"Dissecting the de-evolution of Sup Forums and the rise of the alt-right"


>goldengatexpress.org/2017/03/29/dissecting-the-de-evolution-of-Sup Forums-and-the-rise-of-the-alt-right/


archive.is you faggot

>newt gringrich is a neo-nazi
is this nigger srs?



They just want the clicks from us



> the rise of the alt-rise

kek. Where is this rise of the autism support movement? It peaked during the election and now that it's over it died and people stopped giving a fuck again


>men's rights acivists

Just more pointless attacks to get lefty clicks.

You gotta admit, these years are bad for white cis males.

i had the idea a decade ago of logging and screencapping Sup Forums

this shit is going to be historical gold. honestly.

"the website that got donald trump elected"

Just date a trap you huge faggot.

Sup Forums confirmed for ancap board

this site got trump elected

What's the alt right


Well...they did more research than most, but still got plenty of facts totally and utterly wrong.

Not gonna lie, former Bernie voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bernie slowly peter out. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the eco-friendly geothermal codes.

>no-name website doing a breakdown on Sup Forums

I flipped through the images and it's like the author just ripped wikipedia and knowyourmeme and called it a day.

>implying the alt-right is nazis

Nigger we have a half dozen half baked ideologies in here, stormfaggots remain a minority.

Spencer has explicitly connected the "alt right" to white nationalism, the silly meme ideology that only applies to America, Canada, Australia etc.

>Milo's Twitter handle Neo
It was Nero you dolt, and had no links to the matrix

I've always been angry and amazed this caught on. I miss when we derided people like that and it was confined to /r9k/. I don't like this ironic shitposting fad.

yeah that throw-away faggot designed to be a strawman for the "so called alt-right"

My favorite part is they called us all Nazis, and tried to fluff a 'leader' for them to 'behead' and then everyone just shat on it, and moved on to the next dank meme.

Hiveminds at their finest.

I can't believe banana up the ass McInnis has actually created a legion of brown shirts based on his interest in a gay Broadway show
Best timeline lads

Fuck America and Israel

what? do these people not remember the era of habbo raids and shit? if anything Sup Forums is better now. But not as good as it was 2 years ago.

They always claim that alt-right is "repackaged neonazi ideology" but they don't seem to realize that places like Sup Forums are populated by a completely different crowd. This is a new thing

>Normies dissecting Sup Forums

We're the new counter-culture and it pisses off the leftist to no end that they are, in fact, conservative.

Fuck America and Israel.

Altright and pol are a joke.

>enforced anonymity

Yep, despite this author's claim to have used this site for over 13 years, he has no idea what he's talking about

It's always amusing.

>There are no archives.

This is supposed to be a professional journalist.

> Back then, Sup Forums was mainly populated by teenage boys who took glee in political incorrectness.
> 2004

A completely delusional retard wrote this article.

I fucking remember when Sup Forums was literally /stormfront/. They'd come onto this board and literally every single thread would be a never ending list of articles of every single crime a black person has ever committed since the 1960s to the present day. That was literally every single thread on the front page. It sucked because you couldn't even have a discussion about politics. There was only one topic on Sup Forums, and it was niggers, 24/7 365 we never close or shut up. It took YEARS and multiple deletions and reincarnations of Sup Forums to get to the point where we are now, in that we could talk about something other than niggers. Relatively, it's a very recent thing.

Sup Forums was busy with it's patriotic nigras and various raids on camwhores and annoying youtube personalities between 2004 and 2007. Doxxing and harassment were the norm. There was a reason Fox labeled us "the hacker known as Sup Forums" back then. Anyone fucking remember exploding yellow van?

This is typical of leftists though. When the facts of history don't agree with your warped point of view, you don't change your perspective, you simply re-write it.

don't forget fat people hate!

archive this trash you fat fuckin burger
dont expect people to give you addrevenew here

We used to do so much more holocaust denial

we still shit on niggers. instead of having dedicated threads we just some how figure out a way to derail a thread to talking about niggers.

example, you, indirectly.

Oh look, an analysis of the history of Sup Forums by someone who was never on Sup Forums.

archive next time, instead of taking picture of the article.

Either way, this is pretty harmless. If half of the article is dedicated just on explaining what Sup Forums is to people who still don't know (holy shit these people still exist?) then it's pretty much nothing. No one with any political power is dumb enough not to be aware of us at this point. They're just boiling our history down into bite sized chunks for the 70 year olds who are too stupid to understand what's going on in the world now.

We won, you dont have to listen to them whine for 4 years

>went to Sup Forums in 2004
>in the 15 years since then

fucking lib time travlers!


(((nevin long)))

>stormfaggots remain a minority.

You fucking wish. Look at every poll taken on Sup Forums.


isn't this the only board with ids?