Why the hell was this man so hellbent on starting a war with Hitler...

Why the hell was this man so hellbent on starting a war with Hitler? Churchill was seemingly red-pilled on the Jewish question, which makes his betrayal of the white race even worse.

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He was an ultra nationalist who wanted to crush a competitor, ofc looking at Britain today he chose the wrong side

I guess he did what he thought was best for his own country.

Yes. My thoughts exactly.

we was a jew himself user....
he destroyed the empire and the future for the uk
he was the biggest moron the uk ever had

because the eternal anglo always seeks the destruction of advanced civilization

>hurr durr its all britains fault
what is appeasement you fucking mongoloid

it had been the posture of the British Empire for hundreds of years to oppose continental power blocs

Germany at the turn of the century was a credible competitor of British power, and that explains most of the agitation to launch the first world war. Hitler, re-uniting the Reich, was a replay of the exact same dynamic.

These wars were not fought for liberty or for ideologically consistent, 'pure' reasons.

Britain would always prefer a fragmented Europe with no one great power vying for control of the seas and international markets.

crazy to think germs were only a couple dozen miles outside moscow and blew it tho

What book.

>Why the hell was this man so hellbent on starting a war with Hitler? Churchill was seemingly red-pilled on the Jewish question
Massive ego/pride. He didn't want to lose the war no matter the cost.

It was your fault. Hitler didn't want to start the war, Churchill and the Jews did.


All of that was ghostwritten by Adam Marshall Diston, in Churchill's name.

And it ceded world power to the United States as a result lmao, losing whatever remained of its emprire.

It was not a strategic war for Britain, it was a globalist war Britain was conned into.

he was drunk and ended up in debt, the jews helped bail him out as long as he did their bidding

Chamberlain's issuing of a war guarantee to Poland is widely regarded as one of the biggest blunders in British history, even if criticism of the war it unleashed is taboo.

Chamberlain let Germany (and Poland, ironically) carve up Czechoslovakia, and broadly consented to Hitler's claims over Danzig and Memel. The 'red line' was that Hitler was to accomplish this diplomatically, which he was attempting to do.

Chamberlain, then feeling the heat (and Churchill's barbs), issued the war guarantee to Poland to save face and look brave in the face of Hitler. This emboldened the Polish head of state, Col. Beck, to tell Hitler to go fuck himself and that he'd never get Danzig. And so Hitler took it by force, and the war was on. But Britain was never in a position to 'save' Poland, no more than it could have saved Czechoslovakia. And by the by, Poland's government at this time was just as authoritarian and anti-semetic as Nazi Germany, so it was neither a question of virtuous democracies sticking up for each other.

Britain wanted this war to stop Hitler from resurrecting a continental power bloc that would compete with the strategic interests of the Empire. And by launching this dumb war, lost the Empire and became a second-rate satellite of America. GJ churchill.

also I should mention that Chamberlain issued the guarantee to Poland after completely fraudulent rumors of an imminent invasion were being spread around in the spring of 1939. The Brits freaked, thought Hitler was about to lunge on Poland, and issued their ultimatum that they would go to war if that occurred. Tragically, this stopped all diplomatic negotiations over Danzig and ensured hostilities.

Not a book, it's from this article:

The Brits were not conned in to anything, not by American Jews or a predatory FDR. They thought it absolutely was a strategic war, the only way to save the Empire and maintain supremacy. But they vacillated until it was too late and until Hitler was too strong. If they wanted to really nip Hitler in the bud they would have rallied the continent to war when Germany re-militarized the Rhineland. But they felt guilty over Versailles and were wary of war. They let him annex Austria, the Sudetenland, Memel, and drove Japan and Italy in to the Axis through sheer arrogance and stupidity. The Brits just fucked everything up royally, and thought the only way to fix things was war.

What are your thoughts on Hitler's Table Talk? Reliable?

I'm torn. Do you have any particular quote in mind?

>there are a lot of Jews in academia and business in disproportion to their numbers
>so we should genocide the entire race
These are two different things.

You can believe the former without the latter.

Inb4 "muh holohoax."

This from the same man who ordered his Luftwaffe to ignore strategic targets like RAF bases and RADAR sites and focus on bombing the cities and civilians.


Jews in prominent positions in Britain were far more dangerous then a powerful mainland Europe under Germany could've been (especially given Hitler admired the British and wanted no conflict), Churchill was even Jew-wise which makes it even more baffling.

They chose the wrong enemy, clearly, and are paying dearly for it. All of Europe is.

I don't know why Sup Forums thinks anybody with two brain cells to rub together would have taken a man like Adolf Hitler at his word. He wasn't exactly known for his honesty and his reputation of not breaking promises.

He didn't want to let a militaristic Germany, who repeatedly broke peace treaties, and was developing nuclear weapons, to become an existential threat to an independent Britain. Him being more upfront about his intentions than Hitler doesn't make him more dishonorable and warlike than Hitler, who was far more of a liar.

He did literally nothing wrong, Hitler should have had smaller ambitions. Start shit get hit.

I agree that Jews were a big source of warmongering, but Britain was not disinclined to believe Hitler just because of Jewish whispers in its ear. The Jewish issue completely aside, they had always viewed negatively big moves to unify on the continent. The biggest example before the German Empire was Napoleon. Britain was terrified of the Kaiser's Germany, not just militarily, but as a colonial and economic alternative. Germany, simply put, was a better, more prosperous nation in 1910 than Britain. And so out comes the propaganda about those Hunnic beasts bent on world domination.

Britain and Jewish interests dovetailed as it relates to Hitler, but they had independent motivations. I do agree though that Jewish influence probably had some part to play in Churchill's view of Hitler as a madman undeserving of a fair hearing. And yes I do agree that Jews in the West were and are far more odious than Nazi Germany and its ambitions.

Hitler was the one who betrayed us all you cuck by invading sovereign nations. It is because of your idol that you go to jail in Sweden if you're nationalistic

>wah wah literally one man is the reason for my problems wah wah

Implying it was Hitler and only Hitler that caused all of this shit. The world didn't start in 1939, you dumb shit. If Sven wants to save his Nation like any of us, he needs to leave his fucking house and face his Nation and not be afraid of jail or death.

His family was massively in debt to the Rothschilds, who wanted a way. Britain is a kike puppet state.


>we was a jew himself user....
I've heard this claim before, got any proof?

just look up his mother she was a jew and under jewish lar he's one too