Jordan Peterson is going to start a series of videos that do a psychological explanation of the Bible starting in...

Jordan Peterson is going to start a series of videos that do a psychological explanation of the Bible starting in mid-May. I've been looking for a reason to read it and this seems like as good of a reason as any. Which version should I get?

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The Bible is literally true. Don't let some guy tell you about how it's all an allegory


thanks for your trips of truth but that doesn't answer my question

I still hold by the NIV. It's been allegedly surpassed by a few other translations, but it was the hot shit back in my day. And goddamnit, I'm old, I've read the motherfucker three times (KJ, Catholic, and NIV), if it wasn't right by the third time I read it then fuck it, Jesus can just send me straight to Hell.

This is a really good one. Solid translation that avoids denominational tilting and it includes the whole thing, not the "muh Luther" canon without apocrypha.

>trinity trinity

If you are serious about reading the bible NIV, if you want to be a pretentious faggot then KJV.

Douay Rheims if you want the most medieval sounding version. Revised Standard Version if you want the most readable. Also read the Nag Hadammi Library to supplement the whittled down Bible the Council of Nicaea left us with.

Latin Vulgate is the only bible that matters


NKJV if youre too autistic to read Thys, Thees and Thous



KJV, Duay Rheims, RSV, EOB(expensive tho).

Don't mess with NIV, and shit like that. The ones listed above are the only ones worth trusting. Others usually have bias, and added, or purposely altered texts to fit their agenda

The new American Bible also Catholics have explained the bible


The KJV Bible is just a re-translated Catholic Bible made for the church of England and used by protestants.

King James Version only
also bible thread

grab the scofield reference bible.

fuck outta here

is pic related any good?

it's alright but hard to understand and follow, if you want an accurate, reliable bible that is easy to follow and read go with the scofield reference.


I'd trust any Catholic produced Bible, or Orthodox, or just KJV.

Also everyone ignore the Austrailian trying to make you an Israel supporting Evangelical

Please keep in mind that Jordan B. Peterson is an Jungian apostle.

I really dont get it why all people celebrating Jung as a kind of Messias...

Catholic Bibles are the proper translation.
Also the Vatican owns all the original printings of the bible

Your Science is a sham, psychological comes from the greek word for SPIRIT or Soul Psyke.

Psychological is a matter of the spirit of a man not his mere carnality.

Jordan Peterson is only here to reprogram you all into viewing the bible another way that suits his purposes. He is a gnostic as well and flashes around memes referring to Marduk who was the chief god of the Babylonians, which is a huge red flag when it comes to the occult.

>psychological explanation of the Bible
Seems that he is going full-Kabbalah

The Knox Bible is a beautiful English translation. It has the deuterocanonical books too.

Yep Gnostics are the >muh allegory faggots

All translations are shit. You must read original Hebrew bible only.

All interpretations are correct simultaneously.


John wrote his gospel in Greek.

lol no read Phillip K Dick's exegesis.

He believes not only that the bible is literally true, but reality today is literally biblical times and Satan has occluded our perception to prevent us from realizing that we are living in the roman empire and Jesus was literally just crucified only a couple years prior to the date of his writing.

He was a self-described gnostic.

He already was promoting sympathetic magic and simple alchemy.

There are already throusands and thousands of studies by actual theologists who know what they are talking about. Why don't you read those instead?


Hello plebbit
>Philip K Dick
>says bible is literally true and is a gnostic

Well then he's not a gnostic then. For Two Thousand years the central tennant of gnosticism is to deny literal interpretation and go with allegory.

The Schools of Alexandria were the ones who came up with Allegorcal intrepretation, who also came up with Gnosticism, Same place. They went with allegory because it was the only way for their crazy theologies to hold any water.

You deny blantent fact about gnostics

Also they were devil worshippers, many of them

These people who believed Jesus was a pure manifestation of the divine masquerading as a corporeal mortal are 'non-literal' to you? I consider people who say things like "I love jesus' message but I don't like organized religion and think its an invention to control people' the non-literal acolytes of the bible.

Believing revelations is literally correct and everything John describes is happening right now is far more literalist, and that is true of many gnostics.

>Muh Nero and Rome in Revelatiosn

"We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him (Apostle John) who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign."

Did you know Nero died 68 AD, and Domitian died 96 AD as Roman Emperor?

Do you know who wrote that? Saint Iranaeus, who was taught by Polycarp. Saint Polycarp was the Bishop of Smyrna, and lived only a city or so away from Apostle John, John taught him when he was young and was among his best students, and very faithful. Polycarp died for his faith as a martyr, his lasts words while being burned at the stake were "Hurry up already"

Point out where I mentioned Nero champ.

You are literally lying out of your ass.

Alexandria was the school of Allegory, Origen and Clemetn of Alexandria got in a whole lot of trouble for fraternizing with the gnostics because of their allegorizing.
But you didn't know that didnt' yoU?
Or that Origen chopped off his balls

allegorize this icon faggot

No gnostic has been able to Explain 1 Corinthians 15 and the final Chapters of the Gospel of John or 1 John without Allegory

>Point out where I mentioned Nero champ.
What are you 89 and failing at life and have to shill on Sup Forums to make money?

>muh Rome
It always leads to Muh Nero meme which the Gnostics loved


I was only relating what somebody else claimed to believe. Are you suggesting that Rome is not mentioned outside of revelations?

Nobody cares you fatherless pleb

Jordan Peterson is a gnostic shill

lol you're whacked m8, absolutely crackers. Hope Jesus forgives you.

OMFG no.

NRSV, you fucking scrubs.

Skip to 5:50 to get passed the introduction.

King James Version only. Unless you want to learn Koine Greek and Hebrew, you should stick to the KJV period. It is objectively an extremely accurate translation that was made by a team of 47 scholars over a period of 7 years. Furthermore, it's known for the power and majesty of it's prose which is completely lost in modern "translations" like the NIV or ESV which read like fucking Google Translate.

>And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
>One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

>B..but the new translations are easier to read!
Yeah so is Harry Potter but that doesn't make it God's word. If you actually care about what the fucking thing says than you need to stick to the King James version.

It's good we all call these fuckers cucks and all but it's about time that we start calling men Bastards again, Fatherless men usually are traitors to their nations

Which of the New Testaments do we have remnants of in Hebrew?

>lol you're whacked m8, absolutely crackers. >Hope Jesus forgives you.
If you knew teh Scriptures you would know he already forgave men 2000 years ago along with everyone else on the cross, or else the crucifixtion has no meaning

I'm sorry. Leviticus says females cannot teach the religion

>Which of the
Matthew wrote a Hebrew translation, a couple of church fathers mention that his words or his "oracle" or something to affect was written down in Hebrew along with a Greek version at the same time.

Later church fathers concluded that this was the basic outline of the Matthew we ahve today but the Greek was more detailed, which was written shortly thereafter

That's mostly speculation based off what the 1st and 2nd Generations Christians said, and they did say Matthew wrote his sermon about his experience in Hebrew to a bunch of jews

Have fun with your "psychology"

>a psychological explanation of the Bible
What the hell does that even mean?
I am so glad I left protestantism. It has completely devolved into Gnostic nuttery.

And is there an extant fragment of that text anywhere?
Just because he addressed it to Jews, doesn't mean they spoke Hebrew
>what is the LXX


Don't be an utter faggot tho. Think of it as modern exegesis. Perfectly legitimate. A way for some people to hook on to the tradition.

Ridiculous proposition.

Each generation of protestants, same story.
>need NEW, NOVEL interpretations to reel them in!
Yet, two thousand years of Christian tradition and exegesis is neglected for the most updated version number of the newest, most exciting interpretation of [x] pet dogma taught by Brother Bob at The Church of What's Happening Now.
Same old protestant stuff, man.

I'm Eastern Orthodox. Doesn't get much more traditional than that.

Read what the Church Fathers said about exegesis. See WHAT they DID. They tend to mesh it with whatever the contemporary issues/understanding was.

I'm referring to the exegesis through the lens of every world leader at the current time, each geopolitical structure change, and each novel interpretation of some novelty doctrine.

What in the world can psychology teach anyone about the Scriptures that the Church hasn't and can't? What you'll get is an enormous waste of time and a minefield of potential heretical pitfalls.

The way Peterson articulates the ideas contained in the story about tower of Babel... or creation... Cain and Abel.

If you are fair, you will concede that it's a very fair and thought out exegesis that may appeal to some.

Only a Taliban would insist on solidifying one single view on every conceivable matter and insisting that everyone conform to that standard. That is not in line with early Christianity or some of the greatest theologians we had.


I am somewhat suspicious of Peterson's Christianity. I'd say I'm 85% sure he's a deist who thinks Christianity is just the best (one of the best) packaging.

1 Tim. 3:15
The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth.

Augustine, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Aquinas, all used pagan Greek logic (Socrates, Aristotle) as it was the pre-Christian foundation for objective truth. Their logic was then further developed into principles which laid the foundation for Christian thought and even modern science (e.g. law of non-contradiction; objective truth).

When you venture outside of the Church--without the explicit guidance and aid of the pillar and foundation of truth--you are almost inevitably going to end up with yet another revolutionary movement which ends in disaster.

The best version as a literary artefact is the KJV. Beautifully translated although some passages are not 100% accurate. If I were to read it cover to cover I would read the KJV. It's like reading Shakespeare level literature.

If you want a very modern scholarly edition buy the harper collins study bible. Very good reference tool. Albeit the editors are very liberal. I would read the KJV and have the Collins bible on hand for it's extensive textual references.

(Theology and Phil Graduate).

This a very true and wise words user.

Well if greek pagan logic was considered a foundation for objective truth

and now it's not, lets just face it, there's no going around it, sorry, it's not 300 BCE - 1500CE

Then what the hell is wrong in attempting to develop a new christian epistemology?

>When you venture outside of the Church--without the explicit guidance and aid of the pillar and foundation of truth--you are almost inevitably going to end up with yet another revolutionary movement which ends in disaster.

Nice copypasta from a generic book about how you should definitely never stray from the set path. Remember, just because they said they got it - it means they got it.
Oh, filioque
Oh, papal infallibility
Oh, popecaesarism
Oh, inquisition
Oh, buncha other shit
Oh, corruption to the extent it produces Protestantism

Oh... they might have made a mistake or two.

>same old protestant stuff
Hardcore conservative protestants trust the Church fathers. They see the liberals as heretics who are corrupting the world and starting the great apostasy Paul told Timothy about. I thought you would like to know before you start projecting.

disgusting heretic
"psychological explanation of the Bible" is up there with every other pseudo-Christian new age garbage

fuck this guy, never liked him

hurrr its all just archetypes
you're your own God
Bible is just self-help book

>1 Tim. 3:15
>The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth.

That chapter gives a Biblical blueprint for a solid, righteous, Godly church and it's pastor will look like. Then, it tells Timothy to go their if he can't assist him because it's a Godly church preaching the truth as he literally just described in the previous paragraph.

Unlike your horseshit Catholic interpretation that leads to staggering contradictions with the rest of the Bible and makes it all a book of glaring contradictions, the interpretation of people that don't sprinkle babies or worship idols makes it clear he's saying what requirements there are for a pastor and what kind of person you should be listening to.

Also there is no such thing as "pagan Greek logic" there is only logic, period. There are not different brands of logic that we get to shop for and decide which one we like the best, and then declare that one to be extra true.

The fact that you people have to scream the words "Church Father" every time someone with basic reading comprehension points out your lies just shows you don't even believe the bible to begin with.

Matthew 23:9
>And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Matthew 15:9
>But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Really makes you think.

>Trips of truth
Bible is literally true confirmed.

Lol, he believed is some jungian gnostic/hermetic Christianity

>secular explanation of the biblle

dont waste your time you turbokike, god hates this kind of shit

get saved and read the kjv, or dont do it at all

jordans religious talk is insufferable, stupid, and cringeworthy, even from a secular point of view

Thanks for the heads up I guess it's about time I read the bible too. KJV is objectively the best as far as English versions go.

>There are Christians in Sweden

Your life must be living hell.

I kinda had to stop being a christian desu, there is not a single good church here and you can't really be a christian just by yourself

Going into the Bible without an open mind will just leave you at square one. It can be surprising how unconscious you can be of a priori assumptions and this is especially the case when it comes to examining scripture. It's probably more true than people realise that their entire sense of security and sovereignty are based on ethics rather than morality which means they innocently apply values they've learnt rather than values that origin in their own unique perception.

Im of the opinion that reading the Bible to find truth and wisdom is pointless if you have't got a grain of these yourself. People are encouraged these days to put their ego at the forefront of everything they engage with. But without prostrating your ego and engaging with Scripture as a child might with an utterly new experience you won't get a thing from it.

Kek is the father.
Pepe is the son.
Meme is the holy Spirit.

>I kinda had to stop being a christian desu, there is not a single good church here and you can't really be a christian just by yourself

Why not start one?

He's also gonna start doing a show with moderate muslim intellectuals to see how we can bridge the gap with them

he literally never says you're your own god

1984 version niv is the ONLY version you need to get.

bible is hebrew jew shite

I'm not qualified, according to the bibles requirements for a pastor

>I'm not qualified, according to the bibles requirements for a pastor

Well fuck, all I can say is follow quality online ministries like what Steven Anderson posts on youtube and maybe consider getting out of that shithole. You can still be Christian (in the sense of believing on Jesus and follwing God's law reasonably well) even without going to church if you can't find even a single good one in your country.

What about Norway or Denmark? Are there any good, Bible believing churches there? I know most of the Scandanavian countries are hardcore atheists now but I've got to think there's like one fundamentalist Baptist church in the entire region.

I think Germany is the closest country with a few real churches, but I don't know German. I have lot of health problems to deal with, I can't just get up and move and work in another country. I've given up.

the neon bible by Richard Burnish is the best

>The Bible is literally true. Don't let some guy tell you about how it's all an allegory

this people twist it and do mental gym from genesis to the end to fit with humanism and evolution

>Jordan Peterson

he is as a person OK, but Jungian psychology, all psychoanal and most of psychotherapy is a pseudoscientific bordrline newage meme.

Anglo scientific tradition in psychology is where its at.