Come hither /nupol/

There are too many people in this world. Our leaders know that Arabs, in particular Muslims and niggers are of no benefit whatsoever and they are counting on that. When the population reaches critical mass (you'll see this in Europe first and it is one of the key reasons Germany is pushing so hard for the EU army) they will be uncontrollable. In comes an army from an allied country with no allegiance to the native population (the Romans loved this tactic) to suppress the feral population. At this point there will be no internet and only state T.V. and Radio as the unarmed civilian population and out of control subhumans are butchered mercilessly by a foreign army that will show no remorse. Mass depopulation under the guise of "humanitarianism" is the goal here faggots and we are all being played against each other by kike owned media like fucking fiddles.

Now an idiot might ask, "why don't we just nuke the shitskins and niggers?" Well, the Kalgeri plan isn't bullshit. A very small rich elite to rule over a stupid, docile, easily cullable slave population is the end game here and nukes would render large swathes of perfectly habitable land, inhosopitible. They want the land your house is on and your neighbours land, fuck your entire suburb and they are going to achieve it by placing people who could not possibly ever get along, side by side and force them to "tolerate" each other while giving special preferences to the most violent groups to help further ferment and foster that hate.

I'm not one to say, Africans and Arabs have no place on earth and should be wiped away. I am one to say that Africans belong in Africa and Arabs belong in Arabia.

And that is where they should stay.
I have no problem trading with them. That is all.

Any other association besides travelers should be firmly denied and avoided by force if need be

I fucking hate when americans make nationalist and isolationist arguments. The US is a country completely made up of immigrants and invaders. By your logic white people need to fuck off from America and give it back to the natives.



white nationalists are not "real" it is astroturfing by the government

I agree

Unfortunately, Europe does not want us back so we have to stay. Totemniggers can go to mexico anyway.

You guys are such faggots.
"w-we don't deserve to be here :("

Kill yourselves. I belong here.

Settlers and conquerors* kind of
And they didnt demand welfare

>I'm not one to say, Africans and Arabs have no place on earth and should be wiped away.

why would you want other people doing to you what we did to the natives? Don't let invaders in

Murica was founded and run by western European immigrants, not firewater feathervests nor Somali lightbulbheads.

Ebola, AIDS, paludisme and everything will fix this

Yes you do, granted to you by your ancestors, and only for now. You may soon have to fight for that right.

Yes they want us enslaved. As the say no one wants to rule over a nation of corpses

source ?

No it won't, dickhead. They breed faster than any virus can do it's work thanks to food and medicine generously donated by both our countries.

The USA does not need the world
70% of our GDP comes from internal consumption
I don't give a fuck about your feelings on the matter, those are the facts. USA can be isolationist without barring immigration you stupid fuck

>our leaders know Arabs and Niggers are the problem
>therfore they're making the EU army fight them
>but in the meantime they're feeding them to create a giant overpopulation and allowing unrestricted economic immigration and welfare to them

No, they are purposefully creating exponential population growth in Africa and appeasing the Arabs with the goal of destroying Western society by replacing white people.

With Brexit and Merkel it is obvious the EU is evil.

Noel Monique


>as the unarmed civilian population and out of control subhumans are butchered mercilessly by a foreign army that will show no remorse.
>the Kalgeri plan isn't bullshit. A very small rich elite to rule over a stupid, docile, easily cullable slave population is the end game here and nukes would render large swathes of perfectly habitable land, inhosopitible. They want the land your house is on and your neighbours land, fuck your entire suburb and they are going to achieve it by placing people who could not possibly ever get along, side by side and force them to "tolerate" each other while giving special preferences to the most violent groups to help further ferment and foster that hate.
Read you fucking moron.




America was created by Europeans though, not by Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists holding hands and getting along. You have a European culture and majority demographic. It's ridiculous and sinister to undermine America with the "melting pot" bullshit. The first tribes people crossed over from Asia, they branched out into scattered primitive nations and acted like savages towards each other, they had fuck all to do with the creation of America, a WASP is a real native American, more than any Sioux who just wishes the whites would leave.

>more than any Sioux who just wishes the whites would leave.
That kind of mental gymnastics can be applied to any of us, right now. The Natives of any European diaspora country deserve at least recognition that they're native but pandering to them like we do the Abos only serves to further the Marxist agenda.

The US didn't exist when the first invaders came dumbshit

We need to stop sending aid and need to start sending AIDS.

we should really go back to the founding father's original intentions.