Can someone give me the /serbia/ election in a nutshell?

Now that the dust has settled, can some one please explain the recent serbian election to me. I haven't been keeping up with the current political scene lately, and I am not ready to jump into this fuckery

Other urls found in this thread:

Opposition eternally BTFO.

tl;dr of the election:
>Vučić is basically Merkel with a nationalist rhetoric
>Saša Janković is basically less corrupt Hillary
>Serbs are politically retarded
>Serbs vote for/against people, not policy
>Vučić and Janković have more or less the same stance on everything
>the only difference is the person doing the job
>Vučić preaches to the patriots, Janković preaches to the libtards
>Vučić wins in a +40% landslide because there's more patriots in Serbia than libtards

Vučić won with 55%.
Ran the dirtiest campaign in history.
Is now basically a dictator.
Prime minister and president at the same time, until he appoints someone who is easily controlled as prime minister.
So using the Putin handbook.
I'm educated and well of, and I'm thinking of leaving Serbia for good, same as all my friends who aren't: retarded, pro Vučić ( i.e retarded) or being payed by Vučić.

Also there are some people trying to spin this into a left vs right wing thing, which it is not. There is no left or right here.
I'm right wing, but hate Vučić because he is a corrupt petty dictator.

Good bye.

>explain the recent serbian election to me.

Yea, you will be smiling when all the doctors go to Germany.
The only people left in Serbia will be the bots, and old people.
Keep being smug sendvičar. Assuming you actually believe the shit you're spewing, you will see you were wrong soon enough.

>Now that the dust has settled
It hasn't. Massive protest in multiple cities around Serbia right now.

>be Vučić
>a psycho obsessed with yourself with a delusional disorder and severe sociopathy
>half of your country is young hipsters bussy with drinking their caffe macchiato who simply can't take 5 minutes to vote and believe politics is none of their bussiness
>the other half is old people stuck in some imaginary world, infatuated with you and your psychotic delusions of grandeur and power, while in reality all parts of the country are rapidly degenerating
>almost all the media is sucking your dick
>the west is patting you on your head because you are such a good boy and you are selling everything to them for a cheap price, willfully enslaving your economy in their bondage
>call elections

There it is, amerianon. Feel free to ask for details.

also, this.

With you being a person that unironically believes the "muh dictator" bullshit that opposition spews about literally everybody since Sloba, I doubt we're losing much.
Please leave ASAP.

Video from the protests - Excuse the fagbook links, can't find others right now

www.face -

www.face -

Wonder if you will be so smug once you feel the ravages of what you have done. Which will be in two, maximally three years.

Do you ever look around you? Your country is fucked beyond recognition, old people unable to survive without help or starving alltogether, being flooded by fugees thanks to deals with Mama Merkel, and now you have elected your Premier to be President.

That last thing alone should make you shudder you inbred Shqiptar rapebaby

Because most people since Sloba were leaning towards that, SNS and Vučić more than any before. That is not just some paranoid thinking, there are objective reasons to think so. He is not a dictator yet, but he is moving towards that end rapidly.

>massive protests
>500 angry kids shouting FUCK YOU VUČIĆ US libshit-style

It must pain you that Video and Foto technology exists, don't it?

Maybe because they were actually all dictators?
Because they were.
From Tito, Sloba, Đinđić to a lesser degree and now Vučić.
Are you trying to say Vučić isn't the only source of power in Serbia?

I've been living through what has been done since the Sloba days.
Every government has been progressively worse.
There's no reason for me to want another equally bad change.

Consolidation of power =/ muh dictatorship.

We've been watching the protests from street cameras on Serb/pol/, you fucking retard.
The crowd was tiny.

Crisis is, at this point, inevitable, whether change in government happens or not. The point is that, should Vučić stay, that crisis is going to be far worse. He will- no, he already IS destroying the country. And he is doing it worse than any before, except Sloba. And it needs to stop. Yes, new government would not be really great and they are bound to make some shit. But for fuck's sake, there is at least hope in change, unlike the course we are on now.

Your argument is pure shit.
The same people have been in power for the last 20 years.

Complete lack of: media freedom, separation of branches of government and voter fraud do indeed suggest it is a
>muh dictatorship

I don't agree with the protesters, but there are about 10.000 people there. Don't lie to people.

I don't have hope for a potential Janković-led change. We've seen what negative change can do.
Vučić is not doing anything especially bad - he's just doing the same thing everybody did before him.
He just seems to be the worst because he's the most recent. In reality, if Vučić were the President 2008-2012, and Tadić came after him, Tadić would've been the worst.

As long as there are elections for you niggers to cry over, it's not a dictatorship.
>at least 10k people
Holy shit, the delusion is real.
There's been ~500 people at best, faggot.

So elections=not a dictatorship?

It's funny, there are like 20 Serbian elections on this list. We perfected the art of unfair elections that are just for show, or for "consolidating power"

I am disheartened by your lack of courage to try to fix this country. If you leave it in the hands of Vučić, he's gonna sell it off. As far as I'm concerned he is rock bottom.

So is this the new thread?

Oh, I'm willing to fix this country alright.
I'm just willing to do it with real people, with real policies.
Those are not people like Janković.

For example, one good thing came out of this election.
Milan Stamatović, the most successful municipal president in Serbia, checked his power among the people, pulled some media attention towards himself, and is currently building a new political party.
His people are going to take part in the local election in Kosjerić. He's determined to improve Serbia one municipality at a time.

>controversial election
That's only because the opposition has a habit of whining whenever they fail, a habit which goes back to 1996/1997, which is the only set of elections to this day that was actually fraudulent.

pish pish kme kme

Your posts are getting less biased every thread. Good job!

Ne kazem da su pro eu liberali u potpunosti neprijatelji. Ne slazem se sa njima, to je tacno. I kod Jankovica mi je veoma ozbiljno zasmetalo samo ono nametanje Srebrenice kao kljucnog pitanja.
Ali znam da ima nekih koji ga podrzavaju kojima nije problem da to rade onom zidu.

Ali postoji mogucnost da je Vucic iscenirao da bi produbio jaz u opoziciji.

JPP za domove zdravlja je jako dobra ideja, ali tu mora mnogo da se pazi, sama priroda tih ugovora je pipava. Imas neki link za Seseljev plan? Ja ne pamtim kad je pricao o necemu sto nije spoljna politika.

Raspale debilčine i žute ljige, nitko ne puši vaše gluposti o Vučiću koji inscenira nerede. U nekoj normalnoj državi Zapada bi blokada prometa, nenajavljeni protest i divljanje ovih nakaznih Šipstera završilo batinjanjem i uhićenjima, no on ne smije jer bi vi gamadi režali o diktaturi, policijskoj državi i fašizmu.

Evo vas ovdje, mater vam veleizdajničku nakon 1945. nakoćenu.

Зa дoмoвe здpaвљa јe Mилoвaн Бoјић пpичao нa нeкoј кoнфepeнцији зa нoвинape, пpoбaћy дa нaђeм.

Može li neko napraviti novi /serbpol/?

Građani i građanke.
She was even funnier at the meeting of the communist party, when she was adding "građanke," "drugarice" and other female versions of nouns out loud while other people were talking.

Sto ti to ne uradis?

pa vec postoji ovaj konac moronu, zasto bi sad pravili dva?

>300k people out of 6.5 million eligible voted for a poorly constructed joke
>totally wasn't a plant to weaken other candidates
>wouldn't have mattered because everyone ran cringeworthy and awful campaigns
>poor man's serbian trump eternally btfo and will most likely retire and die of liver disease
>vucic continues playing the martyr on all fronts and milking that sympathy vote of confidence
>getting 90s vibes all over again

Svatko tko spomene Jankovića ili Radulovića smrada koji je vodio stečaj 17 poduzeća paralelno i sva ih razjebao, zaslužuje smrt.

Pogledajte taj nakot. To je kičma (((građanske Srbije))), iste one o kojoj Vučić priča da je došao kraj, i da je Srbija narodna država Srba koji su je stvarali. Ne davimo Beograd ekipa. Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava koja je pred Skupštinom pravila performans za Srebrenicu, Anita Mitić koja se nalazi sa svojom predsednicom Atifete Jahjagom, puleni Fonda za humanitarno pravo Nataše Kandić, fond "Slavko Ćuruvija" i Ilir Gaši (Fonda braće Rokfeler, NED), "Tačka kominikacije" koju finansiraju NVO "Trag" USAID i drugi; Transparentnost Srbija (Ministarstvo Velike Britanije i Severne Irske, USAID), Evropa nema alternativu Simona Simonovića koji je prelepljivao postere "Kosovo je Srbija" slikama Baraka Obame, NGO sektor koji se predstavlja kao grupa zastupnika interesa građana i nekakvih fantomskih "studenata".

Meni je ok Stamatović ali kada bi on bio bilo kakva pretnja Vučiću, ovaj bi nahuškao svoje pse na njega i zakopao bi ga politički.

Zato što tako funkcioniše politika ovde, a to je ono što zapravo mora da se promeni. Ko god da je na vrhu koristi državni aparat da kinji opoziciju i ostaje na vrhu po inerciji. To je zato što su institucije loše.

Ne može da postoji efekivna i dobra administracija države, dok su postoji sa jedne strane ovoliki nivo demagogije i manipulacije a sa druge strane potpuno brisanje granica izmedju izvršne, parlamentarne i sudske vlasti, gde je vrhovni vođa personifikacija sva tri. A taj problem se ne rešava sam od sebe, već boljim zakonima i institucijama, koje ne mogu da nastanu dokle god nekim polu diktatorima odgovara da budu loši.

Ja mislim da 90% ljudi koji glasaju za Jankovića to rade iz nekog bunta, a ne ideologije kao što možda misliš.

Bili su prilično bazirani kad je bio protest koji je išao preko Slavije do Vlade. Obezbeđenje je reklo lezbejkama koje su razvile šarenu zastavu da je sklone odmah. Posle toga je samo sve otišlo u kurac. Gej zastava na čelu kolone, Zoe, antifašističke pesme... Samo tuga. Moj kum je bio jedan od osnivača ali nije mogao da izdrži priču nakon što su upali veliki finansijeri.

>cringeworthy and awful campaigns

Popovic and Stamatovic had good campaigns, and good plans. And look where they are... Unfortunately. Dveri had a very interesting and creative campaign to appeal to the right wing orientated youth and for the laymen. They scraped by 2%.
Jeremic promised the land of milk and honey n shiet, went full populism, spent god knows how much cash (and who's cash it was, because his costs far outweigh the money he got from the state) to place his poorly made billboards, and spam youtube and the internet as a whole with ads, second only to Vucic. Jermic had a really cringeworthy campaign.

The problem is the opposition campaign was mostly confined to the internet.
I mean, Vucic bought out every fucking add space in every newspaper on the last day of the campaign.


You people don't understand that it is impossible for any first world gonverment to do anything that resembles dictatorship anymore. Even changing the slightest thing will never work because people are too afraid of change.

Judging from the situation, we are going to be a Middle Eastern shithole full of immigrants soon as well and you can't believe how lucky you are to have just postponed the inevitable.


Sanda and Boško went and protested with the absolute worst scum, NGO sector, holding rubber ducks and holding formation with US Marines from US Embassy security.

Are you this dense? Dveri have backing of a fucking US official, (((Berkeley))) employee and US nuclear lobbyst that went out of her way to spoil Russian business in Hungary and Finland, Jasmina Vujić.

Sanda was a plant into DSS, she wasn't even part of the original, she was ambassador to Rome initially.

This is the reason there was a coup in DSS, and Koštunica went out of isolation and supported Aleksandar Popović who led the charge to expel half-Croat, Yugocommunist descended bitch whose son is a Croat.

So much for Serbian political Right and Nationalism.

Aleksandar Popović is the only one I have high hopes for, but as you can see, he needs to distinguish himself and remove the plants and traitors.

lmao I'm so glad my parents emigrated from this shithole of a country to here, I might be Serbian cause of my parents but I rarely visit this ugly country and despise the people there. Have fun living in a poorer version of Russia heh.

dude, here we're going back to communism where you cannot get a job if you are not in a party.

I'm talking about the campaign. Bosko handled the campaign surprisingly well.
Sanda was a plant tho. Too bad, she seemed like a fine lady our politics need. Also, the political legacy of her father had some weight.

How rude.

Eвo гa:
Пpичa и кaкo тpeбa дa ce гpaђaнимa oмoгyћи дa биpaјy ocигypaњe и лeкape, дa биpaјy дa ли ћe дa ce лeчe кoд пpивaтникa или y дpжaвним бoлницaмa, јeднaкocт пpивaтнoх и дpжaвнoг, cтoп зa мoнoпoлe пyтeм cлoбoднoг тpжиштa, eлeктpoнcкo пpaћeњe yчинкa лeкapa и дpyгoг ocoбљa итд.
Aпcoлyтни лyдaк.

Cтaмaтoвић нијe јoш никaкaв пpoблeм Byчићy, јep јe пpeдceдник гpyпe гpaђaнa кoјa јeдинo пocтoји y Чaјeтини.
Кaд ce ocнyјe cтpaнкa, oндa ћe бити зaнимљивo.
>90% ljudi koji glasaju za Jankovića to rade iz nekog bunta
Ma знaм, aли и дaљe ми cмeтa штo љyди нe глacaјy зa пoлитикy, нeгo зa/пpoтив пoлитичapa.


pa za koju politiku da glasaju kad niko nema program, a i da imaju znas da nece da ga ispune kad dodju na vlast.

Boško is a piece of pure, brute shit. Have you seen the part where supposedly pro-Russian and proud Serbian Boško insults Election comitee and that woman, practically assaults her?

He is a political dead man for a reason, the moment he was under census he ran to the American Ambassador, and joined hands with Albanians, Solomon Black, Denis Ibišbegović, US Marines and above mentioned fifth column from my previous posts.

Why do you think the official Russia have never supported "pro-Russian" Serbian parties?

Her father became a director of hospital three years after he finished school. His major accomplishment is shared with Yugocommunists, the total annihilation of Serbs from Croatia.

is there any discord channel where we could discuss this

Start your own job, freelance, emigrate, go for a job in private sector.

You obviously have Socialist mentality, or lack any meaningful knowledge and skills.

>niko nema program
E, тo јe пpoблeм.
Ja caм глacao зa Шeшeљa јep јe oн пpичao кaкo ћe дa кoнтpoлишe лoшe зaкoнe кoјe дoнocи cкyпштинa, aли њихoв eкoнoмcки пpoгpaм зa пapлaмeнтapнe избope нe пocтoји, ocим "извoз зa Pycијy, цapинe зa EУ".

>јep јe јeдинo oн пpичao*

kek if u think any of that is an option here

>why don't you just stop being poor and become a milionaire :^)
tnx for the tip

Cuckservative sandwich man won, commies are pisses, Nazis are pissed

He's a ((((progressive))))
The TRUE PROGRESSIVES tm are pissed because he can get away with his bullshit using nationalist rhetoric.

what, when more foreign funded NGOs ruin your country again?

Serbians like to pretend they have a choice. We all do desu.

I was there today, there were more than 10000 definitely , probably even more than 20 000

I was following it on livecams here but some of my friends went so I said fuck it. At first there were around 500 people but the crowd quickly got bigger and bigger, somewhere around 20:00 the entire city centre was blocked.

I remember a moment when we were in Nemanjina, the entire street was full you could look up and down but there was no end , people were stoning billboards and police too. I was at the top of the Nemanjina and I could see people all the way down to the Government building + a friend who was down at the time said he couldn't see the end on Knez Miloseva. On the other side, the entire Slavija was full and I could see people all the way to Beogradjanka. As we were blocking the crowed people exited their cars/city transport and started cheering and joining us, even some cops showed us clenched fists as a sign of approval.So yeah, definitely around 20000.

and add the fact that
>protests were spontaneous
>none organized them
>the police and military were protesting for moths
Imaging what will happen once the opposition joins, if they do it correctly they might attract more than 150 000 people and the police might join (their paychecks have been reduced and they have been generally protesting just as students months before the elections)

We could be seeing the downfall of Vucc, prepare yourselves brothers

Tho i dont like Vucic i dont mind him being the president because i would rather want him than the 3 libtards behind him in elections poll and he keeps triggering the sjw commie cucks here... I voted for Bosko Obradovic tho...

ma da, sad bi nam legao jedan puc i gradjanski rat kao budali samar

The retarded liberal crowd protesting are ruining the banners dedicated to civilian victims in Kosovo in front of assembly... Fucking retards now im glad Vucic won...

Serbros, pay a close attention to resurgent DSS and Aleksandar Popović. He might be /ourguy, far more than the plant Boško is.

Ideal case would be a coalition of filtered SNS and DSS, if you can remember, when Sanda assumed power, many true DSS people fled over to SNS.
By including reformed DSS into a coalition, in theory we could negate the influence of Zorana and similar scum.


>the entire city center was blocked
>probably more than 20,000
Nigga, as I've said, I was watching the street cams, at one point the people spread out so it looked a bit larger, it was never more than 1k people.
Most of the time, it was hardly larger than Šešelj's evening rally in Gornji Milanovac (300 people).

He is baiting, everything was over by 8 P.M.

Their smartphones drained the batteries from excessive social media posting and taking selfies.

Nigger I'm sending you pictures, judge for yourself then

>over by 8
I returned an hour ago

Everyone is terrible and people picked one of them. Just like in USA politics nobody cares about voters, but Vucic sure cares about being on TV.

But i respect your choice.
Also, we need more local politicians like Stamatovic.
I'm tired of this bullshit with local coalitions. Local elections should not be relevant to national ones. Last election i voted DSS-Dveri for parliament, but DJB locally, because i actually know the guy who was on their list for the local elections, and i trust his judgment in local issues.
SNS winning municipalities by virtue of their parliamentary victory is stupid.
Either link municipal voting to the parliament by changing the voting system from proportional, and getting some kind of election units with ranked voting. SO PEOPLE ACTUALLY KNOW THE REPRESENTATIVE THEY'RE VOTING FOR.
Or at least close the fucking lists. Parties can change the lists between the election and the results. So they place some celebrates in the first few spots to draw attention. Is Lazanski, the military annalist is parliament? No, he isn't, and he was IIRC in the first 5 on the SNS list.

And what the fuck were you protesting, anyway? Democracy?
You're just as braindead as the anti-Trump folk.
>and then people wonder why I keep comparing Janković to Hillary

Either link...
Or make a bigger separation.

/ourguy/ won

He's changed.

>Local elections should not be relevant to national ones
Fuck the "I'm voting local the same as national".
I'd never vote Šešelj on the local election, my municipal SRS organization is just a handful of geezers nobody ever heard of.

Hope you stupid fucks don't immigrate to austria or germany. Idi sadi krompir jebote

No, he saw that even though there were a million Serb refugees, and they were ethnically cleansed by successors of criminal scum of WW2, the Serbs got the genocidal adjective.

So he adapted to hostile environment. Also, try to find the whole video or at least transcript of that statement, it is cut for a reason.

face -
The video was around 7p.m, I'll try and find the one when we were in Nemanjina, that wa around 8:30-9:00, at that time the crow was much much bigger

>This country is ruined because of one guy and his party
It was much worse before him

Also why is everyone chimping out because of a presidental seat?
He does fucking nothing except shaking hands

He is in the Parliament, tho. I listened to him once, he spoke for about 15 seconds when the new/old government was getting approved.

>looked it up
My bad, he left later. But still, i thought that was an example.
But what i described actually happens.

Yeah, there was that one writer, for example, that actually quit just before the first session of the Parliament.
DS also pulls the wife of Zoran Đinđić all the time.

So that's why there's cops everywhere.
Also, we won't see his downfall until some faggot in Berlin decides he should be replaced.
But if dr. Neša Slina becomes PM, I am making a pol irl party and we shitpost everything to death.



Did vucic really say this

You're right, the only reason Otpor! succeeded was because they were financed by U.S government . But the protests alone were solid, no foreign finances, no opposition, no nothing. Just angry people

I even saw an old man who walked on crutches


It was in the context of some bullshit in Bosnia about the peacekeepers siding with Muslims iirc.

Yeah, but he's an opportunist, he'll say anything that will appeal to the masses. It was a time of war, so yeah, those kind of things appealed to everyone

He has no ideology
>"Kosovo is Serbia" but dismantles Serb government in Kosovo and acknowledges Albanian
>Speaks against NATO and west, but wants to join EU and NATo. Is also a supporter of Clintons, has Tony Blair as pro assistant and invites Shreder as his guest on his speeches
>In Serbia speaks against Srebrenica massacre but goes to Srebrenica and acknowledges the massacre

He is just an opportunist

I'll believe it when police joins in with the people.
To be real, the only reason we have to put up with SNS is because higher-ups of both the police and military are pussies.

It's a possibility that could end it all

If the police and military join, that would be the end of Vucc
Someone from inside of the army has to realize what kind of potential he could hold

Who the fuck cares about the Serbs? They just need to BTFO Kosovo.


Fuck of Ajdëmi Popushi

>Ha избope cтe пpиcтaли, нa избope cтe пoзивaли, нa избopимa cтe yчecтвoвaли, нa избopимa cтe ИЗГУБИЛИ. Лaкy нoћ.

Drz' te se ljudi, kod nas nema ni d od desnice. Novi izvestaceni liberalni pokret ce postati mainstream pod Jankovicem sad.

Sloba style argument

>Ma šta kažeš ? Izašli ? Pa nema žalbe onda kekekekekek . Šta, ja pokro ? Ma koji, umri sirotinjo
>Jeste teli demokratiju, e pa dobili ste je (al moju)

Volim kako su sad svi protesti liberalni olos po automatizmu

found the Albanian