/seg/ - Serbian Elections General - Part 3 - No Bait Edition

Old thread: Still no preliminary results.
Anyone have any info?

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quick gestalt from previous thread

>Still no preliminary results.

The pols ain't even closed nigga, chill.

They just called Rhode Island for Hillary.

Drumpfcucks on suicide watch. Say it with me.


this person is correct

What potential impact will this have in the future of Europe?

There are "people" right now on Sup Forums who would rather ally with Russian thugs than the glorious West.

Literally none.


The trick is to fuck over the current prime minister, and prevent him winning in the first round. He is supported by the eternal pensioner and other trash.

Most candidates are not double shills, but probably quadruple shills, jewing out the kikes on ways not imaginable, but still indirectly working for the globalist by doing so.

The only based candidates are Boško Obradović (a serbian Pence of sorts) and Milan Stamatović (a generally good dude)

Then there is Luka Maksimović (pseudonym Ljubiša Preletačević), Saša Janković and Saša Radulović, all sjw tier idiots who want to maximum westernize us in the worst possible manners, making us turbocucks

Too bad pic related isn't running

polls closing at 8pm, chill


ma nemoguće je da je izlaznost ovako mala
apsolutno svaka budala koju znam je izašla da podrži nekog, bilo Jeremića, bilo Belog, bilo Prangiju

>impact on Europe

Get a load of this guy.

I know, it's for foreigners coming in every thread asking for the results.


A odakle ti podaci o izlaznosti? Iz nekih zvanicnih izvora?

ni meni nije jasno

Samo Radule bre SAMO RADULE


no porn allowed.

>Serbian education


Your existence has been noted

The proper course of action will be taken

IPSOS, CESID i RIK, doduše nijedan kredibilan izbor

>a literal nigger


Serbia is a geopolitical pivot state, I'm sure the impact will be huge whatever the outcome since we are literally one of the most relevant countries on Earth.

>Zato sto je uzimao od nize klase i davao srednjoj, a Vucic je hteo obrnuto zbog glasova.
Da objasnim sta sam mislio pod ovim:
Radulovic je napravio ekonomski plan kojim ce se ulagati u preduzeca, a ne u radna mesta, sto znaci da bi po njegovom planu nezaposlenost privremeno porasla, ali bi to na dugi rok bilo bolje po ekonomiju.
Time bi za par godina ojacala srednja klasa, ljudi bi imali podsticaj da otvaraju preduzeca, ekonomija bi porasla i vremenom bi nezaposleni poceli da se zaposljavaju po tim novootvorenim preduzecima.
Inace, ne podrzavam Radulovica jer je verovatno pro-Zapadni cuck.
Gde mislite da sam pogresio?

Those were different times. This is now impossible, we are irreversibly cucked.

>that pic
I'm diamonds

>44.9% do 18h

Pa zar nije obicaj da u poslednjih sat-dva nagrnu k'o nenormalni?

dobar ti (((rundown))) sendvicar

go eat a big mac faggot this is as unimportant as it gets



E vala zbog vas i treba ukinuti demokratiju

Da se ja pitam tretiro bi vas gamad stoput gore od Pol Pota

Hијe, a иcкpeнo миcлим дa нeћe пpeћи ни 50%


Paдyлoвић јe хoмић, њeгoв плaн јe дeлимичнo дoбap, aли чoвeк хoћe дa шиpи бyџeт зa здpaвcтвo и дpyгe ycлyгe, дoк ћe дa cмaњyјe пopeзe.
Кoјa јe пoeнтa cмaњивaњa тpoшкoвa yкидaњeм aгeнцијa и oтпyштaњeм пapтијcких кaдpoвa aкo шиpиш coцијaлнe ycлyгe кao кoмyњapa?

Based Radule.

Sva sreca nismo dosli do toga da se ti pitas.

Forgot pic.

>the filename

he plays a mean guitar

He is such a Millhouse.

koji cirkus

>Reddit - the candidate

I'm so happy he's getting ~3%, lel. What a faggot.

lol guzobolna komunjaro oces da te opet Beogradski zandarmi vesaju na terazijama

You seem angry rather than happy.

It's like somebody gave children a country to run.

Well I'm glad I was too lazy to vote, my vote wouldn't have made a difference then.

M-muh prince ;_;

>zaposlite mi sina
>zasto bas vaseg
Radulovic is one step away from being anarcho-capitalist lmao what a guy.

Vucic will win. He doesn't even have to rig it. Serbs are stupid enough to elect him.

> is from Serbian family

Ajmo šešelj, Balkanu fali mema

One true candidate


Najbolje se Srbi bore kada prde iz dijaspore.

>da gubiment needs to get us jobs
Old people shouldnt have a right to vote

Cuj sad ovog. Zadnji put si izasao iz kuce kad ste isli u susedno selo da se bijete ispred disko bara.


ej bre kako smes to da pricas, pa da nema dijaspore mi bi ovde jeli korenje

Ma daj da se nelazemo, Vucic ce da pobedi.

But you got a King after that

my sides

Imho anyone who didn't pay more money in taxes than they took shouldn't be able to vote.

>pot calling the kettle black

>implying that ancap is not true red pill


Only rural and suburban retards voted for Vucic.

>Heoкoмyниcтa мe нaзивa кoмyниcтoм


Haжaлocт љyди нa плaнeти cy 99,9% гoвнa, aли нa cpeћy нијe гeнeтcки

Били cмo yпoзopeни aли јбг caд јe пpeкacнo

But he lost too ;_;
>tfw never a good King

Imagine the realm where Beli wins.

Ah, dobra sećanja.

Realno hoće, ali fatalistički stav ne pomaže nikome.

Pa jest', realno, the eternal penzioner je najaktivniji glasacki blok u Srbiji, a oni ga obozavaju. I jos izgleda da je izlaznost prilicno slaba, to mu uveliko ide u prilog.

Nije fatalizam, nego realizam.


Jel ima itko realne šanse osim Picoustog?

kek placi komunisto



stop being an austrian bootlicker

here's your real prince


Can you imagine the HAPPENINGS if Radule comes into power? 700k gubmint parasites suddenly out of work. The riots, then the crackdowns. All of a sudden we have a trillion dinar sufficit. And then comes the purging of the commies. SAMO RADULE BRE

Shouldn't you be fucking your sister? Kill yourself

izvinte zbog imena u risk koncu sam

Why the fuck arent you all voting with based Seselj???

That fucker was Churchill's bootlicker.

No. Radule is a crypto-commie fag.
His positions are literally Bernie + no more government jobs.


The "glorious West" has ruined our country, you traitor.

Because he is not Beli.
His time has passed.

Ja нe плaчeм збoг вaших глyпocти

Aјдe, глacaјтe зa иcтe љyдe кoји cтoјe изa Byчићa, caмo ћe ce вaмa oбити o глaвy

>no more government jobs

That's like 100% opposite of a commie.

Because Serbs are the niggers of Europe.

lol so true

Serbia, being a small, poor country, has no major impact on Europe currently. Unless we decide to be involved in the inception of another world war I doubt this will have any impact on even the neighbouring states, let alone the whole of Europe.

boy can only dream

LOL implying it wasn't Serbs who ruined Serbia.

Mozda ona pedercina Jankovic ako bude bilo drugog kruga pa se svi ujedine protiv Vucica, al' vrlo su male sanse.

If that were his only position, he might be tolerable.
He wants to expand muh gibs, healthcare, all sorts of commie welfare shit.

>Serbian education

Literally this. This is a great part of the reason our country sucks. Parents don't know how to raise their fucking children and the schools ain't fucking helping