Should politicians be forced to take an IQ test before running for office?


the person that made the IQ test would run the country then.

Yes. If you get over 120 then you should have to become an engineer instead.

I might agree with this if there was also a test that could determine if someone was more willing to use their emotions to make decisions instead of evidence and strategy.

Yeah that way we wouldn't have Bernie Sanders in office.

You mean like the morrowind/daggerfall class test?

The look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

Did she fuck Tonee?

Nah, he was too busy eating onions. She just drank his onion-infused piss.

Just as arbitrary as having the richest or most connected people running

Should anyone who wants to buy a gun be subject to an IQ test? Who decides what "IQ" means?

Politicians represent the will of the people.

People it's dumb.

Deal with it.

I like Graham hancocks solution: force them take huge doses of shrooms or dmt before running for office.

>Force people to study subjects they don't want to
>They aren't particularly motivated
>They either don't get jobs in the field they were forced into or get jobs and don't work hard


Carter reportedly has a super high iq and knows like 20 languages
where did that get us?

IQ tests are racist. You think this country would have had a black president if the white supremacists that invented IQ tests had that as a qualification to be POTUS?

It's 2017, we need to be looking forward, not backwards.

It should be played the other way around, voters should take IQ test's in order to vote

Obama was smart, Truman was dumb. One took in it the ass and the other fucked Japan.

IQ tests have been obsolete for ages, user.

It doesn't matter what you IQ is fag, power consumes all

>47 Italian intellectuals agree!

Of all the people I've known in my life, in school, in the army, in Iraq, at home - all the "smartest" people did the dumbest shit. Usually due to their lack of humility, they allow their ego to get the best of them. Academia isn't what it used to be, there are enough people using it to it's potential, but the majority are churned through academia to inflate their malignant narcissism.

No. I don't know if this is supposed to be a secret or some shit, but the current tests we use to determine normal* IQ are pieces of shit that can give you a different score every time you take it, because it's actually possible to study for them.
* The tests for being retarded actually work, but doctors use them to determine how disabled a kid is: If you needed one you wouldn't be a legal adult anyway.

t. low IQ specimens