Hello Sup Forums, I'm here to ask you a simple question

Hello Sup Forums, I'm here to ask you a simple question.
What do you think about... rich people ?

I work for a hedge fund company that helps the wealthy invest, and has recently begun getting into the business of helping improve credit scores.

I used to work primarily with the wealthy, but now the clients we are bringing in who have poor credit are those in absolute poverty.

Let me tell you...I have really begun to believe that the wealthy are the best and brightest humanity has the offer and the poor are the scum of the earth who drool when trying to remember all the digits of their phone number.

In the words of the Jew Ben Shapiro "How many of you are employed by poor people?"

Investment services is one of the most red-pilled industries.

I'm poor, but even I know the rich didn't get rich magically out of thin air. They work hard and not a lot of people can even sacrifice to achieve it.

Depends, are we talking about rich people or (((rich people)))?

I don't

Right you are. I work with many self-made millionaires who came from a modest suburb. Instead of protesting capitalism, they went out and did something with their life.

bernie is rich and parrots ideals that he does not practice.. pretty typical communist honestly

And we got these lazy jobless commies that want to take that away from them. Not enough helicopter rides to get rid of them.

>the wealthy are the best and brightest humanity has the offer
Is that why majority of them support jewish shit?

scum of the earth

Nobody likes the rich, everybody hates the poor

Too bad most of their kids end up being vapid cunts.

They are okay unless they start bitching how capitalism is evil

I plan on becoming one of them or die trying.

These two are pigs that are more equal than others

they are rich people

you really suck at posting

lurk moar

I can't even begin to imagine how it might feel being this cucked

You except me to get pay $20 per hour and fuck my boss's wife everytime I go to work? Oh boy, I must be really get cuck.

Much better to be like you, who lives in hatred and jealousy of those who have made their own lives better. Do you ration out your ramen noodles while voting for politicians that tell you about how hard you have it thanks to those evil wealthy people oppressing you?

>You except me to get pay
pal I know it's Friday and you don't have school tomorrow but how about you go to sleep, eh ?

>pal I know it's Friday and you don't have work tomorrow


Most of them are born rich and their rich daddies give them connections and set them up to take over their companies.
Most aren't self made.

Not my friends, not my enemies.

Don't you mean

"Meelionayyas and Beelionayyas"?