/Jordan B Peterson General/

"The capacity to abstract has not come without price, however. The incautious, imaginative (and
resentful) can easily use their gift of socially-constructed intelligence to undermine moral principles that
took eons to generate and that have valid but invisible reasons for their presence. Such “invisible”
principles can be subjected to facile criticism, by the historically ignorant, once they take imagistic, written
or spoken form. The consequence of this “criticism” is the undermining of necessary faith, and the
consequence dissolution of interpersonal predictability, dysregulation of emotion, and generation of
anomie, aggression and ideological gullibility (as the naked psyche strives to clothe itself, once again)" (MoM pg 201)

>Commies get BTFO (long version)

>Commies get BTFO (short version)

>Dr. Peterson on Joe Rogan Experience

Other urls found in this thread:


If you haven't already, make sure you drop a dislike on this video. They totally took what he said out of context.


Sam Harris has eternally BTFO the puesdo intellectual hack Jordan "religious Christian fundie nutbag" petershit

See the patreon ama for juicy diet tips, and other insider scoops! Hear now, for the first time, the Peterson child rearing program.

Just gave it a thumbs up. NYPA


Atheism is just another trashy religion for them, it's a cult.

Stay trigger Petershit


He's nwaht gonna say it

Anyone read his book? Any good?

Just finished it today. I'd highly recommend it


Does he have anything on addiction or alcoholism? I guess porn too while we're at it.

How has Jordan Peterson's hairline recovered so well over the years?

This was clearly 15 years ago and he has some serious frontal balding occuring, he's clearly regrown or had transplants in the later pics.

The wisdom of are ancestors should not be taken lightly. Thay have kept all cultures together 4 generation after generation. Change should only take place if there is a need and after careful consideration

Listen to the ama patreon video. He answers many questions on practical issues like this. It's necessarily superficial, I found it interesting though.

He's lost 40 lbs in the last year. Paleo diet. Same vid as above.

I'd consider myself fairly knowledgeable of his positions, but I don't know exactly which of his videos would directly pertain to those issues, so take my intepretation with a lil grain of salt. regarding alcoholism, I've heard him talk about the need to ween yourself off with valium or something similar to survive the physical withdrawal. After that (takes about 2 weeks) re-structure your hobbies and social circle. Your drunk friends will pull you back in and being in locations where you tend to drink will tempt you. Throw yourself into whatever work/education you have going for you (or start) and focus on useful hobbies that you can put into a regimented routine (exercise, learning languages, practicing instruments, charity work, etc) it's difficult, but if you can find the will to follow through with this advice you'll succeed.

He's offhandedly said religious conversion to Christianity has a surprisingly high success rate at curing alcoholism.

That does seem to be true 12 step probably helps that fact

Wow, these threads are total fucking failures unless people are fighting.

Don't worry, I'm not sticking around. Seems like no one actually ever liked this LEAF and it was just shills circle jerking for him.

Shilling will now intensify.

Man I'm sure tired.

I guess I'm gonna hit the hay now, good night everyone.

Reminder peterson promotes the orthodox heresy and for that he must repent

Now that the village idiot shut up, can someone help me find more on Peterson?

I'd like to see more on him if possible especially if there are videos that he speaks less about archetypes and historical fiction since I've seen a lot on those, and more about his darwinism.

he talked aboutp orn on his reddit ama

>How has Jordan Peterson's hairline recovered so well over the years?

He had Alopecia brought on by a reaction to his diet. Dude mostly follows Paleo and it's clearing up.


>not sorting yourhair out

>Does he have anything on addiction or alcoholism? I guess porn too while we're at it.

He said something along the lines that additions are "one eyed personalities" that have a single driving motivation. You can build up new circuits in attempt to overpower the addiction circuit, but any time one of your old drinking buddies gives you a call, or you see that bar you used to drink in that old circuit will switch on.


Simply a matter of cleaning your (mental) room.

That's only true for the people who take to the religious approach, which he also said. Finding faith doesn't work for everyone, but it works extremely well when it does.

Is he sick? Any idea with what? He looks so pale these days.

>tfw alopecia is ruining my otherwise amazing hair
Doctor said it's probably stress. I'm hoping sorting things out can reduce that stress.

This is what I need. Do you know where I can find this?

I like Jordan but he does not convincingly explain why value/moral attributes of truth are necessary. Useful? Ok. But not necessary. I think Sam Harris is reductionist epistemoligcally and myopic in his treatment of ethics, but he rightfully criticizes Jordan setting seemingly arbitrary standards for truth having a Nietzschean criterion of "serving life" and then shoe-horning religious mythology into these defintions as paragon-like examples.


>he does not convincingly explain why value/moral attributes of truth are necessary

you truly are a fucking leaf

You truly are a fucking hamburger

My criticism of Jordan is that he shoe horns cuckanity and pretends that Jewish death cult is the only acceptable form of spirituality. Harris called him out on this in their second podcast together to which Jordan gave a poor reply. Peterson has only been capable of loosely stringing together a bunch of nonsense in a vain attempt of getting something holistic out of his ramblings. I find it hilarious that Jordan tells other people to sort themselves out when he's the most far gone in any given room.

Truth/Value/Moral is necessary because of the meaning crisis.
Once niihilism sets in "Nothing Matters" and that's a logical straight road to suicide. But because the person has to cope somehow to this existentialist dread they latch onto things like marxism to fill their gaping hole in their identity. Marxism in turn is an ideology that kills and sees violence as an alternative to dialogue.

They are necessary to avoid death. As in the OP, pursuit of truth and moral values is the only true alternative to the "dissolution of interpersonal predictability, dysregulation of emotion, and generation of
anomie, aggression and ideological gullibility"

>My criticism of Jordan is that he shoe horns cuckanity and pretends that Jewish death cult is the only acceptable form of spirituality.

Where does he say this?

Here's a part of the puzzle, and it's not Jordan Peterson (it's about the fear of death - 4 mins):


>pretends that Jewish death cult is the only acceptable form of spirituality

yea, that's not at all what he said. I listened to the podcast this morning. He essentially believes that the best parts of all religions are poking at the moralistic "truth" of human existence. Not fucking once does he say that Christianity is the only religion that exemplifies this.


>Christianity bad
>Atheism good

Yeah, I don't recall him ever saying that Christianity had a monopoly on Truth; you're putting words into his mouth. He speaks about what he knows, so that's the framework he's gonna work with. Just because he finds biblical mythology useful in illustrating his points, it doesn't mean that they inherently invalidate it. He could alternatively inject Batman stories but those are less universally understood and harder to relate to.

Jeez, the minute anyone mentions anything related to Christianity or any religion other than Buddhism, you people go apeshit. Grow up already and stop being so irrationally angry.

I've passed him along to a few people who have all seemed to find what he says useful, so meh

I think they're necessary to him because he wants to push how myths and religions are 'true' in this new sense.

Imo it goes like this: true, concrete facts (the Sam Harris kind) are by-and-large useful to your life and humanity. But once you start abstracting it's harder to determine whether something is 'true' in the literal Sam Harris sense. ("Are democrats good for the country"? Just an example obviously.) So what if we take that coincidental aspect and make that the definition? Now we've got another way to determine whether something is true. And what's more important, whether some factlet is true or all of humanity dies? So it's an attempt to re-base "truth" in something more meaningful than, "here's a series of operations that can give you an answer as to truth."

I gather that Nietzsche did this as well, it's not an innovation by Jordan.

.. oh yeah, and this expanded, slightly-bent Jordan-truth opens the way for myths and religion, which are useful to humanity (presumably) to be Jordan-true, and thus raise their status and worthiness of study.

I wish I was better with words so I could explain why I think he favors Christianity. Basically, it has a lot in common with other religions, it's been a major part of the most sucessful societies (the West), and it's the one that would be most familiar to him. Not saying yours isn't a valid criticism, but that it isn't a huge deal in my opinion.

I'm probably biased though because I've been thinking lately that religions are worth keeping around for the lessons and insight into human behavior they contain. God might not be real, but more people "doing unto others" would likely make the world less hellish

I think it's because he grew up a Christian and he's most familiar with it. If he were Hindu he'd be talking about those gods and stories I don't doubt.

Surely his lectures have added material. I'll wait for a 2nd edition.

It took three hours of writing every day for 15 years. It probably has changed a bit, but he says the book is way over edited as it is.

he even admits this

Because Western Civilization wasn't built in a vacuum. Our moral underpinnings didn't come from Taoism, Hinduism, Shinto, etc., it came from Christianity. It acts as a reference point for our culture even after the West secularized.

Well said.

>Jordan Peterson likes Eminem's 'Rap God'

.. which gives extra weight to his response to the last question of his recent reddit ama - something about the most important thing that Nietzsche (fucking germans) said - something to the effect of, that without belief in God there can be no Western values.

The alt-right(*) (and yes, the non-Sup Forums one) is actively rummaging the idea now, of de-emphasizing Christianity, but doesn't know what to replace it with. No-one can really get behind pagan larping.

(*) 'k one or two thought leaders.

... if you buy that Marxism is filling the hole that Christianity left, what do? What to fill the hole with? Straddling between Marxism and Nazism, 'focusing on the individual' - well that seems hard, and unstable. And what satisfies the need to be 'part of something' or to have a goal, an ultimate meaning?

'course no-one knows, I'm sure Jordan's answer is tentative.

Loom up his maps of meaning lectures. He mentioned it in the third of fourth video, but he didn't get into much detail.

Same thing happened to China, culminating in their "Cultural Revolution". Nothing filled the void but pointless death and suffering. Nietzsche's hypothesis on the social rejection of their moral systems is universal.

In the West for these kinds of people, Christianity has been a monolith waiting to be deconstructed and for history to be revised; like some 2000-year-old Nazi that need to get punched. How could this void be filled? It can't. Whether people like it or not, it's apart of our history and has shaped our culture.

Have some shitty OC

He said he was 6'1 in his recent Q&A. How did you get his IQ?

Bump for based card game

I made it up.

Tom Waits confirmed patrician by Peterson in his Q&A

>mfw i started listening to Waits like three months ago and thought he was awesome


Ancestor veneration imo is what will get us there. Cultivates strong family and ethnic bonds. Eternal life shifts from a story of heaven to a promise that your worldly deeds--no matter how "ordinary" such as being a good person and supporting and loving your family--will be eternally celebrated by your progeny (i.e. your perpetually existing ethno-nation.) The goal of preserving the nation eternally gives society purpose. The "faith" is one that holds up under scrutiny because the narrative is real, unlike Christian mythology.


why would anyone listen to what a Christian has to say about ANYTHING?

Peterson sure has had a profound influence on my life at my point, more than most teachers I've had, and I'll never meet him, and he'll never know who I am, it's a strange thing.

That's a pretty shit criticism because you completely misrepresent his position, it's not even close to accurate. He is Christian centric, but frequently mentions buddhism and the egyptian gods as well. He even mentioned Jesus as a character was inspired by Horus, a point I've only ever heard a non-christian make until now. You're just completely wrong, so wrong I would suggest not even trying to comment on him until you actually know what he's about.

Sam Harris remains the most effective critic I've heard of Peterson regardless. He narrowed in on the flaws in Peterson argument like a laser.


Anyone here like Campbell?


porn is bad and makes you weak.

addiction build its own personality in your mind and the only way to overcome it is to build a stronger personality that can shut it down when it activates. so its a constant struggle, like building muscle or something i guess. but the thing is the addiction personality has been "working out" for MUCH LONGER so you have to be extremely diligent in order to catch up to and surpass it.

he also points out that your addiction personality doesn't necessarily only activate with the thing you are addicted to. it often activates with accompanying, associated phenomenon that might on the surface seem unrelated. so for a simple example if you always smoke during lunch, having lunch can trigger a craving. however for a long struggling addict, someone who has wanted to quit for a long time, things like thinking "i should quit smoking" or "this is the last one" can actually activate the addiction personality because you have accompanied the addictive behavior with such thoughts for a long time. INEFFECTIVE STRUGGLE STRENGTHENS THE ADDICTION.

I recently started working again, negotiated a higher salary, still am not satisfied and am looking to leap into an even better job.

Peterson got me to reorient myself, and I feel this motivation every day, to do something every day to push me towards my goal, and more than that, to continually improve because I know I've dug myself into a hole and to get what I want I'm going to have to work very hard. I'm going between pangs of happiness as I improve, and crushing weight as I realise how far I have to go, but I'm getting out of fucking bed and improving anyways.

I'm reading now. I'm leaving the house. I'm healthier. I'm cleaner. I'm in a fraction of the emotional and physical pain. I'm not sitting idle nearly as much. I've been exposed to a whole new world of knowledge, not just from petersons stream, but the people that influenced him, and I'm drinking from the well with both hands. It's really amazing how much things are getting better after me being stuck in idleness, in statis, for literally years. I quit pot awhile ago now, I don't see a relapse even being possible, it seems unthinkable to me. I see a relapse into my old habits as impossible now, but there is still this nagging fear.

The thing is, no matter how hard things are, Peterson has convinced me not going for what I want will be harder, so I keep confronting hard things, and doing hard things, and maybe I'm not perfect, but I'm getting stronger, and there is a shocking lack of procrastination from my part.

It feels bad to go back into reality and feel the weight of the world on your shoulders again, and remembering the ways you are weak more vividly than when you were idle, but it's also refreshing to remember that you're strong too.

have you seen this interview?


>I like Jordan but he does not convincingly explain why value/moral attributes of truth are necessary.


in short, to make Being bearable.

he talks about other religions all the time while saying he focuses on christianity because that's what he's most familiar with. he has NEVER said you need to be christian to be moral, virtuous, or "spiritual."

you're a filthy disingenuous snake.

that's good to hear man

we're all gonna make it

Ok, this has gotten ridiculous.
What plot is he nullifying? All of post-modernist thinking?

His retelling of the story of Cain and Abel in his lecture on tragedy vs evil had me weeping




JBP has single handedly improved my vocabulary










>tfw your life is unsortable

Not even JBP can save me

Do you see the logical flaw in OP's quote?

If (((subtle and resentful))) individuals are criticizing ancient moral principles, then why are changes just happening now? Isn't this something that should have been occurring for centuries? These carefully developed moral principles have developed alongside malevolent criticism, which means they are the RESULT of malevolent criticism.

As always, secular speakers attempt to explain the decline of society without mentioning the benevolence of God, the words of God, and man's rebellion against God.

Start by cleaning your bedroom.

Well he's a Christian, so....

I thought that was me. Used to be overweight and fap to all kinds of things.

Now I am getting baptised/confirmed into Catholic church, have a girlfriend and joining the army and likely getting married to said girlfriend and starting a family.

I sorted myself, and you can to.

86 replies
Posted 10 hours and 10 minutes ago.

Why they fuck is such a low energy thread, up so long??

I have been an atheist my whole life, but i have now found God, and the eye that in which God sees me, is the same eye in which I see God.

The extreme post-modernist left can be characterised as The Destroyers Of Worlds.
It is pure critique and deconstruction, and these things only.
It does not offer alternatives or solutions, it does not rebuild from the the blocks it has broken the world into. It does not generate or regenerate anything that SERVES humanity.
It's only saving grace, it's use and function, is to Call Bullshit on bad ideas.
But when you only way of looking at the world is as a Bullshit Caller-outer, you very rapidly outlive your function and start calling good ideas bullshit, and become the destructive force we see today, which is what Peterson is battling against.

I love this man, I think he is one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century, but lmao this nigga is literally rolling in cash. I thought he was more like having a elder greek philosopher lifestyle but damn (pic related)

> another e-celeb shilling

>Peterson got me to reorient myself, and I feel this motivation every day,
You probly just ate more fibre. Or changed toothpaste. You don't even remember do you?

Or you can find God. Take the Religion Red pill.

>How has Jordan Peterson's hairline recovered so well over the years?

His cortisol levels dropped after he started taking the fight to the enemy and winning. Cortisol will bad you faster than time.

Then he lost weight, got fit, ate right and sorted his endocrine system out. Now it works for him.

Fundamental social, moral, or religious change should never take place. Ecclesiastes says that there is nothing new under the sun. These things you think are changes are merely lies that have existed for thousands of years.

I find everyone who is today "finding God" to be cowardly in the extreme.

>i'll just follow fashion lol



You dont want to find god.