Worth Reading?

Red pill me on Atlas Shrugged. Is it worth the time?

If you're a shitty person, you'll enjoy it. If you're a good person, you'll put it down about a third of the way through.

Maybe if you are a jew

Ayn rand teaches that Selfishness can be a Virtue.

You need to work on not being so Polarized.

What sort of conservatism does it espouse?

>Ayn Rand teaches
I've been taught by women all my life. None of them had anything worthwhile to teach apart from that which was out of a textbook.

It's a classic

She grew up under communism so she understands them by firsthand experience.

It's worth reading.
If you're interested in politics, you should read it to see what everyone is talking about.
Read it. Form your own opinions.

Atlas Shrugged is basically a novel about the 2016 US Presidential Election written 60 years earlier by a angry, chain smoking harpy.

It's unbelievable how spot on she is about looters (democrats) who produce nothing, clog up creativity and business for the sake of moral values they don't even really care about.

>Oh no don't make money it's evil
>You need to change your business to make less money because people who won't even buy your product are offended by it
>People who make money are evil

This is pretty much right. It's an ugly worldview.

There are only 3 or 4 women novelists worth reading and she's not one of them.

>listening to the teachings of a jew

Judaic lolbertarianism

Who are the ones worth reading?

regardless of political persuasion, it's 1,000 pages of really shitty writing

I found the plot to be engrossing and many of the characters are fascinating. She often uses her characters as a mouthpiece for her philosophy, which isn't as obnoxious as it may seem. I first read it when I was 17 and was immediately taken in by her romanticism. It was a sharp contrast to what I had experienced in my education up to that point. I still agree with most of her philosophy and try to apply its better principles to most of my life.

As for her writing, she's exceptionally charismatic. Read at your own risk and to your own benefit.

It's worth reading the first 1/3 or so, you will probably be bored but have gotten the main points.

Basically it kind of revolves around the same theme, and it's a great theme, but it's too long.

Start reading it definitely, but don't feel bad when you feel you have gotten all you can out of it.

The biggest redpill should be how intensely and autistically leftists screech about it. When there is a single book that can cause every leftist in the world to scream and rage, you should know what's in that book, to understand those leftists and what they hate so intensely.

The Leaf speaks truth!

Google objectivism.

Just read "The Virtue Of Selfishness" instead. It's about her philosophy without the veil of a 1,200 page book.

The book is bleh. The bootlickers here may tell you otherwise but it is not really good literature.

The Fountainhead is pretty amazing though

I'm more interested in reading it as literature rather than philosophy.

then it's completely pointless



Its about 500 or so pages too long. Galt's screed could've been the entire book alone.

I liked it and usually read books I enjoy at least twice, but I couldn't with this one.

>It's an ugly worldview

Says an individual that is on Sup Forums

No. Read Chapter 2 for the prose, and then just skip to John Galt's speech. The rest is utterly pointless.

It's essentially a philosophical treatise masked as a novel to get people who can't be bothered to read a 15 page non-fiction paper to understand her philosophy

Sylvia Plath
Emily Brontë
Madeline Le'engle

found the jew

Best book I've ever read.

Speaks to the heart of what it means to be a free human being, realistic sacrifices, and the ability to nurture an unyielding spirit in the face of a horde of sell-out degenerates content with mediocrity.

Don't take the book as a work of philosophy, or you'll subject it to overwhelming scrutiny. Instead, appreciate the development of characters, the plot, challenges, and intrigue.

You'll hate it, or love it.

>inb4 hurr durrr stewpeed

Ivy grad, pulling 6 figures.

"Literally garbage. Her book is nothing but The Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous: 1930s Railroad Tycoon Edition with the same endless talking that never amounts to anything just like every other female writer. Even the big reveal of John Galt was just a long diatribe on how the poor are just trash that drag those of higher class down. Literally a stuck up bitch who thinks the ability to afford a glamourous life is equivalent to being a deity taking 900+ pages of talking to come to the conclusion that inheriting daddy's money means you can do whatever you want."

>Emily Brontë
Charlotte is worth reading as well

no. it's absolute shit writing that makes the star Wars prequels look like Shakespeare by comparison, and her Mary Sue is only slightly more obnoxious than Brian Griffin/Seth MacFarlane

>I manipulate things to earn economic units
>this makes me an ethical person
hows that sub-genius iq with a large dose of reptilianism treating you pal

I found it to be an interesting perspective.
worth observing definitely not
worth idolizing the way some do

Much better than someone who doesn't even have the most basic understanding of their own country's language.

I like some of her ideas, but honestly the book sucks. Her self-insert character is annoying, and so is her dream husbando. Worst of all is the fucking trains. So much talk about trains. What type of steel will they use? How far will it go? Will the government let them build it?

Yeah, trains were cool 100 years ago. I don't give a fuck about them anymore. If you want an anti-communism book, read Animal Farm, or if you want to stick with Rand, read Anthem.

Daily reminder that Ayn Rand died living on welfare in public housing.

Not really. It reads like a phone book. pol is like the cliffs notes

>don't feel guilty about ambition
>poor people are lazy
>the rabble will always try to pull the ambitious down

Yes, read it

Female writers worth reading?

Jane Austin
Elizabeth Anscombe

i really can't think of many others

Not an argument. Nothing in your post contradicts anything in mine. Checkmate kid

Your post: "It's a good book because it validates what I do"
My post "Yeah sure but I disagree with what you do"

no issues of language there

Maybe if I write like this with full stops and such I will be perceived as your equal, my good sir. *Tips. Shekels.*

: )