Can someone give me a basic gestalt on this guy? Is he controlled opposition?

Can someone give me a basic gestalt on this guy? Is he controlled opposition?

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I'm not sure. But I know that we're BREAKING THE CONDITIONING either way.

i've been back and forth on this over the years, and i think he is really just trying to sow seeds in peoples' minds without saying anything that could get him in serious trouble. And also selling male vitality and water filters.

His family are/were CIA

he's just a water filter salesman with a radio show

I honestly dont think he is a gate keeper. I think he is full of shit, and about 60 percent correct. I have learned some shit from his show. COG, elite pedophilia, CIA mkultra and drug running.

I still love the asshole. I love when he skips the breaks because it is too important.

At best he's authentic and just believes his sources, which are mostly controlled op or limited hangouts.

He's our guy.

But I wish he'd chill out with the pedo shit taking up 1/3 of the show.


He's a megalomaniac who has a really bad cocaine problem who conveniently found an audience ready to be told what to believe.

As long as people listen to him, he'll continue to spout nonsense; he's like a Youtube "star" in that regard; they only care about attention.

He's republican Joe Rogan

I can also confirm that the Silver Bullet works unless you're actually sick as shit, but it still takes some of the edge off.

Alex Jones is a necessary component in the fight against globalism.

I think it is important. If he is going to spend so much time on it, though, he needs to give real info to bring the fuckers down. he needs to focus on what we know as well. Talk about Dutroux, Finders, and Franklin.

>without saying anything that could get him in serious trouble

yea and he just got cucked and came crawling to podesta to not sue the shit out of him. kek


I thought he was COINTELPRO or oppo until this election cycle. He went savage with his hillary coverage so I can't believe he is controlled opposition now

He wont touch anything too specific or controversial out of fear of litigation (resulting in his comet ping pong apology)

>Alex Jones is controlled opposition
>He works for the CIA
>Was called out by Bill Cooper
>Bill Cooper was assassinated for this
>Bill Cooper predicted 911 before Jones
>Alex Jones apologized to Alefantis
>He claimed pizzagate is a distraction
>He did this because his masters told him to back off pizzagate or else
>Pizzagate is the key to the entire pedo network
>AJ is a snake oil salesman
>AJ is a con artist

Wake up, that is all..

Exactly. I wish he'd stop just trying to cover his ass about Pizzagate and throwing out general statements.

Be careful what you say.

Don't be an archetypal cocksucker and buy some goddamn survival shield, you son of a bitch

Someone on Sup Forums a few months ago put it perfectly. He way speak on something in a more extreme sense than it actually is to get people to do their own research and see that while it's still true, it's just not as extreme.

Are his products legit? lol I wanna buy those brainforce and selenium shit lol

He said the selenium makes your hair fall out right before he popped one the other day.

You need to stop being delusional and realize we have no one we can trust in the public eye. Alex Jones feeds us half truths and distorts everything else to keep us chasing our tails.

This hope and fear tactic is used by the KIKES to keep us disoriented and confused. They don't want us actually mobilizing.

hope = donald trump

fear= alex jones


Brain Force gave me a weird effect. It didn't give me energy or make me hyper focused as advertised. Best way I can put it is that it made me really chilled out and in a mindset where I can handle the day. Hard to put into words.

He works as a conduit mouthpiece for Stratfor.


lol wtf

I don't know, he said Pizzagate is fake. Not sure what to think anymore.

AJ is awesome. He does have some great info sometimes. Obviously dont be a retard and research shit yourself!

Does anyone have that pic where Alex and Jesse Ventura are hiding behind a bush and spying on something/someone? cracks me up every time I see it.


Here's a question: how does his fat fuckin head have 200% more bodyfat than his body? His body looks like maybe 15-20% bodyfat, but his face hasn't changed at all.

>Is he controlled opposition

Age and high fat / salt diet most likely.

breddy good gestalt for you


This is a good point.
I have heard him say this a couple of times therefore he's got biases.

He is a blithering idiot. He show is actually terrible.

I think he has actual sources and knows about actual conspiracies. But because of this he sees a conspiracy in everything. You have to filter through the crazy.

are u 'avin a giggle m8

>belly button pulled up to center of stomach
>obvious tummy tuck

He is admitting he's in contact with Trump. If he's been in contact with presidents before trump then I'd say yeah...though I wonder if Trump is just trolling him.

Brain force is meh///snek oil (pref sugar free monster)
Living defense works, would recommend
super male vitality unsure still trying it out.

>Alex Jones is a fighter against The New World Ord-


if he was talking about more important shit other than
>they bei,ng unfair to trump myyeeenn, fucking sjws
thatd be great

also lately hes normalizing attacking north korea

definitely fishy, but good kind of fishy like a pussy smell after a jog

He was a comedy genius in the '80s and '90s.

Are his products legit? I'm thinking about buying this mask and some Caveman.

this, the guy is a joke

Skip the break.

I don't think we really know for sure, but the bottom line is that there are always better options. I only watch Jones when he's the only one reporting on something.

Why do you shills even bother posting multiple times in the same thread?

Just a humble water filter salesman and environmentalist for frogs...

If you get redpilled watching or listening to it then great.

He was going to establish a news outlet in Washington but since he put out a video saying "#pizzagate is real" he got called fake news and lost a lot of money in advertising. So he will probably stay a radio show and on youtube based in Austin, TX.

Hope you are happy 4chins