Signing Away Our Privacy

Justify this Sup Forums.

How the fuck does this make america great?

Other urls found in this thread:

creates competition, now Jewgle and BezosBazzaar will be undercut by the ISPs

It doesn't

you faggots told me he wouldn't sign this shit

Anything to stop young men from watching porn.

Trump knows what makes the modern man weak.

Facebook and Google have been doing this for years. It's actually nice because it gets normies thinking about the internet privacy they haven't had for a decade.

you are cucked beyond belief


That literally makes no sense.

Susan Rice

It just repeals a rule that hasn't taken effect yet that required ISPs to get "consent" before selling your data. "Consent" meaning they had a clause in your Terms of Service that told you they were doing it.

It's literally nothing. The media freaking out about it is absurd.

>he thinks he has privacy online

This senpai

it should have been allowed to take effect. fuck this shit

Try harder. Jesus christ Putin has his shills working over time! What did they offer you an gold adidas tracksuit for this weak level shit?

You will never win turnip of the month that way Ivan!

Why, it doesn't effect your "rights" at all. It doesn't change anything at all. You're just a retard wanting something to cry about.

Is this the new CTR meme? Sup Forums is full of Russian agents?

>internet privacy is has been dead for a decade
>Google and Facebook know not only what you look like and the locations you most frequently visit, but also your entire social circle and political beliefs
>CIA and NSA have complete spying capabilities
>Everything is fucked
>Sign a bill repealing entirely non-existent internet privacy
>Leftists suddenly care about internet privacy
>Real internet privacy legislation gets written


Go call your state senators to pass privacy laws in your state. States rights matter!!!

you didn't have privacy since the patriot act

this just means (((google))) and kikebook no longer have exclusivity to profit off your info

of course, since those are primary dem shilling platforms they're panicking

>Trump is just gently fucking us up the ass not jamming his unlubricated carrot down our throat calm down

I want them to ask my consent. This is an immoral thing. Painting this turd gold does not make it smell sweeter.

>falling for Google propaganda
The ISPs are funding this repeal but guess who funded the original FCC rules? Google. They're the only ones allowed to collect data on everyone and sell it, and they'll make sure it stays that way.

>internet ever being private
If Google and Facebook hasnt already sold my entire life history Ill eat a brick

What happened to the left's love of Russia? What happened to championing the return of glorious Soviet Union?

Dudes, give it up. Your revolving narratives don't work anymore.

It repeals a bill put in in December that didn't take effect until like 3 weeks prior. Essentially it brings us back to where we were before and likely removes regulation that would have brought your cable bill up in cost.

>he thinks a governments past shitty actions justify them being worse today


>law takes effect
>comcast and at&t quietly bury the "consent" in 100 pages of legalese
>someone notices and complains
>at&t and comcast reply "why don't you just start your own ISP OH WAIT WE OWN EVERYTHING"

the end result is that you get shafted regardless. this brought more attention to it immediately. whether or not that was an intended consequence is up for debate, but it's actually the more favorable outcome.

memeing with the herd is degenerate, but give your normie meme a shot

You can not use google or Facebook but you need to use an ISP to use the internet who also paid these senators to pass this law.

It was never going to be optional. They would "ask" for your consent in the Terms of Service document you are required to agree to, the same way Facebook "asks" for ownership of any pictures you upload.

NSA is already embedded in every ISP and probably every DNS so your "privacy" still doesn't exist

nice try though

You're the only cuck in this thread. Just open up and relax that throat for your jewish overlords circumsized cock

We got it at the daily Soros chucky cheese meeting. It was in the pamphlet along with my many sheckles

NSA is different than some SJW buying your browsing history. Do you want that shit sold to Bannon or Clinton? At least the NSA stays in the government...

>You can not use google
I regret to inform you you're using Google on Sup Forums in the form of captcha. You pull most JS libraries from google. Google ads are on almost all sites and track you.

Try blocking every google domain for fun in your host file. If the web is still working properly you probably forgot one.


What do you think this regulation does? You're obviously a retard whose bought into the media's hysteria.

Google, Facebook and Apple already do this. Now other ISPs can encroach on their territory. I hate that it's happening at all but no one is stopping the big 3 so I would rather have their power diluted. Especially google. Facebook will die on it's own one day due to trends changing so i'm not really afraid of them.

What happened to the right not begging to Drink daddy Putins sweet nectar? These justifications are getting weaker and weaker

Can you go out and buy someone's search history now?

I'm sure your tactics will work just as well now as they did during the election, comrades.

This ruling had nothing to do with privacy. It denied giving the FCC the authority to monitor all internet usage

It has always been illegal for companies to sell personally identifiable info. That hasn't changed

Facebook and Google already sell your data to big business. This changes nothing.

>NSA is different than some SJW buying your browsing history.
If you say so.

delet this

that means they'll work well you retard

The regulation does not prevent search engine giants like google to sell your userdata.

>net neutrality will target conservative media

This wouldn't surprise me at all. At all. But do we actually know if this is the case or could be the case?

Who prez now?

Drumpf is fuckin retarded.

When the fuck have we ever had privacy on the internet?

That being said, use a fucking VPN.

>NSA is different than some SJW buying your browsing history.

>the hill

If it makes you feel better, most sites already does this through advertising networks. Download Peerlink and look how many connections each site makes with your computer.

You are using the fact that it is bad now to justify making it worse

Cool, more people making money off my existence while I struggle to ascend in a ultimately dead end career

>inb4 try harder or get a better job fag

Let's face it, you don't reach those types of riches without fucking over people.

Kompromat is what happened.

The GOP was hacked as well. Surprising that you don't hear about that. At all.

I wonder what Russia found that would turn a man into a treasonous scumbag.

liberals are trying to use this to divide trump supporters, they posted this strategy, just ignore. everyone here uses a vpn anyway. this is literally trying to alarm people who hang out on one of the biggest cess pools on the internet

Yes. Yes he is.


How does this make it worse?

Keep close eye on fucking liberals easier

>Liberals are trying to use reality to make you vote for your own interests instead of blindly following republicans!

Ah who the fuck cares about normalfags?
They're the ones who let shit like this slide for years and years, even when Obama was spitroasting their privacy like a pig.

>How the fuck does this make america great?

It keeps internet out of the hands of government. No regulation is better than setting a precedent for regulation.

GOP wasn't hacked, they tried to break in and couldn't find anything.

Will not safe you as they sell your isp and provider rights.

Retatd learn to internet.

As long your router is not standing in a other country your fuckt.

How do you know this? Evidence?

It doesn't.

Fucking this.
I'm not for what he's doing, I wish he would do something to crack down on these oligo-mobsters.

>keeps internet out of the hands of government
>by putting it in the hands of ISPs to the detriment of consumers

I prefer ISPs doing it to megaCorop Google.

lets face it, all your shit was made by borderline slave labour in China. You're fucking people over for your standard of living too, you're just too much of a pussy to succeed so you labelled success as immoral.


The reality is this really doesn't affect your privacy in a significant way. Google, facebook, Microsoft, NSA, etc. Are all selling and trading your data.

This just makes it so they don't have a monopoly on your data. These regulations were literally just favoritism for Democrat donating companies.

Both are doing it now. This didn't stop google it just let other people get in on the action

Unfortunately this

>What did they offer you an gold adidas tracksuit for this weak level shit?

The Russians were able to hack some infrastructure that the RNC had abandoned years ago, but nothing was obtained.

What you should be asking is why the DNC refused to allow the FBI to analyze DNC servers after the hack.

This is just rationalizing bad policy. I didn't want them to have google and others doing it, and now even more people are doing it. You are using existing bad behavior to justify more bad behavior.

Lol "Allow the people who own something to control it and charge what they want for it" how fucking horrible. You're not in titled to internet connectivity. It takes resources to bring to you and the people who own those resources have every moral right to control them.

You're right about the Google thing.

I remember before the election getting all sort of antitrump articles bumped on my phone even though I had not set any news app. After the election, not a single peep.

You're purposely ignoring my posts, but I see you.

This repeal doesn't change anything. Neither would the rules have changed anything for consumers had it gone into effect.

He's changing the gov't org that regulations ISPs -- not removing user privacy.

In fact, the process will improve privacy.

was waiting to see how Sup Forums would justify this.... didn't disappoint...

Let's all be honest for second.

We're all afraid of being outed for browsing porn and reading Sup Forums

>abloo abloo liberals abloo SHARE BLUE

We get it dude, you're from t_d. I'd recommend fucking back there if you're incapable of handling dissenting opinions. And believe it or not, most people on Sup Forums are hugely pro-privacy. Shocking, right?

They already are though

From what I've heard so far, there are no exemption conditions for this like there is in the UK. If all information is available to everyone, it's fair game. It's full transparent accountability.
Your porn history can be embarrassing, but if this gives the general public full disclosure on the online activities of the people who are supposed to represent us in politics, it's an empowerment tool.

Again though to clarify, as long as there are no statutes that exempt any certain group of people from gaining or being accessed, it'll do more good for common citizens than it will for government and politics.

Essentially yes since you can isolate search history based on related traits.

>normies go lol do you have something to hide the enitre obama presidency
>suddenly they care even if trumps doing nothing wrong

You can't buy personally identifiable now, nor could you buy it under this law, which changes nothing. It's all media masturbation and self-congratulatory bullshit after they've ignored privacy rights for the last 8 years.

i am fueled by an unregulated unfocused constant rage that emanates from my body in such an aura i feel others know im not right.
i was conditioned that it was going to be hard but not this hard, this anger is the only thing that gets me awake in the morning and i can say for the first time in my 31 years i truly hate my life

CREW/Shareblue thread

Obama handed it over to China who has been collecting your info since August 2016.

U.S. Govt. did the only thing they could which was place business regulations on it, keeping it in U.S. hands

Fuck yourself you faggot fucking shill. Attacking people online under a business and being paid to do it is illegal, and with this new internet change and regulation it opens up the shill company to lawsuit and business owners to prison. Contractors are also open to arrest for attacking people for pay, and this means you, faggot.

See this:
It keeps more government hands from Internet control.

If liberals don't like it, it must be good for the country.

You have my blessing, Mr. President.

This guy gets it. This is why this is good.

It's overblown. Anyone but your isp can sell your browsing data.

You can't be serious. This is about our constitutional right to privacy, not some capitalistic undercutting monopoly shit. I can opt out of google and Facebook, then they won't collect my data. This undermines the very foundation of the internet.

It changes nothing, you hysteria retard.

Even tho I can't justify it.

I doubt anyone would sell your data openly. If they aren't selling it under the table to CIA or NSA already.