97% of Trump's statements during the election were proven by independent fact-checking websites to be lies...

97% of Trump's statements during the election were proven by independent fact-checking websites to be lies. Let that sink in.

Congratulations, Alt-Right trolls, you played yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yesterday was nice, there was no obvious shilling and sliding going on.

>94 million are, indeed, out of the work force



I don't think you know what that word means.
They gave the Clintons tons of money, so they aren't independent at all.
That boasts is still up, and better than this one

I know fellow CTR friend. How can these Drumftards think he is going to be president when hillary is polling at 98%.



>Independent sources
>NBC literally at the bottom
>Alt right

>adds jobless americans with those who aren't employed out of choice

Then they're still out of the labor force?

What the fuck does that prove? The statistic is still correct.

>being unemployed by choice
are these people actually retarded?

t. niggers, NEET and women

but ye the NBC fact checks were a joke

100% of Hillary Clinton's statements during the election were flat out pathological lies. Congratulations, niggerfaggot. You played yourself.

Blumpth BTFO again!

Top meme, they actually say that his definition is correct.


I don't even know why she's campaigning. She's got this in the bag.

I'm with her


It's Tim:


Fuck you, no way this one is real

well, Im unemployed by choice. than again, im a nihilst who's just waiting to die. so it's not entirely false

Wtf I hate Trump now

You mean like when he claimed Assad was fighting ISIS? What a conman!!

97% of polls during the election were proven by independent thinking individuals to be lies. Let that sink in.

Congratulations, kike media, you played yourselves.

record status: corrected

Yes, he is an incompetent literal popstar tier hack. That's the whole point, that's why people voted for him. Our democracies are so corrupt, you could elect your local homeless druggie for world presidence, it wouldn't change a single thing.
All he's doing, all he has the power to do, is making noise about irrelevant measures.

It's counting housewives, disabled people, and people so rich they don't have to work as "unemployed", as if it's a problem if those people don't work for a salary.

Even when Donald Trump says facts they're wrong, shitlord

Ever heard of a housewife, ya dumbo? In the perfect heteropatriarchy, the Trump unemployment rate would be 50%.

but muh hitlery tho



Fucking Cuckistani ignorance will kill us all one day.

ثابر على العمل الجيد. الله أكبر

It's time;

If there were 60 million people who didn't have to work because of how well off they are we wouldn't have widespread poverty.

Fucking pathetic. Anyone with a brain cell still functioning would know that the so called, 'independent fact check' websites are completely biased Liberal surrogates. Op, go fuck yourself.

Lmao, does the little Trumpet want his bottle?