisation which itself came with mass rape & murder, industrialisation enslaving modern man into the capitalist system to which we're all enslaved.

Not to mention destroying nature & animals everywhere we go whether land or sea.

Don't draw the wrong conclusions... I'm not an 'apologist' cuck or a liberal nor do I hate myself, but I just think you're a deluded pretentious cunt if you think our race is something to be proud of. We're disgusting awful creatures.

Pic related from today's news. Clearly monsters come from all walks of life and there's nothing more civilised about us whites other than the concrete jungles we've filled our continents with.

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White people are fucking nuts just as cazy as the mudslimes

Instead of listening to what middle aged women tell you in school about colonization how about you listen to what actual African presidents have to say on the matter such as pic related.

Yes we participated in slavery, but we also ended it where as it continues to this day in many parts of the world.

Capitalism has probably been the greatest force of good in human history. There is a reason why we were crawling in the dirty for thousands of years and then suddenly in one generation went from the horse and buggy to the moon. By the way, things like vacations and weekends? Not really a thing under the feudal system. Human history has mostly been filled with food shortages and working until your death. Being able to shitpost on Sup Forums in your free time is a real luxury.

Capitalism is fucking disgusting mate and has nothing to do with progress, science, or invention, and has everything to do with greed.

We could easily have all of those things you're talking about with socialism or even national socialism. You're just too brainwashed with dogma & the Sup Forums circlejerk to see any other viewpoint.


I don't see any examples of Socialism working. You know Venezuelans are leaving their country and now hunting cats and dogs in the street for food. If you want to bring national socialism into it than you should really look into night of the long knives. It was very clear Hitler spoke about socialism to gain popularity and a grass roots movement, but he killed those in his party who pushed him to nationalize the businesses and called him out for being too capitalist.

It is beyond me that anyone thinks a small panel of men on a central planning committee could come up with an accurate price value for every single item in every single store in every single part of the country in real time.



>Capitalism is fucking disgusting mate

Really so demand don't drive innovation? That's a capitalist ideal.
The socialists would say:
>birds eat crops therefore kill all birds
Real world effect
>insect infestations destroys crops to famine.
>lie to government about crop harvest volume so you don't get shot.
>eat children instead

Relcome to china cultural revolution! Tell me again what's so good about communism?
>pic related

Kill yourself. You won't find anyone here saying this disgusting fuck 'dindu nuffin' or advocating his release, I'd happily kill him myself.
It's actually kind of funny, all other races do this shit at a highly disproportionate rate but here you are on a neo nazi headshaving support forum making threads about the .00001% of white people that are niggers. That's about all, peace out.

Can't tell if you're memeing or actually retarded

Every bell has a curve. There are shit tier whites everywhere but niggers are average shit tier whites.

A Homosexual turned out to be a pedo. Wow, what a surprise.

Ah "Bentley," the prototypical white trash baby name rivaled only by Kayden or Jayden. Women are fucking retarded.

>purchases new luxury car
>forgets to buy insurance
>car is vandalized by a white trash pedo
>mfw the car was actually my son

t. suburban mother

we created something that the world has never seen before, modern society

you could probably argue that modern society has been harmful to both nature and humanity as a whole (some of the most destructive wars in history)
and you would be rigth

but it has also created a great wealth of knowledge and understanding about the entire physical world and the laws that govern it
ofc this understanding is built upon thousands of years of human history

and the further we evolve in our knowledge the faster we learn, since it increases exponentially.
and soon we will reach a point where our understanding and knowledge will reach a singularity

when this happens humanity will stand at a cross roads, if we still cling to white pride, black pride and what ever fucking pride we may have shit wont end well

humanity must stand as a whole
as one

if we still hate one and other we will destroy our selves

I like your premise of coming together as a whole. Too bad that if only one race adopts that principle while the other races don't...the results end up being the way white people get treated in Malmö.

>capitalism has nothing to do with progress, science or invention
>just greed
>implying greed doesn't motivate people to innovate, invent, and improve products and science in pursuit of profit

Humans are greedy. Capitalism forces that greed to be put to use in such a way that other people want your service or product. The alternative is a concentration of greed in whoever controls the economy.

We don't even have proper capitalism, we have crony capitalism disrupted by government intervention. A proper free market rewards progress and innovation and does not favor government interests. Your lovely socialism does the latter.

Indeed, the problem is the rest of the world didn't have the same intellectual evolution we did, they evolved on different paths and thus their natural capacity is different and therefore culture changes. Biology is the root and culture the flower. People often deny this and keep wondering why there is such disparity in societies.

don't respond to bait morons

You guys are probably just so deep into the virtue signalling/ circlejerk that is Sup Forums that any other view is retarded in your opinion. Which is fine, I was like that until a few months ago. Capitalism & globalism are the ultimate in degeneracy and it's a complete and utter fallacy that capitalism is required for progress or civilisation.

>If someone posts an opinion that isn't popular on Sup Forums it must be bait
neck yourself

Shill thread sage


Pick one faggot.

White People > black people who act white > black people> wiggers

Wiggers are the lowest of lows.

I liken the 'come together as a human species' concept to that of a military pacifist. It's a beautiful thought, but the pacifist who implements that ideology in his own country and dismantles his military better hope the whole world does too.

Because one guy is a piece of shit lets throw away our entire culture and heritage.

Great idea retard

What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
hang this faggot