Welcome to the future


fagifornia you needs to fall into the ocean

Can Muslims skip this class?

>why are you pulling down your pants?

For what it's worth, they're not teaching in elementary school...

homosexuality is a mental disorder

Checked and keked

Sauß pls


Could be worse desu

First thing we would have to so is show where someone that was LGBTQ's ''''civil'''' rights were actually violated

This was exactly my thought, very curious how they will weasel out of it.

If I had a kid I'd tell them to do that then come to the school dressed for the part with outrage to match.

If US High school are like Canada, those course probably are optional only.

Only thing that is mandatory in my school was
Math, 2 Credit of English or 1 Credit of English + 1 Credit of Science, and Math.
Plus 30 credits total.

If They push to make LGBT mandatory, then this is different story

In Australia (specifically Victoria, the poof state) we have a program called safe schools where they get gay and trans kids and teach them how to be even more gay and trans. Whether through role play scenarios or teaching them about how to have sex ecT. Atleast the Australian program isn't being taught to every kid... a very small win.



You mean GAY civil rights.

GAY WHITE MALES did all the heavy lifting.

Start with how gays are often traumatised child abuse victims, and move onto how autism causes gender dysphoria.


oh christ

I miss u Osama

Please bomb us.

Now kids are going to treat it like another boring subject
