Why weren't there any black seafaring explorers, Sup Forums? Did they not feel curious about what was out there?

Why weren't there any black seafaring explorers, Sup Forums? Did they not feel curious about what was out there?

>what are polynesians

>Niggers going near water or getting off their assess for anything other than rape or food

Some things never change.

Mali sent several enormous expeditions into the Atlantic to search for new lands, but they failed because the boating technology was not sufficient.

They're more mongoloid.

They got to explore the sea albeit in the chains


>living alive with sticks and stones

When one is the kang of one's hut and all the dung one can amass, one finds exploring to be beneath onesself

Barbary Slavers count?

They didn't travel to any new lands but they did do a lot of Seafaring. They allegedly travelled up to Ireland, and are the reason that the Irish have Blacl hair.


Because they barely transformed the sub-saharan Part of their Continent into Kingdoms and small Empires. Why explore the Seas if there is still plenty of Land?
Thats the Real Question, why did they never made that transition even though Africa is rich and fertile.

Always the boat's problem aye?

They fell off the log

>what are polynesians
Asians who traveled and then devolved.

>why did they never made that transition even though Africa is rich and fertile.

European colonists raped it all, now there is nothing left but deserts.

Well done France, Holland, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Turkey and the USA.


North africans aren't black dumbass

Blacks couldn't even populat Madagascar, a massive island right next to them.



they are a couple of decades behind the rest of us, only now they are catching up

Columbus had a couple with him on his first voyage to the New World. He hired Africans to navigate his boats because he though they were going around the Horn of Africa.

Zero reasons to.
Lot of land to explore and expand inwards.

Fuck off you yank cunt. I was stating a theory not a fact.

You people are just as arrogant as the Turks on this board.

Nothing you wouldn't find out with a simple Google Search for Sub-Saharan Civilizations, or Civilizations of the Kalahari/Congo Basin.

Decades puts it nicely. without foreign aid or companies they wouldn't get their Act together to get anything done besides letting the Infracstructure rot further and buy Alcohol.