Reddit just released a new social experiment which requires redditers to draw shit using pixels on a canvas

Reddit just released a new social experiment which requires redditers to draw shit using pixels on a canvas.

This is certainty a great opportunity for Sup Forums to redpill the masses.... raid NOW.

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can you read?


Swastika time.

>no swastikas drawn anywhere

This sucks


Do you need an account to doodle?

Yeah we need to spam swastikas everywhere and pepes this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.

pic of shaved pubes or GTFO

I'm drawing a swastika

Everybody draw a swastika in the top right corner, it's already red.

Everyone needs to band together in this effort. Draw swastikas.

>no leddit account
>can't draw

Swastika time

I dunno corners seem to be high traffic. Need coordinated effort to overwhelm normies.

Just make one, you don't even need to confirm an email address.

where are we going to make the swastika? we need to work together

Coordinates are 40,599

come on guys get in here


is everyone doing this?

top right is doing a good job staying red for the most part. May be a good place to strike


k, will place as often as possible

man they have tons of people policing the rainbow line

Got it

dickbutt guis xDDD

Nah they have corner team memes and top right has too many nomries keeping it red. Would need enough pollacks to overwhelm

why is it already fucked up

it's so small and barely alligned properly

normies fucking up the swastika


you fucking fags cant even do a swastika right

Sup Forums to retarded to draw a simple swastika

pissed me off as well

y'all niggas draw some janky ass swastikas. Normies are already fucking it up by painting it white again

Plebbit fags ruining it

Jesus fucking christ. You faggots cant even do it. I should have just done it myself

What the shit is this

do you guys not know what a swastika looks like?

this probably

so it's drawball for faggots

wow so innovative

>Hey rabbi, whatcha doing?

I like where this is going

>can't draw without a reddit account
Fucking kill yourself

Someone put 1488


>Sup Forums drawing a swastika
>pic related

hail hortler

i haven't a reddit account, but I would like to request you fucks write "niggers tongue my anus" somewhere

place blocks in (789,287)

Reddit is ruining it.


LOCATION: 506, 836


i see a couple of upcoming posibilities, but the plebbits have ruined this one

Fuck it, guess I'll keep working on dickbutt's multiple dicks

writing words isnt going to work because its too easy to mess it up

Why so gay canada?

you guys have got to think bigger, these things are small AF, just get everyone to make 1 big one

Keep doing it

hurr durr


GUYS: 941, 231 GO GO GO

>So called home page of discussion and knowledge

in theory, could we just inspect element and remove the timer/lock?

there aren't enough of us compared to the amount of people who see a swastika and then try to erase it

do him

Be sneaky about it make part of the window logo then make the swastika and put 1488 at the end

Autists can't handle a simple swaztica... send in the assburgers!

>american education

would you just delete the "place_swatch"

is there an alternative symbol that wont be so obvious that it gets erased instantly?

its on server, it doesnt work like that at all

Needs to be bigger than one block thick, too easy to vandalize


its not 2007 anymore lol

star of david

blueprint for the autistic and visually impaired

From the middle go slightly down and left. T_D is doing BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST. Its working so far

Working on a "Praise Kek" at 220, 980, right below the ruined swastika.

why dont we just do this except wtih black?

941, 231

>what are corridenents

Fuck of straya shill

just give the row and column numbers

So it's goggles?


(956, 468) GIVE HIM A BONER

it's the reddit people messing it up, not us probably

113,619. Bill clinton is a rapist

>that fucking charmander dick

alright fags, 395, 886

start a green dot for the base of the swastika

fairly open space and it's a place where people wouldn't really go


lets black/gray this out

deus vult everyone

this isnt going to be good unless we wipe fucking everything off and piss people off, stop trying to make swastikas guys, blanketing the entire thing is MUCH more funny

This is a newer level of autism


alright let's do this

We need a lot of people to do that though, or a lot of accounts


this. don't make swastikas, disrupt faggot flags and hammer/sickles.

the admins will edit away swastikas anyway

Make a ton of new reddit accounts so you don't have to wait 5 mins per pixel

I guess breaking is easier than creating. We just have to all do the same thing. Bloc voting and all that.