
Hey Sup Forums so in your opinion, why is China such a shithole?

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>a land full of one race that all look and think the same way

It's a good indicator of what white supremacists want. A great land of groupthink.

dog eating subhuman horde

No one has any rights to criticize the government and the population is so brainwashed they don't care.

For all of the US's problems the fact that I can go and complain about the government or make inflammatory art without a goon coming to silence is something I've always cherished.

China has been through a lot of rough waters these past 100 years but their resolve should be taken seriously. visit China and you'll see the next great world power rising.

>killed 45 million in four years
>arifa akbar
Are they taking notes?

Probably due to the extreme dissconect between government and the will of the people, along with shitloads of corrupt officials and half the country being perpetually stuck in the beginning of the industrialization, and on top of that you sprinkle some 1+ billion people and legislature that makes caring for others a HUGE detriment to yourself and bam, one china made.

You make a good point, I've just always been so surprised that there's still that sheen of freedom behind the iron curtain.

>Mao literally killed all the pest eating birds because he saw them eat grain once
communists are retarded


The only sheen you'll find in china is the sheen from the huge fucking screens they put up to simulate the sunset and sunrise, since the smog blots out the sky.

It's actually recovering from terrible at a staggering pace.

Had Mao not done what he did, China would have far worse peasant treatment.

Until Mao finished, Chinese had placed no value on any peasant. It took world outcry for them to wake up.

Their lives are quite comfortable now.

They just need their religion back now.

Is there another China we don't know about as outsiders?

This, I have no problem with chinese people, I have problems with communists

>Mao kills 45 million in 4 years
>But there is no way that Hitler could kill less than 1/4 of that total in an even longer time
Sup Forums BTFO

That's the question though... can the Chinese be separated from communism?

When will this communism meme end?
China has always been shit.

No dude we know about pretty much everything that isn't strictly military.
If you want a look at the corruption and smog and general enviromental shit, watch "under the dome", a documentary about it on youtube. Well made and shot on site.
I dunno man, i think the main spat people have with the holocoaster is the method. Not that I'd know, i don't care about it.

China has been searching for an identity since the British fucked them up in the 1840s. In that time Japan opened its borders, became a world power, got nuked, rebuilt to retain its status. Similarly the US went from being a regional power to being THE superpower.
The Chinese are stumbling about like a child in the dark, the Communist party will fall eventually and the cracks are starting to appear in their "sweatshop for the world" economy.

Kai-Shek did nothing wrong ROC is the real China

so are the chinese people unfortunate victims of circumstance being born into such a corrupt and dangerous place, afraid to revolt because they know what kind of atrocities their government is capable of?

or are they actually insect people that are fine with all of it?

I dont really think that proves a whole hell of a lot. Every society goes through dark periods in their history. A society can't progress if they have no villains to fight.

no idiot, it's the jews.
not all jews are commies but all commies are jews


Thanks for the info user. Anyone else have any real deal documentaries to watch on the subject?

Everybody who was somebody was killed or gtfo, leaving only robot citizens with very little individualism and those that never put a toe out of line.

Those reasons are not mutually exclusive. It's a vicious circle:

Bit of both but Chinese people with the right culture can be great. I knew a lot of Hong Kong Chinese when I was at Uni and they were a right bunch of lads. They hate the Mainland for their attitudes to things. I hear Macau has a similar thing.

I lived there for 5 years, it's a parasite. China doesn't innovate, they steal. China won't be leading shit.

Can you link me more Chink genetic studies? Do you have their inbreeding rates? I have the inbreeding rates of Japan, India, UK, Germany, &c., but I'm missing China, since all I can find in terms of data is poo-tier estimates.

I'm glad you're here. I have a bone to pick with you people!
is there something you haven't been telling us?

yeah because Chinese people are just like Aryans, right? You're a dipshit

Mao = Taoist

>a land full of one race that all look and think the same way
It's working pretty good for them tbqh

ching gonna chong

There are no women in the UK?

They are intelligent, but they lack empathy. They are like ants.

Europeans have both intelligence and empathy, which made them to worship the individual which ultimately spawned modern civilisation. Chinks aren't subtle enough.