Sweden: Muslim Classmates Gang-Rape 14 Year-Old Girl – Remain in School Because “Rapists are Victims too”

>Sweden: Muslim Classmates Gang-Rape 14 Year-Old Girl – Remain in School Because “Rapists are Victims too”


It was not until today that this incident was in our newspaper. Is sweden really so in the ass?

Other urls found in this thread:


Its like someone wants to raise white nationalism and murder every muslim\kike\nigger etc.



in this source they say, that they raped her again :D

Here's a recent one

>A 45-year-old in Umeå sentenced to two years in prison for raping the mother of his child in the workshop hall in Umeå, and for twice beating her.

From this facebook


expected a Macedonian flag

Stop posting fake news.
(or at least I hope that it's fake news you're posting)

He looks swedish to me


This is more interesting.

>popular farm/petting zoo get visited by immigrants
>they start beating the animals while laughing
>farmer tells them to stop, they spit in her face
>she then gets called racist by leftards

>that one guy right in the middle with the Argentinian football shirt

You cant fight sandniggers with words.

Fight fire with fire osv.

On another note, this board seems to be censoring a lot of Muslim and Islam related threads.

I love Sweden but I fucking hate the retardes liberals here. They should be shot for betraying our country

Don't worry Sweden, the Nordic Warriors are ready.

I'm starting to think that maybe it's time to leave, Sven

Tip: if you kill one migrant in this situation you'll be a murderer, jailed and forgotten. But if you kill ten migrants in the same situation you'll be a mentally ill who acted under shock, you'll be "cured" in a nice place for 2 years at best, and you'll be in the newspapers for a week or more, making the other shitskins think twice before doing their shit.
Just saying...

could I get an English translation of these? Just the first few paragraphs would do.

How long until the sweden experiment is over ?
This is getting scarier by the minute.

This happened a while ago.

The principal is no longer a principal


I used translate before archiving... fuck everything about this story. Why did the mudslimes even visit the farm, they surely intended to harm the animals first, because they themselves are worse than animals! And the people who called the poor woman a racist are worse than all of them.

I was expecting him to no longer be alive

I have a solution for this.
> get a sword
> cut the sandniggers in half

We have only two options
> kick them out
> get killed and raped

"Det kan tyckas att skolan borde ha gjort mer på det här stadiet. Men enligt skollagen ska skolan inte bara tillgodose tryggheten för övriga elever – utan vi måste också tillhandahålla undervisning till den misstänkte. Det är så svensk lag ser ut, och den måste vi följa. Dessutom måste vi ta hänsyn till att man enligt svensk rättspraxis är oskyldig till dess att man är dömd i domstol."

Google translate:
"It may seem that the school should have done more at this stage. But under the Education Act, the school will not only cater to the safety of other students - but we must also provide training to the suspect. It is so Swedish law looks like, and we must follow. We must also take into account that according to Swedish law are innocent until you are convicted in court."

Are they literally saying the violator is innocent, yet guilty at the same time by expelling him but still allowing him to be tutored?

He got promoted?

Dude looks like he's 14!

They need more refugees for sure

Can you shill your shitty site somewhere else ? The quality of this board is down the shitter, no reason to make it worse.

God damn it burger, these are serious problems

Yes they made him minister of integration