Today my friend was shot in the head (hit his helmet thankfully) and he is still going strong...

Today my friend was shot in the head (hit his helmet thankfully) and he is still going strong. He was shot by a Syrian on his way to base. He is getting the help he needs and thanks all of you for your service for getting Trump elected.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Hello I'm here for the job interview


Looks like a degenerate

Your entire military are degenerate scum and all of them can be wiped off the face of the planet in 2.2 octoseconds you fucking taco

>Pablo doesn't want to fuck his ear hole
Yet you'll fuck the country that spawned this mans earhole.

No respect.

what kind of helmet was it and what caliber do you think it was?
Is this a rebel, or a gov soldier we are looking at?

>degenerate earrings

yeah hes a soldier 10/10

faggot took a BB to the forehead

>Your entire military are degenerate scum
And they are half your military as well. Topkek kid..

you never even saw it coming.

Gov. Solider.

12mm rifle

Who is your 'friend' fighting for?
Also was it a kpot or steelpot?

So he's fighting for the Kurds?

Did the blue team the match?

>and thanks all of you for your service for getting Trump elected.
Why do you like that Trump is now President?

I feel you bro

>Gov. Solider.
Airsofter larping confirmed

That airsoft gun must have been powerful.


Yeah so, what's your point? I don't support any of that either

Be an example and promote what's right regardless of where it's coming from

Fucking newfags
You suck at your basic job of trolling

That green area is a map of some places America has conquered.

>long hair
>facial diarrhea
>"shot" by "syrian"

ANTIFA Fantasies® brought to you by Taco Bell™

Still more of a soldier than anything in the (((German))) "army"

You both know the guy in OPs pic looks like a flamboyant rectum-loving queer bitch. He should have forgot his helmet.


1/10 made me post


reported to cia

>these are the people getting recruited to defend the free world
oh my




Damn! Where can I get one of those helmets?

probably paintball

Where do these military-owned pawns get their snark from exactly? Could it be the bonding experience shared from same sex bathing, or circlejerking to Sarg taking turns buttfucking his men one by one?

Give a bunch of dead-end losers some exercise and structure in their lives in exchange for their civilian rights, and it goes straight to their heads. They're annoying as fuck. I don't care if you are willing to die for Israel like a good little cuck, you ain't bigger or badder then the rest of us.

good luck and hope he recovers soon!

bullshit. those earrings and nosemtal. Bullshit.

I've made several threads talking about the syrian Army which you can find in the Archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


>12mm rifle
gonna petition my government to build armored troop transports out of american helmets


If your military actually looks like that then I don't even want an apocalyptic war anymore. A rouge planetoid just needs to take us out.

Are you a us soldier or native?

How do you feel about the occupation? Will they kick us out after the next election?

you were kicked out in 2011

If your friend was shot by a Syrian, then why the fuck are you grateful Trump got elected?

President Trump ended our dumbshit policy of giving guns and money to ISIS and instead bombed them, coordinated attacks on them with Russia and Syria, and has materially supported YPG. ISIS and al-Qaeda have been on the retreat ever since.

ISIS and al-Qaeda are either foreign mercenaries or foreign psychosalafists. They're barely Syrian.

You'd fucking know this, though, if you weren't being a dumbfag.

If your friend was shot by a Syrian then he's probably a fucking Israeli who was trying to help out ISIS. Fuck your friend and fuck you.

But haha you're just playin' so it's all cool.


Hilldawg was gonna give more funding to FSAl-Qaeda

>deployed to Syria
>has piercings and gauges


Military doesn't allow for those ears fucking dickmuncher
Is right

Are you retarded?

There are Syrian ISIS members.

i hope your friend is shot tomorrow too

Looks to me like it was probably an airsoft gun shooting a little hot and he was shot way too close.

And a helmet isn't going to stop shit, I bet a .22lr will punch through it no problem.
They are very good for impact resistance, but once you get through the thin hard shell you're left with foam. A bullet will have no problem going through an object like this.


>12mm rifle

>There are Syrian ISIS members.
>They're barely Syrian.
Yeah I fucking know. President Assad has given many of them amnesty. But by and large they aren't actually Syrians.

all those piercings and poor life choices. shame it didn't kill him.

all that shrapnel in his face...poor guy :(

lol first thing I thought. Gauges are an instant sign of faggotry that should be avoided

What are the correct pronouns for this person?

THIs guy is not US military dumbass.

Is that an apron?

I heard another bullet past through his earring. Lucky

>not knowing about the trans units that fight for ISIS.
Read the news burger brain.

Airsoft gun wound. Blue tape armband on right arm

For fucks sake


>blue arm band for team identification
>vinyl moral patch
>cars parked in the background
>pick nic table
>roughly 6mm sharp impact
>gay retard look

that's 100% airsoft


>What are the correct pronouns for this person?
FINALLY! someone is asking the question relevant to the man featured in OP's photo.

>picnic table in the background
>white van

yeah, i don't think so, lieutenant

>writing bullshit
Typical trump supporter.
MAGA lulz


>trump supporter
>gauged ears