Images that btfo Sup Forums

Feeling uncomfortable, drumpfkins?



>arabs created zero

Doesn't Donald Trump currently hold the highest position in the military?

I'm pretty sure that muslim service members have killed more US service members than enemy combatants in the last 10 years.

Well played

good 00

He is persian who lived in Ottoman actually

You cider drinking vegan faggot I'll split your nostrils you cunt

>Feeling uncomfortable, drumpfkins?
Not in the least. Obama never served, Nor did Clinton, whats your point?

>0.315% of total armed forces
>~1% of population

Why aren't Mohmadens pulling their weight?

And he didnt invented it, it was using by lots of people for hundreads of years he just used it in mathemetical explanations.

well actually Trump is currently serving. As Commander in Chief.

Im feeling sleepy guys. All these dumps make me so sleepy. Time for a nap.

>invented 0

Actually I'm very worried about all those mudshit traitors in the ranks. That's thousands of subhumans that you'll probably end up having to shoot in the future.

thats .002% of the military that muslim

Trump's a draft dodger. He faked medical deferment because of imaginary bone spur on his foot that did not affect his activity in college sports much like Rush Limbaugh, who had a pimple on his butt.




whats ironic about this exactly?

his family is busy doing intellectual and business work, you dummie

3 300 000 muslims in the us and a little under 6000 in the military in 2015 according to wiki


0,4% of the US population is currently serving in the military which means that muslims are less than half as likely to ¨join the military

>1,281,900 people, with an additional 801,200 people in the seven reserve components.
only 4000 are muslim. Such a huge demographic.

>an Occupy Democrats meme posted unironically

Wew, lads. We've got a true intellectual titan on our hands here.

Also sage.

Who the fuck wanted to fight in Nam you absoluete suicidal moron? I did the same. I made up some bullshit just so I can be comfy and not have to be sliced into a fruitbowl

Most muslims n the military are just edgy black idiots that think Mohamed Ali was the shit and that they wuzz kangs.

Only a fraction of the already insignificant amount of muslims in the military are actual shitskins, and those are most likely just born into a muslim family but don't really practice the religion.



They needed to invent a number that their time bombs would count down to.

Actually they did. Plus if you think Irish and catholics didn't get extra security checks while travelling you're a retard.

BTW the Irish and catholics never bitched about it like mudslimes do. They understood why.

>Sup Forums hates Jews
>When the IQ race disparities debate comes up, Sup Forums uses the Jews to improve their argument.


Interesting stat. Muslims make 1% of the US population. The Military is 1.4M people. You would figure then if they are represented evenly they would make up 14,000 of those military servers. However they are over 3 times less.

So my question would be why are Muslims not pulling their weight?

You need to cut out the female muslim population though

that would be genocide

So you're saying the Muslims aren't integrating with American culture? Interesting.

The one self proclaimed Muslim I went to basic training with was an awkward weaboo spaz.

Cognitive dissonance can influence suicide. You can kill an ego by dismantling its convictions through rhetoric. One of many synonyms of kill means to overwhelm someone with emotion, like through trolling, which is relevant when metaphorically interpreting the Quran or any literature with such word.
The lesser Jihad (outward struggle) of military or writing is only relevant to the dominant army. Would you expect a cripple to stand up for religion? Would you expect an illiterate memorizer of spells and pronunciations to critically read and write? Do you think sand monkeys can defeat drones? Your destiny gravitates to your perception of mass.
Amurica is a Khulifa (the plural of Khalifa) for God (Allah) and order against infidels. Caliphates are guilty of idolatry as they talk about Allah in vain.
The greater jihad (ijtihad) is an inner struggle for peace.
Allah is the source of the force that mechanizes and connects us known as gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear.
Islam means submission. Sub means a proportion of a compound like a syllable of a word or a subatomic particle as part of an atom. Mission means electromagnetism or the force that calls subadamic particles to magnetize into an adam. Your mission is to substitute Allah as your God for that prose-titute, Miss Ion (Nuit). Miss Ion (Nuit) is a nigger on a pedestal unbalanced without light. Idols are basically totem poles, which sooner or later collapse from their insecure core by a test of gravity. A totem pole looks like an immobile hierarchy. Idol-tree is for faggots.


And they all would turn on you for islam..

If I remember they killed 15 non-Muslim service members and only 14 of them have died in service of the country.

>There are hundreds of thousands of people killed by muslims
>Zero members of Trump's family have killed anyone

technically Trump is serving in the military as Commander in Chief