What makes white people so empathetic for animals?

What makes white people so empathetic for animals?

You never see any other race defending animals from cruelty, raising all kinds of animals and defending a fair, humane slaughter of them.

Are white people genetically predisposed to protect animals?

I've thought about this so fucking much. I used to look at those Black twitter memes talking about how much whites people love dogs and wonder why do whites love animals so much? Good thread.

Brown people still havrnt evolved mentally passed being an animal themselves, so even though they consciously feel like it, their subconscious doesnt value animal life at all, in fact its seen as a positive. " better them thaan me"
Now white people have evolved past this stage and know that we can benefit from helping animals, a mutal bond.
I dont know what Asians deal is, though. Theyre just fucked up and like to hurt animals for fun.

Modern education and understanding of ourselves. 300 years ago "white people" weren't kind to animals.

whites are more empathetic in general. that's why other races still exist.

Animals? You mean like niggers and muslims?

White people have become pushovers for everything. The fact that white people have so much sympathy for animals like dogs and cats is fucking disgusting.

White people are literally using their pets as substitutes for children. You can see them putting clothing on dogs and even putting their animals in strollers.

It's just perpetuating our low birth rate problem.

People generally don't take good care of animals unless they are able to take care of themselves first. Imagine Chimpy McNiggerson spending time and resources on the welfare of some animal, when he can't even feed his family.

Whites are more empathetic in general. There have been studies on the matter, white people simply are higher souls.

Our survival relied on husbandry and working animals. Animals in our harsh environments were investments and were at risk of dying as much as we were, so we have a built in instinct to protect and love them because if we didn't, we'd lose them and die ourselves.

>300 years ago "white people" weren't kind to animals.
False. Weve been close to animals for millenia

Do you think that that is also our greatest weakness?

Because whites had to survive an ice age holocaust in Europe where you need to learn how to respect animals, let them breed, and only kill them for absolute necessity

It's all relative. We don't have recipes for cooking cats, dogs, and other animals like some races. Every race has cruel and sadistic people, so you're just throwing out a red herring.

Every animal that was used for human civilisation (cats/pest controll, dog/Shepard/Guard , Chicken/Laying eggs, cows/ giving milk)
Was raised and bred by White civilisation
While Sub saharan Blacks had Elephants and other animals they could have used to help build their Kingdoms, they never did
Whites lived with These animals for 150.000+ years and both prospered
it is just in our genes

I read a book called The WASP Question that specifically brought up the issue of whites and trust / empathy. His argument was both a chemical and social one. On one hand, whites have higher levels of seratonin, which is considered both a pleasure and "trust" chemical in the brain, than other races, making it a genetic factor. On the other, whites had to cooperate with other tribes, despite the potential to eventually become enemies, because it was only through mutual assistance that they could be certain to survive a long winter. Other races outside of frigid climates where resources were abundant didn't have to fight tooth and nail to just survive, and never developed a culture of trust.

Have you also read Culture of Critique?

If by animals you mean Krauts then yea I agree.

Whites are too kind.

they should have destroyed the Kraut menace after WW2

that's not true
>domesticated dogs between 23,500 YBP and 15,000 YBP
animal empathy in whites is a strange trait as we are not at the top of the average intelligence pyramid but those who are don't hold the same empathy for animals we do and those of us that do tend to be above the average still have this sense of empathy
I also think it's what fucks us when it comes to race relations as we seem to be able to put ourselves in the shoes of "The Other" and we advocate for what would be best for that subhuman if we were them.
This is how we get conned and I fall for it all them time
>(136-147IQ on various tests)
>scoring my best 142 on the MENSA test
>I'm a union Construction worker
>No Stress
even feeling bad for the African niggers who get burning tires put around their neck while if any other race was sitting besides me they'd it fun if not sexually arousing in some neolithic way

Yes, I actually do.

-Renaissance - well so men are important, christian ones thou
-Humanism - well not just christian, ther is some commone values behind
-Illustration - every man is equal no king is touched by God
-WW1-2 - Let's stop killing each other for politial beliefs ok?
-Cold war - muh nukes

Post wars era - so what the hell do we do now?
>>If you hit a dog you should go to jail!!

Muslims haven't reach renaissance jet
Asians skiped the humanist/Illustration
Blacks are animals, so they are sill in the other side, that is why the whites defend them.

we are all animals. lesser beasts are at an immeasurable disadvantage to humans. also if you think reincarnation is even remotely possible it's not a bad idea to treat animals nicely

Yeah, like that time Britain eradicated every wolf from the island because they thought they were devils, or all the bear baiting and circus. Fuck off you imbecilic LARPer. You're right we've valued certain animals, but then a lot people thought nothing about being cruel because they didn't even recognieze animals as having feelings. In fact, you (Nazis) call anyone into animal rights a fag or a marxist.

What's the difference? Whether its a cat or dog, the result is the same.

>>domesticated dogs between 23,500 YBP and 15,000 YBP

Yeah, and it wasn't white people who domesticated them. Even Abos had domesticated dogs.

>animal empathy in whites is a strange trait

Its not a trait. Its something we've learned. "Whites" as a race don't even exist.

Also, how will the non-white majority that is going to develop in the western world going to affect this?

Nobility and a sense of responsibility for inferior creatures.
You know, the very same thing that is destroying the West.

>Are white people genetically predisposed to protect animals?
No, it is Disney fault. (((They))) have been making films with animals that behave like humans for a long time now.
It's probably a plot to legalise bestiality in the future.

Living in cities for too long probably helped in creating this anti-animal cruelty too. People forgot where they meat came from

Because of 2000 years of What Would Jesus Do

Fucking furries.

But it has absolutely nothing to do with the thread.

Most of european existence they trained their animals with cruelty.
You know, you can't convince a horse to do what you need by words

You guy are definitely over thinking this. White people were not always this way. In are pre- industrial mindset we wiped out the buffalo and entire species of birds.

We had the same mind-set that the Chinese have now in relation to nature. We just advanced culturally.

Because being empathetic to animals is a luxury. Other races have to look out for themselves, they're too concerned with feeding, clothing and housing themselves to pet the cuddly kitty. How privleged are you?

read Kevin Macdonald

Because animals aren't traitorous liberals or subhuman shitskins.

pretty simple really.

it's true. american white people are cray cray about their dogs...

they empathize more with a badly treated dog than they do a badly treated human being.