So after he Washington post - Pewdiepie fiasco, the old media has chosen a new youtube target...

So after he Washington post - Pewdiepie fiasco, the old media has chosen a new youtube target. this time it's Joerg Sprave, known from the Slingshot Channel. The claim is that he helped terrorism by showing how to penetrate a cheap "stabproof" vest. They're pretty much implying Keith Palmer, some PM who got stabbed by a muslim last week, learnt how to plan hit attack by watching stuff like Joerg's content.

Anyway some questions. Why does the old media resort to slandering youtube stars these days? Because the sjw's think it's cool to get someone fired? I think it's just the income it generates by giving more traffic, but it's at a huge cost of their cradibility and long term.

Also the original article is long as balls, yet fails to mention the problem of terrorism itself. Rather it assumes that we should "not learn terrorists how to do terrorism".

Any thoughts Sup Forums?

>Original article by Simon Murphy And Andrew Young

>Joerg's video announcing his channel has recieved a community strike

Other urls found in this thread:]

The PM who died was one of the victims of the Westminster Bridge attack btw

I hope the authors know that their article and the shit it just stirred up is gonna backfire on them so hard.

>Why does the old media resort to slandering youtube stars these days?
Because the internet has caused the mainstream media (which is controlled by a dozen people) to lose their monopoly on information.

In a democracy, results are dictated by public opinion, and public opinion is largely determined by the influence of the media. They view independent media (which can thrive on the internet) as a danger. This has intensified A LOT since the election of Donald Trump.

That's what I don't understand. Why would they doom themselves? I get that if you pick a YT celeb to slander you're going to get a lot of traffic, but all their viewers know you're lying so is it worth it in the long run?

I can understand the emotions, but their method of adapting is toxic and I believe it will be their doom. Or I hope it means that. Otherwise Sup Forums might lose it's hate machine status

I agree, but keep in mind they are old jewish billionaires out of touch with reality.

>massimport muslims
>muslim murder an infidel
>media blames some random guy on youtube

Oh boy.

Better download this before they shut it down. Any other good and informative videos by him that I should save just in case?

In the end, this will just get Joerg more subscribers and more cash, whether it be from YT ad revenue or Patreon donations. If each of his subscribers donates an average of just $.25 for each video he puts out, he'll make millions per year.

Why would those old people care? I think it's more plausible it's just two retard "journalists" since how can this not backfire? Then again controversy is fun, that's also the reason watching Buzzfeed is a guilty pleasure of mine.

>Why would those old people care?
Because they view Trump as Hitler 2.0

Jews suffer from irrational delusions and see anti-semitism in everything.

yeah he's not in any trouble IMO. On the contrary, his channel will grow even more. But I do think it's unfair WP gets a slice of the cake. Maybe they want to transform in trash. Or maybe the best left and the other have just given up.

Mainstream media is finished unless they hobble the internet. This reminds me of fat feminists smashing weight scales because they are fat.

fuck the MoS and the DM, fuck all establishment media vents.

Long Live the Internet

How and where do you stab? Can't find that specific video.

There's some fragments in his latest vid. The original one is taken down obviously.

I guess it comes down to riding along with the new media's popular stars. What a way to do it though.

The vests provided for police constsbles are stab resistant as per their actual official production statement.

They are meant to provide some protection against physical body blows, as well as from slashing while providing some protection from knives.

This video is not really any different than showing a bulletproof vest being shot, with the media saying "man shows how to shoot and penetrate bulletproof vest similar to those worn by UK soldiers in the middle east!"

The media loves to hop onto any public outrage and ride the wave of emotion. They are all slowly dying and need to resort to clickbait to stay alive.

>Jewish media slanders proud white Germanic warrior.
It keeps happening.

What? I thought is was known that kevlar doesn't stop knives without trauma plates.

Brits at it again.

>they ignore you
>they ridicule you
>they fight you
>you win

>sickening footage

last step is >you win
that means that they kill you?

Of course since it's just a British newspaper publishing this, it won't get much traction here.

Muh anglosphere.

>blood money

Every single journalist in the world needs to be exterminated, I mean it.

The vest he used was this Chinese crap reinforced with a thin aluminum plate, barely comparable to the high tech Western cops now HAVE to use

Also bear in mind the terrorist swayed a bridge hitting dozens, then jumped out and remembered his Joerg Sprave technique he learn from youtube and stabbed right trough the PM's vest.

Maybe what's more concerning is the new Google guidelines introduced last week, as claimed in the article.

Btw sorry for my horrible spelling, quite battered after a full day of sports.

>PM who died

If only waffles.

or you could just shoot them with AP ammo.

>point out flaws in product
>instead of fixing them they attack the guy who finds them
really activates my neurons

Muh anglosphere.

"Web giant"

Probably the Brits are claiming he wants to take over the world.

>muh victims

insta dropped

There's easier ways to kill someone with a knife than to stab through a stab proof vest. This world is crazy retarded sometimes.

Honestly I feel bad I just gave them extra views by starting this thread. Hope you all got AdBlock

Fuck dan shneider

damn that shit is boss

Am I the only one who sees that this is just purposely made-up shit in order to make more retarded companies pull their ads of Youtube?
Look at the fucking article there's literally a giant picture of a Netflix ad in the beginning of the video saying that netflix has ads on the video. These libtards are just going to keep trying to make more companies pull their ads till they are in control and can make Youtube full PC.

I am not sure I understand any of this.

How is explaining how to get around a stab proof vest extremist?
If you knew someone was wearing some sort of body armor, why not just stab them in the eye, the neck, the armpit, the groin?

What the fucks the news story here? That somebody filmed themselves throwing a knife?

>German weapon obsessed
>Specify "German" to make it sound worse than other weapons

>why would they do something that will obviously cause them to be hated for it
To continue their victim complex obviously. The more hated you are the more you are allowed to get away with. See Jews and niggers.

You don't get the same quality on the internet tho. In my experience there is a big gap in knowledge between those that read proper paper newspapers and those that get all their news from the internet. I'm actually sort of worried about what will happen once traditional journalism dies, and all we have left are internet entertainment news and imageboards.
But the daily mail is trash.

He didn't really try to get around the vest. He wanted to test his self-made knife against the vest. He straight up punched through it in the middle of the chest area, exactly where the vest has its armor plate. The knife he used was some sort of bayonet or dagger and the vest is a shitty product and not at all "stab proof" against that kind of knife.


Only if you're Canadian

>Joerg Sprave

It's the Brits.

Their obsession towards Germans is almost demonic.

>Going after Joerg Sprave

Dude, what the fuck. That's low.

Youtube is new mainstream media.

I was hoping that link was what it was.

No they claim anything is anti-Semitic. Its how they keep eternal victim status. Its just a buzzword made to demoralize people who disagree.

>Why does the old media resort to slandering youtube stars these days?
because no one watchs them anymore and they feel threatened by the new media.

>April 1st

Good luck getting hold of that in the UK or Germany without a license and prior screening for mental health defects such as the attacker had at Westminster.

wasnt Keith Palmer stabbed to face/neck area? I pretty sure Ive seen a report where it says that

I have the same feeling about basically everything on the Internet being inferior to proper articles on paper, but I don't know if that's actually true. Every single time I ran into an article about exactly that science niche where I'm working in, that article made me cringe. Taking a step back and thinking about how those articles would have been perceived by someone without deep knowledge, things were always misleading, giving people the wrong ideas even if facts were generally (technically) correct. This then makes me wonder if all those articles about things I don't really know about are not also all broken in a similar way, except I can't see it. If everything is garbage and misinforms, it doesn't matter that those longer articles in certain paper newspapers and news magazines look nicer than the stuff on the Internet. It would just be an illusion and the end result would be the same.

That is their main goal. By this logic , rapey/forced porn is responsable for teaching rapists how to rape

I disagree. Science bears results. Horoscopes don't build skyscrapers and jet planes. Science will never be all-encompassing, but at least it gives us models to work on, even if they need constant refining. Believe in the scientific method, just look around.

I love this guy. Hands off Joerg (((Washpoo)))!

I undestand why you mention Netflix. It's mentioned 5 times in the article and it ends with
>A Netflix spokesman said: ‘We employ numerous filters to avoid having our content appear on sites or videos that clearly don’t represent us or our values.

>‘While that works well most of the time, there are a small number of instances where it doesn’t and we are working closely with Google to close that gap further.’

Also Google is called a "Web giant who cashes in blood money". Wtf are these people on about. It's like they imply youtube and Netflix are in a war and they've chosen sides. Honestly it's not even worth my time nor energy thinking about it.

These faggots need to get real jobs.

GG tabloids

That's the plan goyim. They are purposely giving this info out to potential terrorists by raising awareness of the ability to penetrate the vests.

Hate the muslims and SEND MORE MONEY to Israel for defense against evil muslims! Oy Vey!

Nobody markets them as stabproof vests in most countries, they're "stab resistant vests".
The same as "bullet-resistant" vests.

>I love this guy. Hands off Joerg (((Washpoo)))!

It's not the Washington post, its your British newspapers.

i like his channel fuck youtube

holy based euro

>That's what I don't understand. Why would they doom themselves?
They are so far up their own asses that they really believe they're not dooming themselves at all.

It's an anti stab vest, not a bullet proof one. You can take any shit ammo you have and still kill them, no need fo AP.

i watched the video and the plate used was aluminum so anything could go through it

They need to create a problem to suggest a solution that coincidentally gives them what they want.

In this case, the (real) problem is YouTubers have too much influence and cannot go unchecked. The perceived problem is that they are unethical, un-PR, etc. The solution is to introduce stricter control over who gets ad revenue.

As Pewdiepie's shitstorm was underway, YouTube had just introduced new and more strict guidelines for monetization. This is legitimized when "everyone sees how dangerous youtubers can be unchecked".

Or just stab them in the neck or armpits

movies show how to kill people with weapons

(((hollywood))) checkmated

Based Joerg. You should be allowed to know how safe a vest is.
>‘I feel sorry about what happened to the policeman in London. He should have had a gun to protect himself.’

Join the army and slowly steal bullets and gun parts over four years or however long you serve then later put them together or sell them on the black market

So, I shouldn't disclose damaging information?

Good luck with that.

>the policeman in London. He should have had a gun to protect himself.

Muh anglosphere.]



The only war is the war on truth.

....just wanna add my post is satire please don't arrest me thought police

>sickening photo
Oy vey so sick it's making me nauseous. I can just imagine the blood and the hatred and it sends a chilling reminder of the holocaust down my spine.

>confusing science and technology
>muh "scientific" method

Absolutely. The internet was (and is) a wonderful opportunity for news. Now someone experienced with the topic can be easily found 24/7 worldwide. But the people in charge of said agencies would rather hire on their (((cousins))) to write on subjects they have little to no experience in.

Shit like this makes me feel better about my adblocker, fuck them for going after a channel so far removed from politics

So someone found a glaring fault in a 'stab-proof' vest? Good. Maybe now the makers of it will improve it so people wearing a stab-proof vest aren't killed by getting fucking stabbed through it.

HOLY SHIT they are actually onto Jorg Sprave



I hope they will only grant him more viewers

He's a fucking perfect youtuber. He's so good. I HATE THEM


Isn't that the super jolly chubby guy who always makes silly slingshots?
The character assassination is creepy

>fucking with Uncle Joerg
Now they've gone too far.

>They're pretty much implying Keith Palmer, some PM who got stabbed by a muslim last week, learnt how to plan hit attack by watching stuff like Joerg's content.

But I thought Islam is a religion of peace???!!! Wtf, I have been lied to!!!

uh oh, this may cause the peaceful muslims to kill people

we must censor ourselves again

>sickening footage
Jesus Christ that's next level kvetching

reality is even worse

>mass import muslims
>mulsims murder an infidel
>media and government blame the natives of the country


nothing the misinformation age hates more then someone still providing truthful content.

>old media desperately trying to silence their competitors who will soon make them obsolete

Its the daily mail

Eric Feinberg is behind the Youtube ad censorship, he writes to papers like the Mail and WSJ telling them about offensive content, to get them shut down

>Eric Feinberg MADE the YouTube ad boycott happen so he could SELL his technique for fixing it.

>He's doing it for $$

PM means Prime Minister in Englandistan, bruv.

What level of kikery is this?

>Why does the old media resort to slandering youtube stars these days?
Because it's easier to fake outrage on the internet. Your face can't be seen on the internet. They want to create the illusion that "the people" are revolting against "the system", and for that purpose they pick random target and create the idea that a huge internet crowd is protesting against them. Which is easier, hiring actors for real life protests or paying shills to create fake internet identities?

>be me a long time ago
>be into slingshots
>see this guy and love his videos think nothing of him
>see this shit years later
Jesus fucking Christ thanks alot sjw fags. this was just a guy who liked to do his slingshot videos. why not go after videos where they teach you how to actually make explosives or home made weapons? why go after a slingshot guy??