Prove to me that Sup Forums isn't a safespace for right wing SJWs

Prove to me that Sup Forums isn't a safespace for right wing SJWs

SJWs are allowed to post their viewpoints here. Sup Forums-type viewpoints aren't allowed on SJW forums

We don't shadowban people with differing opinions?

NatSoc =/= alt-kike

it is, but when we disagree with something, most of us just ignore the thread and a lot more just lurk and are completely moderate on their stance

the posts here don't represent what most of us hold in opinion, and a lot of it is just shitposting and pretending to be the opposition

Self refuting post. If this was a safe space you wouldn't be able to challenge right wing views.

Pretty much this, though there is the occasional actual stormfag here and there.

>this thread again

I'm so tired of saying the same thing over and over again. Doesn't matter if you believe me. Some other idiot will post here saying the same thing " pol is a right wing safe space XDDDDDD"


> 1 post by this ID
> controversial topic
> brief header
Shill thread, slide it

So Sup Forums is satire?

It can be sometimes

Yes, on 8ch. Here you just bitch that you can't ban people.

Threads like this are proof, sage

Most white people have more privilege than most people of color.

Sexism deters women from speaking up in male dominated areas.

Society relies on some type of redistribution to maintain its functionality.

War is usually stupid and should be avoided.

t. Kek from the great germanistanian caliphate

Pols views are based on facts, she views are fantasy

You don't get banned for posting against the grain.

>tfw nigger called me white boy on the street
>tfw I can't call niggers niggers
How is that fair?


To be fair, most of those replies will simply be you being called a cuck. Better than reddit or tumblr, but not exactly a bastion of free speech and reasonable debate. Sup Forums would be a lot better if that meaningless buzzword got you auto-banned.



Most color people have more crime than most white people.

Sexism is frequently attributed to non-hostile workplace interactions.

Society relies on some type of self-responsibility to maintain functionality

War is usually stupid and should be avoided. (i agree)

two sides of a coin m8. now when are you gonna be bold and advocate a certain policy instead of a saturated point no one can attack

except posts get deleted all the fucking time, especially when they get interesting. I screencap now for the kek stuff

It literally is tho.

Libertarian Sup Forums is the only reason I come here

The fact that half of the replies can call you a cuck without being banned is exactly why it is a bastion of free speech. The fact that you want people banned for saying certain words is exactly why YOU are the problem, not them.

Lol. the only YOU is (you)

I don't hold any of those beliefs in either column. Now what? Back to another round of failing memes 101?



As long you are not spamming the same thread over and over to disrupt the board you can say what you want and debate with us here.

>War is usually stupid and should be avoided.
>writing his opinion on the internet, thus enjoying the tech advancements that conflict between groups of humans has brought to humanity

Do you know why the Internet was born? What arpanet was?

Conflict is the father of many if not most technological advancements.

Your first two points are also the usual garbage that it can't be proven right or wrong emprically and is useless.

then why whites dont control the government and media and are not the richest in their own countries??????
and blacks get benefits as in affirmative action