ITT: leftist buzzwords

ITT: leftist buzzwords


I never know how to react when people use these words unironically.

>equal opportunity
>individual mandate


Systematic - Legitimate term, basic reality. Any intelligent lefty is well-versed in systematic injustice.

Institutionalized - Legitimate term but also iffy, with as much leeway for the right as there is for the left. Open contest here.

Problematic - Eh. Vague. Weakest link. Basically muh fee-fees. Attack here.

Intersectionalism - An excuse for the left to attack itself. Legitimate to an extent but mostly an excuse for fee-fees, as cultural appropriation comes into play here a lot, which is a massive load of bullshit. Also easy to pick apart with the right arguments.

If used in its theoretical sense I oppose. Institutionalism has theoretically and partly empirically proved that ancient norm matter and is what keeps systems alive. The fucking lefties just oppose to apply the theory before '45 to always conclude.
>Our Institutions have brought (((good))) change
>Don't destroy ma institutions
>Old institutions baad


They keep calling things that are neither poweful nor important powerful and important on their lefty "news" sites and social media. I find it incredibly obnoxious for some reason. I guess because they are trying the influence the viewer and tell them how to feel before they even see whatever it is, rather than let people decide for themselves. I don't know, subtly manipulative. It just makes me cringe whenever I see it.


leftists thinks everything is "systemic" meaning that they don't believe in individual morality or responsibility. Careful, because leftists want some outside force to save them, always.

>the planet

access=free stuff.

>white privilege


This is a big one they've been pushing as an attempt to remove personal responsibility from the equation

>social inequity

> black and brown people/folk

honestly, "folks" kills me.

The worst one

>gender fluid
>universal income (yeah right)

> real socialism


>US flag
>roos in the yard

I'm not sure wtf is going on.

> oppression
> hate speech
> global citizen


per say

you made me chuckle

>assault rifle
>high capacity


>I'm not sure wtf is going on.
they are moose

>chilling effect


>complain about the institutions/system
>learn all of this from the education and media institutions

The system is on their side. Their criticisms don't make any sense and is designed to make them obedient drones to serve system.

The elite know that the youth are passionate and rebellious, so this vocabulary is designed to make them think they're fighting the power when they are actually learning to be servants to it.



the latter doesn't even make sense if you look at the prefix and suffix

Pee oh see

>climate denier

"my partner"

>Muslim ban
>Divested interest

myth is definitely one. fuckers, I remember when myths were cool.

The obvious ones....

>white supremacy

Right wing words

>muh gunz

The appropriate response is to ask them to give their definition of the word.

What the FUCK is gender anyway?

most of them have been stated so far, but these ones in particular really get under my skin. even at work when I hear it in person I have to be extra careful not to contort my face or eyebrows at all.

>toxic (ie., "toxic personality")
>signicant other (instead of gf/bf)
>memes/trolling (I don't think these words should ever be uttered beyond the fingertips on a keyboard)
>hot mess
>follow me on______

These two in particular will get me to commit murder one day.

populist, this one really makes me ree

wahhh stop appealing to people!

yes faggot, welcome to democracy

Systemic, not systematic.

> underserved


I think the word you're looking for here is "systemic" you fucking retard.

I've seen them say both though even if it is the wrong word.

It's also the name of a "gay christian" pop project





They're wrong too then. "Systematic" means it happens on every single occasion like, for example, someone getting threatened with a gun "systematically" after encountering a cop.

"Systematic racism" is nonsense, it would imply that minorities are confronted with racism on every single occasion on which that is possible, "systemic racism" actually means something.

>spill some tea
>dead ass
>cash me ousside

>cash me ousside
Zs find these hilarious for some reason

>social construct

Academics think that if they make grand theories explaining social phenomena, then they are doing something useful like STEM. The main purpose of this vocabulary though is ideological, not something manifestly useful like technological innovation. It's to make sure the youth believe in liberal values, and making these values into a system of theory makes it seem scientific. The foundation for any of this, of course, is simply the authority figure (i.e., professor) saying that it is true.

Society wants people to be conformist drones. The institutions like academia make sure this is so.

This doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about. Saying that something is "systemic" when talking about politics is already and by itself ideological, there is no need to using a hyperbole such as "systematic" which makes literally no sense in that context.

People using the expression "systematic racism" are mistaken, period. What they mean is "systemic racism". Why do I have to scholl y'all on your own language ? Christ.

-POC (People of Color)

What the hell are you talking about? 'Systemic X' is a part of their vocabulary and concept in their theory.

>serious discussion

That's what I'm saying you tard. Read the thread, I was only correcting OP on his incorrect use of "systematic" when what he meant was "systemic".

I'm commenting on 'systemic racism' as a concept, not their malaprop. Your post to me made no sense since I spelled it correctly and addressed the correct word.

I may have quoted the wrong person, but your response was retarded regardless.


>I may have quoted the wrong person

And I'm the tard, sure buddy.

>national conversation

I always hated this one

>command + F
>no dialectical
You don't even go to Reddit, do you?
My personal favorite is "doing good by doing well", it's the same thing as the prosperity doctrine or DeVos's insane Calvanism but they would never admit it.

Yeah, and you still addressed my post like it was relevant to yours.

>* & inequality

All of it is based on secularized Christianity. You have (original) sin, guilt, etc. It was designed that way to target white European culture and subvert it.

That may happen when you quote someone. You tard.

It shows you didn't actually understand what I was saying and just wanted to attack me.

Ho no I understood, which is why I was able to say it didn't have anything to do with what I was saying.

Which you followed with:
>Saying that something is "systemic" when talking about politics is already and by itself ideological, there is no need to using a hyperbole such as "systematic" which makes literally no sense in that context.
Which was not what I was saying at all.

Actually I did quote the correct person looking back now. I just added on to your last sentence when you said systemic racism means something.

Sure you did buddy.

>"systemic racism" actually means something.

Sure did, buddy.


Whatever you want to believe is fine, buddy.

Go take a nap m8. You're unnecessarily hostile.

>"we need an open dialogue about race"
>proceeds to censor everything and try to shut down opposing sides by calling everyone racist

it use to be a synonym with sex but then we decided .00000001% of people should ruin the English language and make it a guessing game for what word to address people with.

I can't help but read these in Wolf Blitzer's voice

>toxic masculinity
>fragile masculinity
a girl I knew tweeted all this feminist shit, sometimes about toxic masculinity, but then one time she tweeted about how she laughed at a radio commercial about therapy oriented for males calling it "fragile masculinity".
make up your fucking mind.
We're not friends anymore because I called her out on her bullshit too many times.

If you say so, friendo.

Ugh, don't be so problematic. Whenever you meet somewyne your first question should be what gender they are. Try it at a job interview.

>common sense (mostly when talking about gun control)
>social programs
>x person is Voldemort

Each of those words has an actual meaning, leftists just use them habitually and out of context.


That one bothers me a lot. Since when did "handicapped" become a bad word? Also, it instills false hope.

"You can do anything that anyone else can! Except you literally can't and require government mandated ramps and elevators and/or special needs education"

Be honest with people, it's better in the long run.

It's important to note that these words are indicative of "outcome based" thinking: that you think of some swell result you want (like eliminating racism or something) and then you use whatever language you need to change thinking and produce the desired outcome. This is the opposite of principle-based thinking, and is something that leads to more and more government and less personal liberty.

More like Reddit buzzwords:

>Cognitive dissonance

>black bodies
>yellow bodies

And buzznames:


is "alt-right" just the Right but with numale and Cuck?


>person of color
*rolls eyes*


>internalized x

You couldn't be more right

Yeah I never understood the 'bodies' bullshit-'violence against black bodies'. Just say 'black people ' you dickheads.