My wife and I are having a boy soon and we are constantly getting into arguments about circumcision

My wife and I are having a boy soon and we are constantly getting into arguments about circumcision.

I, of course, don't want my son to be mutilated (like me) and she is worried about "problems" that can occur later in life with having foreskin.

Anytime I search for pros and cons (to try to get a more unbiased approach to persuade her better), everything seems to be drowned out by Pro-Circumcision reports.
I hate to ask to be spoonfed, but I feel like I'm in a losing battle and I'm tired of fighting with her. Can anyone link some articles to help persuade her into not scarring my child for life?

congradulations op

Ask her if she wants to cut her feet off so she won't have "problems" when she gets elderly.

tell her if you are going to circumcise your son, you should circumcise your daughter as well. Play on emotion, not facts

>"problems" that can occur later in life with having foreskin.
When will this meme die?

I read something somewhere saying that the child is actually more likely to die from the surgery than to ever actually need a circumcision. I don't have the source sorry.

What problems? I'm not circumcised, I've never had any problems. It's the way nature intended.



Just tell her that nature made men that way for a reason and there's no reason to go against it

Your wife sounds like a fucking moron.

Dont mutilate your son op

I've tried arguments like that, but they didn't work. I used the appendix as an example but she said this is an noninvasive surgery so it's "not the same"

I hate it as well. Like I said "problems"

I've done this one as well, and she says its not the same because there is "no medical benefit"

If nature wanted men to not have foreskin they wouldn't

I am personally against it, but very glad I got cut, women love it and it stay clean.

Tell her that if the little shit really wants to get snipped, he can do it when he is 18 and capable of making his own decisions.

As long as the jew exists, the meme will persist.

>I'm too retarded to clean myself
You should cut off your fingers as well so you don't get dirt under your nails.

Make her watch a video of it being done and berate her a little bit for wanting to inflict that kind of pain on her own child. She'll probably cry and agree with you after.

I dunno, but a friend of mine had to be circumsised because he couldn't peel his foreskin from the head of his dick. That's why there's penis inspection day at school

What fucking problems? Why haven't I heard about this? Is my dick going to fall off from using this masturbatory aid?

Tell her that you should chop off his butt cheeks so its easier to wipe.

Have you found your wife's son's father yet?

Imply she's a pedophile for caring so much about what her son's dick looks like.

Plenty of boys have this issue but grow out of it without any intervention. There are also non-mutilative ways to address it.


>and she is worried about "problems" that can occur later in life with having foreskin.
Top fucking Kek. Americans are truly the best of goyims. Marked cattle for gods chosen people.

Well, you have a dick and she doesn't so she can't understand what it's like to have your dick mutilated.

Ask her if she's fine with having her clit cut off, it offers nothing besides pleasure.

Was your nurse pretty? I was sick that day, so I had to get mine inspected by the principal.
He kept saying "This is mandatory, this is mandatory"

You should get your sons dick cut up OP. Or else they might get PHIMOSIS like me (which got fixed when an older girl literally peeled my dick like a banana before sucking it)

why is it that statistically more women (western world included) prefer circumcised penises?

why is that statistically more homosexual men (western world included) prefer uncircumcised penises?

can i get rational explanations to this please?

should i get my (future) son circumcised one day?


The only problem I could see is possible phimosis or other related problem with having it later on down the line. However, phimosis is treatable and it's better to give the option then not allow for them to later on in life.

>but very glad my penis is missing its most sensitive part

FTFY, faggot.

I can't find it but there is this one image about someone encountering problems publishing a study finding that circumcision fucks with your brain chemistry.

Why not cut pussy lips and clitoris for better hygiene?

And never let his teeth grow, I mean you have to brush them every time you eat. I bet that's tiresome for a bunch of people.

If she has no problem with your child's first moments in life being extreme pain and torture then you need to dump this ho.

>women say men can't talk about abortion because they can't experience it
>women get a say in circumcision
Thanks feminism

The "problems" are usually related to phimosis (which is barely a problem beyond looking weird) and "cleanliness" (which isn't a problem if you wash your fucking dick head)

I see no one has listed any articles for me to show my wife. I guess I'll play up the emotional angle someone suggested.

Ask her why she isn't circumcised

>why is it that statistically more women (western world included) prefer circumcised penises?

cut dicks always look errected.

>why is that statistically more homosexual men (western world included) prefer uncircumcised penises?

they have dicks.

>should i get my (future) son circumcised one day?


Nah, she was this relic of communism, like those DDR female athletes from the olympics. Strong arms, big hands, a bit of a moustache.

The fact that fucking no one in europe is circumcised and none of us have dick problems, and it's literal mutilation.

I would actually save my annual "bitch, are you actually retarded" card for this.

I didn't clean my penis for 10 years and the end result was that all that dick cheese deformed into hot glue and my foreskin was permanently stuck to the head of my penis, and had to be operated out. It was very painful, more so because the retarded doctor did it without any anesthesia and I was 12 not an infant.

So if you do end up not circumsing your son please teach him how to clean it properly and regularly.

Reason why Americans have been pushed to circumcise their children is so Jew's can't be easily identified during the trumpenreich

The doctor said it was virtually painless because of the anesthesia shot (the doctor mentioned other shit) so shes more inclined to believe him.
She was pretty close to just not getting him circumcised until he opened his fat mouth.




Tell her about instances where boys have had their penis cut off or damaged by accident during the procedure.

Old men should be circumcised. For real, so many older patients I see don't bother to keep it clean, or they're senile and can't remember to. It can cause a lot of issues if they aren't careful.

Circumcision is one of those things that I'm a bit irrational about. I mean, it's fucking insane that we cut off a piece of our child's dick when it really isn't necessary, but on the other hand, I don't want my son to look weird...

Here is the really easy way to win the conversation

>"Why do you think it's okay to mutilate a child's genitals?"

There isn't an answer, and circumcision is literally a jewish invention.

Threaten divorce

It's ridiculous that this is this much of a fight for you two, ultimately you should have the final say in these sort of matters.

>she is worried about "problems" that can occur later in life with having foreskin.
Then get one when it comes up.

We may have to remove your teeth one day so let's just remove them all now.

Like. WHAT?

You shouldn't be debating with your wife period. Your word should be final, thats what a man who is the head of his household does.

You can argue facts until you're blue in the face but she's obviously not putting any real thought into it if she isn't listening to what you have already said. She isn't going to remember what facts and studies you showed her but she will remember seeing a day old infant boy screaming himself into shock from the pain.

user, the foreskin contains the highest concentration of nerve endings on the penis. If you allow your wife to mutilate your son's genitals, removing its most sensitive part and denying him the pleasure of natural sex, then kys. He would be right to resent you both his entire life for that decision, but especially you.

Argue from evolution.

Natural selection has determined that the existence of the foreskin increase the odds of survival and effective reproduction as opposed to humans without it.

That is called phimosis, I have it too. Can be treated with stretching and/or steroid cream. Surgery is not necessary, especially if it doesn't impact your daily life.

People like you started the PooInLoo meme, Jesus fucking Christ neck yourself how dirty do you have to be to not wash your weiner. Do you not realize that the blob of smegma probably should not be there? you watched for 12 years as your dick became a cheese stick holy shit you dirty fuck

If there somehow is a problem later in life, then you can get it chopped off then.

Baby circumscision is insane. It's so tiny, there's no margin for error. They get infected and you have to do a lot of care, and you get blood and shit O. Your diapers. I couldn't imagine dealing with that shit. I just had one and it would be shitty to have to dab first aid cream on my sons pepper with a qtip every time I changed his diaper.

It sticks to the diaper and tears. Naw dawg.

She should really defer to you in this anyway. She has literally zero experience in having a dong

This. It was thought that the appendix was useless, but it's actually very important for storing gut bacteria. Best not to mess with it. If it's really necessary he can have it removed later.

>look weird...
Good goy. Mutilated penises are completely normal.

>poo calls other poo dirty

I have tried every angle I could approach this. I still resent my parents for getting me cut, and I know I would never forgive my wife if she had our son cut. I'm just really tired of more than a year of arguing over this.

She wants facts and hard evidence and all I find is pro-cut shit. It's really frustrating.

Says the virgin

All of those infections, phimosis etc. things that come with a foreskin are either:
A. Fixable
B. Extremely rare

You're basically doing the equivalent of wearing a hazmat suit everywhere you go to prevent ebola.
Fight to your last breath on this one user, and ask her how she would like it if her clit were removed.

>"problems" that can occur later in life with having foreskin.
What problems?

Virtually nobody is circumcised outside of jews and Americans and the only problem is either hygienic one, which is easily solved nowadays, or phimosis which majority of people don't have problem with.


When you have a daughter, let your wife decide whether or not to mutilate her genitals. I bet she says no.

Why in hell has no one posted the circumcision truth pictures about the mental issues? Show her that, and if she still wants it afterwards, I'm sorry user, you married the wrong woman.

>Can anyone link some articles to help persuade her into not scarring my child for life?
>persuade her
>As husband you don't get the last word

and Sup Forumsacks actually try to pitch modern marriage as a good thing

That's the problem with women though and running on emotion
They turn a 10% into 90% because individual lives matter

That's illegal though

>letting your wife argue
put your foot down, you fucking beta cuck. Tell her he isn't going to be circumcised. You are very strongly opposed morally and, having been circumcised and as a male, you should have more say on the matter than her.

Or just gently explain to her that if he is circumcised, he will grow into a pussy like his dad who let's his wife throw him around. Be careful with this one OP, she might deny you sex again!

>The doctor said it was virtually painless because of the anesthesia shot
That's a lie, that's a lie
They cannot give anesthesia to newborns. They will literally die.

you know you've hit an all time low when you go on Sup Forums for parenting advice.

>western women

Senpai you don't need an article, it's MUTILATION.

"Hmmm shall we mutilate our child?"


"In case he's too much of a subhuman to clean his own dick"

Fuck right off, it defies fucking belief that you could even consider doing that shit to a child, she is one sick brainwashed motherfucker. Tell her, no. No. No. End of, you do NOT mutilate our son. Use the word mutilate.

Chicks aint into that uncut reel; you trying to set the man up for failure?

I had it and it fixed itself due to naturally stretching during sex. No need for surgery.

Porn. Majority of porn is made in America. The reality is that no girl actually cares about it.

Just sit back and enjoy the shitshow

Jesus christ OP, be a man! Don't let your wife mutilate your son! This insanity in the US needs to stop.

>implying it still wouldn't hurt like a bitch for a newborn who has no clue wtf is happening
Hey man, do what you want but I would not be with this girl.

>She wants facts and hard evidence and all I find is pro-cut shit. It's really frustrating.
If that's the case, then maybe you're being the unreasonable one?


Dont let her cut that kids penis. Let him decide when hes older. they only started circumcision for cleanliness. Since we live in a society that has showers you dont need to mutilate your son anymore.

India wtf

Some turds are shinier than others.

has she considered that she doesn't own a penis and has no idea what "noninvasive" means?

have you told her about female "circumcision"?

Oh fuck off you jew leaf.
You're the reason everyone says a fucking leaf.

Guiz should I chop off my balls so I don't get ball cancer later in life and so my balls don't get dirty? My wife and doctor said it's ok. The doctor said someone will take the balls and use them for face cream or something.


should be cannotexprainsorru

You are fucking retarded.

can't give you articles, I'm not really into dicks.

but for what it's worth mine is normal, unfortunately only 7 inches but my wife loves it. All the girls I've ever been with all thought uncut was the best. they all seemed to instinctively do this thing with their tongue and my foreskin.

THIS! I doubt she can see how it's actually done and still want to inflict that on her baby

I work in the ICU; I get to see CNAs have the pleasure of cleaning crusty dickcheese off elderly patients on a daily basis

Fucking gross