Are French Canadians superior to Anglo Canadians?


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Britain got cucked in 1066 by the frenchies, so Id say yes.

They've still retained a unique identity, so yeah.

As far as cooking goes, yes haha

No, they're the same.
And the english language is just a germanized version of french anyway.

The only thing worse than being French or Canadian is being both.

They're no more french than you are mexican, Pedro.


Look at Justin Trudeau (French name). All downhill since the French got a little power.

Just like France, a complete cuck fest of a country, the worst in Europe. Yeah it even beats Sweden and Germany!


En fait plus Francais que la plupart des connards métis qui peuple la Fronce aujourd'hui...

They aren't very different
Canadians are top tier

Who is more liberal leafs?



We're the same.


How did you manage to put this two words in one sentence?

Everyone Liberal except Alberta

But our conservative can easily be seen as liberal to an american

Tu es tellement étranger à nous que tu ne sais même pas comment écrire "français" (avec une cédille).
Merci de m'avoir donné raison Justin.


Commence a lire le National Post, The gazette et Macleans, Kevin, tu vas comprendre....

I've seen more realistic airbrush paintings.

>Tu es tellement étranger à nous

Parce que les bougnoules et les negres sont vos vrais compatriotes, right? Mais tu es probablement un de ces métis dégoutant...

Regarde, j'ai pas de problème avec la majorité de la province, c'est juste le... Quoi, 10-15% qui chiale tout le temps qui m'écoeure assez pour que je sache qu'on est vraiment pas supérieurs.


Pierre, dit donc a ta femme de baisser ses bras, je sent l'odeur d'ici.

Aux dernières nouvelles votre capitale provinciale était aussi remplie de québécois d'origine arabe et haïtienne. Il suffit de fair une tour sur périscope pour s'en rendre compte.

Tu veux dire ce défends contre les attaques constantes des anglos, genre...

>Aux dernières nouvelles votre capitale provinciale était aussi remplie de québécois d'origine arabe et haïtienne

MTL n'est pas notre capitale, pauvre merde, c'est la ville de Québec.

frenchies are both more and less liberal, except for toronto which is the liberal capitol of the country.

Même tes blagues pourries sont calquées sur celles des anglo-saxons. Vous n'avez pas d'identité spécifique. Nous êtes juste nord-américains les gars.

>frenchies are both more and less liberal

Were more liberals for our own tribe, not for everybody like anglos, who vote for a fuckin gay mudslime to be their mayor...

>tfw no French Canadian gf

Laisse faire le Québec et occupe toi de ton pays, Jean le cocu, parce que a ce rythme c'est une république Islamique dans 20 ans.

didn't quebec crack down on islamic hate speech after that mosque got shot up?

It also caused the introduction of M-103

>MTL n'est pas notre capitale
En gros vous faites comme le reste des états des USA et des provinces canadiennes : vous désignez comme capitale administrative une ville autre que la capitale économique.
Tu vois que vous n'êtes en rien différents.

C'est ca ton problème, honnêtement. Tu va pas vraiment trouver de la discussion intelligente la-dessus. Je nie pas qu'il y a des insultes des deux bords, j'suis juste tanné d'en entendre parler.
C'est plutot calqué de la réalité, mon gars. Vos femmes puent des dessous de bras, et t'en es anxieux, car tu sais que les touristes retournent chez eux un peu plus redpilled sur ta patrie peuplée de lesbiennes et de mohameds.

>The artist formerly known as Mr. Westmount

Go fuck yourself you stupid tripfag

He's a namefag, not a tripfag, you newfag.

Fuck no. F*ench-Canadians destroyed Canada and turned it from a proud bastion of Anglo civilisation, to a multicultural cesspit, in just a few short decades.

See: Pierre Trudeau

Normandy = France. You got fucked by French cavalry buddy and now 30% of your language is French.
So yeah, you got invaded by a French vassal.


and we no likey mudslimey

>See: Pierre Trudeau

Trudeau was in power 20 years exclusively because of Ontario(anglos), dumb fuckin Britbong, don't talk about shit that you don't really know...

Ici les cocus qui se plaignaient des manifs anti-marriage-gay ici citaient le Québec en exemple de "tolérance".

C'est d'ailleurs grâce à votre province que Trudeau, un féministe anti-blanc pro-islamiste qui pense que le Canada n'a pas de culture, a réusi a être élu.

Vous n'avez même pas été cappables d'avoir votre indépendance par manque de conviction il y a 20 ans, et maintenant avec toute la "diversité" qu'il y a chez vous les idiots d'indépendantistes ne peuvent qu'échouer. D'ailleurs toute seule votre province ferait faillite vu que vous vivez au crochet des provinces riches.

>Vous n'avez même pas été cappables d'avoir votre indépendance par manque de conviction il y a 20 ans

Les pures laines ont votés oui a 67%, pauvre merde, c'est les anglos et les shitskins qui ont fourrés le vote...

He was still a French-Canadian though, you Québécois faggot.

>The Canadian Multiculturalism Act is a law, passed in 1988, that aims to preserve and enhance multiculturalism in Canada.

>The federal government, under Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, declared in 1971 that Canada would adopt multicultural policy.

>Ici les cocus qui se plaignaient des manifs anti-marriage-gay ici citaient le Québec en exemple de "tolérance".

assez drole vu qu'ici lors de notre essai pour une "chartes des valeurs" qui etait pas mal une charte "anti-musulmane" les droitiers citaient la laicite de la france comme exemple...

faut comprendre que latmosphere de montreal et celui de la ville de quebec sont pas mal differents

Sait pas pourquoi tu me parle de l'independence du Quebec, j'crois que ca pourrait pas être plus clair que je m'en fout. Au moins tu ne nie pas que ton pays se fait envahir par les turbines et les boites aux lettres organiques.

Par contre arrêtes avec ta blonde elle est laide, de Dieu, t'en as pas une moins plastique.

La diversité = Canada. On nous a imposé la diversité, car on a perdu le référendum en 1995, dû aux anglophones, les races et l'argent. Petite merde inculte, retourne prier dans ta mosquée. Vos enfants parlent comme des arabes dans votre pays de merde.

>He was still a French-Canadian though

Half-Scot, Half-French, Nigel Le Cuck...

Ps:stop feeding Pakis and feed your fucking kids...

C'est ce que je disais : aujourd'hui non seulement tes "pures laines" sont moins nombreux mais comptent aussi un bon nombre de millenials cocufiés dans leurs rangs.

Un autre qui aime mieux les truies avec les cheveux gras, pas de maquillage et laide...

French Canadians are better. Unlike over in the UK where the English don't want to get pozzed by immigrants but the Scots desperately wish they were getting paki'd in Canada the Anglo-Canadians typically dominate in all three main parties, with the only French-Canadian dominated major party having been the Bloc which was restricted mostly to Quebec and destroyed in the elections half a decade ago when the NDP swept through there and now again with the Liberals in there.

The Quebecois in their single province wanted more Frenchies and so imported Algerians and Haitians as they have control over their own immigration

However upon realizing the shitskins are wild islamic and voodoo monkeys running in the streets shitting and raping everywhere they immediately shut down immigration- the result is that while Ontario is 70%~ white Quebec is 91%~ white.

The Anglo-Canadians on this board bitch a lot about "muh provincial autonomy". But because they actually run the country they never had the simple thought of "what if each province controlled their own immigration like Quebec does". Then you'd easily be able to uncuck Canada's current immigration problems since at the very least the Maritimes would opt for European immigrants and presumably so would the Prairies- leaving only BC and Ontario to try and pozz themselves further.

Anglo-Canadians are destroying Canada, but Quebec (and the Maritimes) will survive as white homelands even after Canada east of Ottawa becomes New China.

Why are you posting this ugly fucking slut?

Non. Mais quitte a baiser du plastique autant s'acheter une flesh light.

>un bon nombre de millenials cocufiés dans leurs rangs.

Ton seul bon point jusqu'a date, Adrien...mais on est bien moins pire que la Fronce...

By the way, la nièce de Marine Le Pen elle brûle pas du charbon un peu? Monde de fou quand la parenté de ton seul espoir ne baisera pas si ce n'est pas avec Tyrone?

Non, sans farces, t'as raison sur les millenials cocus. Sauf que vous en avez probablement autant, sinon plus.

Most of our Prime Ministers are from Quebec.

Yes they are

I'm neither, but it's quite evident that anglos here are cucked subhuman untermench

>Anglo-Canadians are destroying Canada, but Quebec (and the Maritimes) will survive as white homelands even after Canada east of Ottawa becomes New China.

Your a real one, Bubba

Ps:she's beautiful

Trudeau introduced multiculturalism to try and weaken Quebec nationalism. An independent Quebec would have lead Canada to become homogenously English-speaking like the USA (ignoring the spics, obviously).

The reality also is that both the Conservative and Liberal parties in Canada have increased immigration- even in the UK that has never happened and neither in the USA have the Republicans ever actually increased immigration. Canada is unique in that their conservatives not only increase immigration but increase it by large amounts- under the liberals it was at 200,000 a year and then Harper increased it to 250,000 a year.

Toujours la même obsession pour les travelos a ce que je vois Charles..

Désolé, elle est probablement trop blanche pour ton gout, Rachid.

Normans were Norse invaders into France you dumb faggot. You're the ones who were cucked.

>30% of your language is French
No it isn't. We adopted some Norman-French words, it did not change the structure.

>I'm neither, but it's quite evident that anglos here are cucked subhuman untermench

Let me guess, Portuguese from MTL?

>anglos here are cucked subhuman untermench
Now that I can agree with.

the English plural is literally made by adding an s...

% of your language is French
>No it isn't.

no, ukrainian

Most French Canadians are the type of people to ask that question.
They suffer from small penis syndrome and constantly need validation to feel important.

https //

La diversité est notre force, mes amis. Le québec ou immigrants!

>They suffer from small penis syndrome and constantly need validation to feel important.

That's why these threads are always made by anglos, James Wong?

(((Justin Trudeau)))

>muh dickkkkk

Sweden, France and Germany are all in different leagues of cuckedness as is the UK.

The UK has experienced 600,000 new immigrants a year for 20 years now with around 45% of those immigrants being non-whites. That's 6 million "new British" and probably more like 8.5 million when accounting for their children.

Germany was 92% white and 85% ethnic German as of the last census despite being in Schengen, despite being the economic heart of Europe and despite weak ethnic German birthrates. All of this is because non-EU immigration to Germany was very low. That has obviously changed because of Merkel's policies but that is a recent change.

France has had low immigration in recent times both in and out of the EU. However holding onto their former colonies like French Guiana and Polynesia and a high level of immigration by "Frenchized" Arabs and then non-Frenchized former colonized peoples during the 1960s to the 1990s resulted in France being 80% white and mainland France being 85% white. High birthrates among non-whites have contributed strongly to this low (for a European nation) percentage of whites. However if Macron is elected things might get really cucky really fast since he admires Merkel's actions in bringing in 2 million new Germans and wants to emulate them by bringing in more Arabs to France.

Thanks for proving my point jaque

pourquoi est tout le monde parle français en cette salope?

They're okay as labourers if you can get some without substance abuse issues etc. But superior? No. Categorically. I lived in Quebec for many years and still visit regularly. As a group they're like overly emotional children. And I like them, really like Quebec, it's one of the few cool places in this country.


Normans were Norse invader in France, yes, in 911 when Rollon arrived. But Vikings had a policy of adopting mainland culture as fast as possible to prosper as integrated farmers. Plus Rollon submitted to the French king to have Normandy.
The Duchy was made for him, in return he swore an oath to the king.

In 1066, when they invaded they where French and under Capetian rule, don't kid yourself, you got invaded by a french vassal.

>boites aux lettres organiques

>tfw french canadian maghrebi

Google Translate ?
Because in this bitch is translated literaly and it's quitte amusing.

Finally Sweden is a different kind of cucked because they, like Canada, have been stuffing themselves full of any immigrant they could find for 20 years. Unlike the UK which received a majority of immigrants from white countries the Swedes specifically go out of their way to import more shitskins, as many as possible. The result being that Sweden will be the first European country to dip below 80% white European.

Which is relevant why?

>hello I'm retarded please help

To restate what user said English, like many European languages, has a large number of loan words from French and Latin. This did not change the underlying grammatical structure which is the most important part of determining which family a language is classed with, likewise the words which are used commonly and without which the language would not be a language at all are overwhelmingly of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Wow, le genre de chose que tu ne dirais jamais dans la vraie vie, classique petit anglo faible qui parle sur le net...

Consider suicide.

>your brain on Christianity

Half of the ethnic French are part nigger, so no. They are not superior


I didn't know the term for "bitch" so I had to look that one up. My french is shit but I try.

google translate op pls nerf

No, the Quebecois are horrible people. Aggressive, rude, startlingly poor driving, viciously cruel to anyone who isn't from their mongrel French background.

You can tell them apart from normal Canadians with just momentary observation, because they can't even pretend to be nice or calm or friendly, or because they drive like literal maniacs.

The fact that Canada bent over as far as they have for those detestable wannabe Frenchmen shitmongers should be a permanent source of embarrassment, if mainstream Canadians can even still feel that emotion.

c'est quoi ça? Le français sur MON board d'anglophone??

Icitte on n'parle que l'anglais.

I was in Florida this winter and you american are way worst driver then us Quebecer, it was scary to watch.

Most of our cucked, I mean Liberals, Prime Minister came from Quebec

What??? Slow down on the vodka chugging Igor...

Was part of France
French culture
French genes (y-yea some french women got VIKING'D...)

>No, the Quebecois are horrible people. Aggressive, rude

...and that's why were gonna survive as a tribe and anglos are gonna die, they're good, naive people...


So cute.


We don't say the lingua franca is "American", we say it's English. Norman-French is fucking nothing, Normans spoke French. FACT.

> "which is the most important part of determining which family a language is classified with"

Nope. Just nope.
The lexicon used is as important as the grammar and they are classified by finded common features to identify a chronological ancestry of said language. This is why english is Anglo Frisian, the goal is to find the origin of the differenciation in said language, not to evaluate how much it inherited from one or the other.
Undubitably English is Anglo-Frisian. Doesnt mean 30% of your lexicon is not French loans/ Even transparent french words. Which many are.

>another Anglo VS French divide & conquer thread
Good goyim! Hate the only province that didn't adopt the policy of "multiculturalism"!