I did not realise how actually cucked these last couple of generations are, and I'm not really someone to use that word

I did not realise how actually cucked these last couple of generations are, and I'm not really someone to use that word.

Yesterday me and my mates went off road karting for a friends stag do. These are all guys who, like most people I'm guessing, make offensive jokes and are all cool with it because we're all mates and its funny. Then this happened and they showed their true colours.

>Two of the guys were racing on the course
>Marshall whos supervising is a 40-something bloke but a nice guy
>Signals to one of the guys to pull over because he's done his final lap
>He doesnt see him and continues driving
>Marshall turns to us and goes "This is where you need a woman with big tits! They'd probably stop for her!"
>I laugh and turn to my mates and I'm the only one. One of the guys has the exact facial expression as pic related
>One of them goes "He seemed like a nice guy until that"
>Another goes "Yeah thats not cool. Why did he think that joke was appropriate"

I was fucking shocked to find out they were not joking. Luckily when I brought up the fact that he's a 40 year old guy and is just having a laugh one of my mates agreed and said everyone was overreacting.
Fucking hell though these are normal guys and suddenly out of nowhere they became a group of offended pussies. How has this happened?

Because we are in the "end game" of leftism. Everything is magnified as people virtue signal ever harder before it all comes down. Do these friends seem like people who think for themselves or follow the herd? As society "wakes up" some people will cling ever tighter to the old world.

In private we all make offensive jokes that if they ever came into public light people would not look at us the same way, and from my experience this is what most groups of mates are like when they're together. Its a mixture of shock value and one-upmanship and I guess it helps people bond.
But when they're in public the virtue signalling is fucking sickening. One of these guys is in a band is doing a gig to raise money for girls who gets sexually assaulted at gigs, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but the entire thing is ran purely for virtue signalling. Even down the pub he was quoting sexual assault statistics like 9/10 women at gigs will be raped and everyone was saying how thoughtful he was. When I mentioned the only reason people were doing this gig is for publicity, patting each other on the back, and for getting laid the backlash was fucking insane.

Its sad really because now I'm thinking that they probably don't see jokes the same way I do and they probably see me as some thoughtless thug.

drop an offensive niger joke

Oh that happens, and they join in. Its just the hypocrisy of them. Although I learned the other day that either Jews are off limits or they do not get Jewish stereotypes.
At the wedding I'll be collecting money from the congregation and I said "That'll be no problem. I think I have some Jewish blood from my mothers side" it got a less than welcome reception.

drop a old school beat

It's just a thin layer at the front of their mind that's been drilled into them. It's a knee jerk and the majority of lads that act like that don't TRULY believe any of that shit. Once you get past that stuff and try coax out their true selves they end up having pretty far right views in the back of their head. Was talking to a couple of the popular lads at my sixth form, at the start they said they supported the Labour Party and by the end I'd convinced them that:
>ethnic minorities commit more crime
>feminism and open borders and used to destroy white society
>homosexuality is unnatural and shouldn't be encouraged
>basically the 14 words

you just need to try talk to them properly about it, get past the hysteria of it all. If they double down they're beta cucks that are lost to the aether.

>pic unrelated

The sides are forming up. Its going to be a rough decade or so but the west will be better for it.

What happened is that the day before, you friends were fine, but then another experiment at CERN caused you to shift into a more degenerate timeline where your "friends" are now monsters and demons with human skin.

You are carrying coals to newcastle. We warned you decades ago, you stayed ignorant, now suffer the consequences.

im gonna let you in on a little secret OP:

you are friends with faggots.


based australia bantz


Is this a shop, or has he always been standing in a gas chamber?

Why can't Hellen Keller drive?

Because she's a woman.

i would fucking move to Australia if I could

they used to put individual Australians into entire company's during WW2 just because they had huge balls during fire fights and raised the morale so much

There's no doubt this generation is.
Half the women I meet are self-proclaimed SJW's and feminists. You have no idea how much this diminishes the dating pool for me.

That being said, thank fuck I have anti-PC friends. Don't get me wrong, they're all raging fucking liberals beneath the surface, but they do some next level shit sometimes, and I can be vocal about any anti-black, anti-whateverthefuck sentiments.

Luckily, my brother has been groomed pretty well to have strong bias towards certain groups of people. Partially due to his friend groups, partially due to 'troll' grooming by youtubers like filthyfrank and IDubbbz that he enjoys to watch, and partially due to all the subtle and not-so-subtle redpills I drop on him.
I remember a time years ago however, when he was maybe five, in the public pool with his cousin and this little black girl was annoying him so he just yells "BROWN PEOPLE ON THAT SIDE OF THE POOL, WHITE PEOPLE ON THIS SIDE". This was when I was a libfuck, so I was shocked.
I'm pretty proud looking back though.

That all being said, it seems that not many have problems with saying next level shit about Jews. Because I am part Ashkenazi, and people love to talk about Jews for whatever reason, it's inevitably brought up, and it often leads to the same jokes about Nazis and noses and shekels and whatever the fuck. I'm always self-deprecating about that shit, but I wish people had the same attitude towards blacks, muzzies, and others.

that's new zealand, not australia

>How has this happened?
the jews of course but barring that: too much abundance and security
women dont need to rely upon men anymore for their survival and providing so they dominate the social norms to the point that even young men behave like hens now

Think about it this way. This generation (Millenials, that is) has gone so far off the deep end that the generation that comes after, which is very far removed from the issues that caused this generation to be so cucked, is going to see this shit for what it really is. They're gonna see that they're being repressed and silenced for being white and male and they're not gonna know what the root cause of this is and, by the time they're old enough to understand their situation and how bs it is, they're gonna wing hard the other way. Because this generation is so ludicrously cucked that it's become a parody of itself, the next generation is gonna be the most far-right generation in recent memory. Personally, I can't wait.

Compared to the average brit his friends are straight

>being this new

Welp I think I got double baited by you

>One of these guys is in a band is doing a gig to raise money for girls who gets sexually assaulted at gigs, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but the entire thing is ran purely for virtue signalling

Except is it a bad thing because it perpetuates the very culture that's destroying society.

>being this new and not knowing about murican education
aussies should annex you cunts

>mfw the left is falling apart and sending rational thinking people running to the right
>mfw they call minorities who are conservative uncle toms
>mfw a new dawn will rise after the bloodshed

I'm 18, my generation is cucked
You only think we're based because we make edgy memes online
In reality most of z are weakling pathetic cucks who shittalk niggers online but would spread their cheeks for a nigger out of fear irl

>One of these guys is in a band is doing a gig to raise money for girls who gets sexually assaulted at gigs, which isnt necessarily a bad thing
>Even down the pub he was quoting sexual assault statistics like 9/10 women at gigs will be raped and everyone was saying how thoughtful he was.
>When I mentioned the only reason people were doing this gig is for publicity, patting each other on the back, and for getting laid the backlash was fucking insane.
you are friends with pussies because you are one yourself
man up
i dont care what age group you are, what you're describing is just cringe level of pussy for any age of male group

>At the wedding I'll be collecting money from the congregation and I said "That'll be no problem. I think I have some Jewish blood from my mothers side" it got a less than welcome reception.
you are revealing your power level among pussy liberals, of course you're gonna get backlash

Pretty much this. The current generation of self-hating, white guilt, virtue signalling cucks are the modern day equivalent of the hippies from the 60s and 70s. It's just a phase.

I like how they always have to call the complete magazine of insults, racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic...

But Im not sure if the guy in the picture is serious.

he is

>just a phase
Might seem like it is to you, but this shit has been planned a long time

I'm around Millennials almost everyday and for me it's no longer a matter of just keeping my power level in check, it's also having to pretend common sense does not exist. With that in mind I have to acknowledge that down here we don't have it as bad as you northern fags, but still...

Just the other day a few of them were talking about harassment and what constituted it (yeah, now that's something people talk about). Apparently the discussion was at first about when was the right moment to kiss a girl but then it went sideways. One of them said that you just CANNOT touch another person without asking for consent. No, not even a pat in the shoulders. Just NO. Others disagreed and thought that while a kiss was out of limits, touching a girl was alright, as long as it wasn't in any special place. Then out of nowhere, this little retard who I believe browses Forocoches (retarded Spanish Sup Forums-lite 0% calories) said jokingly, JOKIGLY, that well, he grabbed a random girl's ass during the Carnival celebration. Oh boy: one of the guys started screeching. No joke here, fags. He screeched, then called the other guy a rapist and, when the rest of the group tried to calm shit down, he said "I CAN'T SPEAK TO ANY OF YOU RIGHT NOW" and stormed off.

Fun fact: that guy who stormed off? A 23yo man who was half raised in Florida.

What'd you say at first to manage to persuade them? I'm always afraid of revealing my power level and look like a maniac

>you just CANNOT touch another person without asking for consent.
Jesus Christ, these people literally have no understanding of affection and how humans display it.
Asking a woman permission to touch her is one of the quickest ways to make her pussy drier than the Saharan desert.

That isn't power level revealing, that's a rather harmless joke. And by the way, he mentioned that his friends aren't pussies in private but are massive libshits in public.

It's the pokemon generation, the emo generation I'm guessing.... it's a shit gen.

If they recognize that women like dominant men, it creates some kind of meltdown in their brain because that would imply that men should be go-getters and that there is a form of inherent competitive structure in romantic life. Interesting.

Drop some 'grab'em by their pussies' joke.

Seriously, women have a natural inclination toward strong men that can support and protect (both physically and financially) them and their children. The best way to show a woman that you don't meet those criteria is by being so cucked that you're terrified to touch her on the shoulder without permission. This is why SJW's screaming that literally everything a man does is rape is so destructive and abhorrent. Aside from the fact that it downplays actual rape, it also has the effect of making men absolutely terrified to live up to their own biological urges that are in place to propagate the species, to the point that very precious few men are actually desirable to women. It's complete insanity.

i just spoke to them calmly, railed off the statistics that come around here. They were all intrigued generally. One of them said that they'd initially want to disagree with what I was saying (the knee Jerk) but that i'd explained myself well. Most of my day to day is being considered an "ebil racist sexist nazi fascist" which i deal with. The convo with them started with saying that I couldn't support Labour because they only want an open border because ethnic minorities overwhelmingly vote for them, and that they just use your vote to further their own agenda. From then it unraveled into general alt-right white nationalist beliefs. I think just being calm, well spoken and confident in your beliefs. being a wormy kid that's shy of his own beliefs wont play off well. treat the beliefs that you wish to hide as if it were any other belief, that will help soften it for them. A lot of them agreed with the sentiment I was speaking to, and I said to them "see you agree with this stuff you just don't know it or allow it to flourish". We even discussed the aids epidemic and homosexuality and hook up culture, nuclear family and being riddled with taxes and debt. One of the best political convos I've had. You should try it sometime.

I think your post highlighted the problem quite correctly.

These are things that the majority of men and women understand (subconsciously or not) and it's insane in society that you have to explain that as if it's some radical new idea.

Even liberals chime in for nigger jokes if they know they aren't going to get in hot water for it, I've noticed. Your friends sound like they've convinced themselves that acting like an overly-sensitive numale ponytailed eunuch is the kind of thing that the contemporary woman is attracted to, and they probably just want to get laid and don't know another way. The Jew thing is noteworthy goyism unrelated to mating, even though it's the Star Tribe that we have to blame for all of this shit.
But yeah, it's reflective of the generational cucking that they react with disgust at a harmless titty joke, but it doesn't sound like a genuine offense, because that kind of virtue-transmitting faggotry is rarely genuine. If they don't get offended at nigger jokes, why would a joke about boobs rustle their feathers lest they just instinctively do that since feminism has conditioned them to respond in that matter if they want to ever fuck and reproduce? I don't like (((Frued))) and I think he's a fucking hack, but I really think his whole thing about certain complex and irrational human behaviors boiling down to animal sexual urges applies really hard in the case of the numale white knight types. Most of them probably know better, but the pussy game ridiculous.

Do any of the people in question have girlfriends or wives?

Ponytails can be badass...

im honestly really glad i found the pick up scene when i did (2010)
because i dont think id have done the things i did then in the climate of today not knowing what i know now

Is how we actually do here
>Be little user about 14 or so
>Be in Oslonistan for some reason
>Passes nigger
>Father user yells really hard while he keks him self
>nigger gets really awkward and goes far away
that's normal here

If you look like an 80's action movie guy, I guess.

Or a samurai or some shit

>it's another "based on the smallest of samples i'm projecting my insecurities onto several generations of humans regardless of race, sex, upbringing, social conditioning, income, and/or situational context" episode brought to you by a western millenial

For certain types of men, but most can't pull it off and still look properly masculine. Personally, I think the shaved head (or at least very close cropped) and heavily bearded look is way more badass.


Ponytails can be grabbed to expose your neck to tooth, nail, claw and blade. Ponytails are NEVER bad ass. Close cut only.

Rofl I never noticed this.

Only niggers get into fights.
You are a dirty nigger

Wow, how ignorant of you. You're supposed to keep your ponytail inside your helmet when the melee is joined.

nice fullhouse faggot

>Ponytails can be badass...

Negative. You're referencing a 'restrained battlemullet'.

here is his name


Wow no way