Why are white people so evil...

Why are white people so evil? They've killed literally billions of PoC on every continent and destroy peaceful civilizations just because whites think people who don't look like them are just ugly dumb brown people (Aboriginals, Indigenous People of the Americas, Black Slaves, etc.). What gives? Why is the white man so full of hate and why do you have the gall to deny your privilege or this history of violence and murder? Why do you have to treat people who look different as subhuman? Why not give peace a chance?

Mike brown had his hands raised




Hands up don't shoot
We will never forget
I aint never respect no 5-0 nigga...These people want me dead for my heritage
I will NEVER apologize for being Black

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we dont want you dead we want you in africa

Go back to Africa

>Why are white people so evil?
Because we fuck shit up.


You will hear the voice of the voiceless. As an American (not just a Black American) I am allowed a voice and allowed to speak my peace, and I will not force you to listen, but I will not allow you to prevent me from airing my greiveances. Listen to me, I built myself up, I worked my ass off nigga I go to school and I'm building a life and I have listened to so much bullshit racist ass ignorance that I got a thick skin. I will not be intimidated by white supremacy or silenced. I will not force you to listen to my words but I will not let you take my right to speak away or to shut me down.

I was born here retard
If we are going by heritage go back to Europe
This isn't your country.
You invaded it and killed natives genocided them and gifted them disease when they tried to make a peace treaty
You built this country off the work of my people kidnapped from their homelands
We've built a life and society and culture here in the US ever since and worked our fingers to the bone to be treated as equals
You just killed a bunch of people and put racist discriminatory laws in place to ensure you are ahead of subjugated peoples like us
We have just as much if not more of a right to this land


Now why do you assume I'm white?

Billions... a girl can dream I suppose

Also, we ended slavery. If it wasn't for us ending slavery then slavery would still be everywhere as opposed to just a few pockets in the Middle East and Africa. Oh white people are so bad cause of muh slavery but you fucking niggers still have slavery

White people are anti-slavery pioneers

Actually Persians were anti-slavery pioneers, Islam fucked it up but they knew their shit.


It's obvious. By our very nature, humans feel antipathy towards the out group; whites tend to be smarter than other faces and are therefore better at conquering and subjugating.

>than other faces

Clearly you're the exception then.

whats with all the shills today? fuck off back to africa if its so good


Don't assume he's a shill, he could just be retarded. Since he's a nigger, that's actually most likely.



No we're ignoring you because your ideas are dumb

Its called shitposting
And although theres lots if ir on Sup Forums
Dosnt mean it has to spread here

Also white people arnt the only ones, all humans are evil,

african tribes literally went around in small war parties and murdered every woman man and child in the other tribe and sometimes they even FUCKING ATE THEM, they where just too stupid to make a bigger canoe (a boat)

mayans did the same except they conqured all the other tribes and sacrificed them (or ate them or enslaved them)

Arabs, well they have been attacking, genociding and raping their way through turkey marocco and spain for 1000 years, they pillage and murdered, they created on of the biggest slave networks (berber) and generally where cunts. Islam didnt make them any nicer btw

Asians, dont even have to say anything eg mongol horde, silk road (was also a slave trade) conquering and enslaving all of asia (literally) and parts of europe and arabia

White people are the worst because they had more input (they where smart and mainland europe is a great place to evolve due to its lax on disease and giant carniverous animals, the inly bad thing is the cold weather, which they adapted agianst which made white peoplw smarter) since theyre smart they never really lose at expanding thier civ since they have better weaponry and better systems

They're evil because they didn't have the foresight to kill every PoC and now their ancestors are left cleaning up the fucking mess.

Wow. Just wow. The shills are even appropriating your memes. This 4chin thing is dead and the mods were traitors. Never forget.

The strong will survive. The weak will be conquered.

"White people" have a major conflict going on, did you forget about WW2?

I'll just leave this here.

sage niggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Forgot the graph - God, I suck.

The fact that any PoC has been permitted to exist when for over a thousand years we could have literally cleansed the planet with little resistance is a testament to our altruism,

People kill and enslave each other for millennia. Whites are included in this. Niggers and other shitskins who've been indoctrinated by Jews believe this is unique because of their lack of knowledge. Blame the one group of people who put an end to slavery and the existence of empires. Act lack savages. Wonder why whites don't like them

> whites think people who don't look like them are just ugly dumb brown people

If you think it's all about looks then you really are an ignorant nigger