When the black death ravaged Europe, the Jewish community was hardly effected by it

>when the black death ravaged Europe, the Jewish community was hardly effected by it
>which caused enraged catholic peasants to blame them and kill them in droves

They just can't win, can they?

jews probably owned the merchant ships filled with the plague rats

The Jews always win, even when they lose.

I guess. the above does seem to happen a hilarious amount throughout history, though

Jews took baths, apparently.

This most likely.

Almost every time theres some kind event where a society tried to drive the jews out, if you look at the things surrounding it almost always the jews have done something to make people hate them.

They were poisoning wells, they deserved to be crucified.

fuck you bitch rats dindu nuffin

Jews hoarded all the soaps and antibacterials!

Jews were isolated in their own ghettos at the time because of anti-semitism. Jew's are also required to maintain a certain standard of cleanliness which helped mitigate the spread of disease in their communities. It's not some conspiracy, people are just retarded and like to blame everything on "outsiders".

This. They also turned gentile children into matzos and still do to this day.

over six trillion jews were killed as a result

Found the jew

Jewish ghettos were hardest hit by the plague.

>believes the myth that jews maintain a certain standard of cleanliness

Nigga, semetic people have never be cleanly. Gas yourself.

Cleanliness would not make the Jews immune to flea bites.

million. allegedly. i don't see how they could have kept an accurate account, especially given how powerful propaganda was at the time wanting to paint certain countries as barbarians who crucify and burn witches daily. (reality was more like one every few months)

They just didn't keep any livestock near.

Never ceases to amaze me that people that will trot out statistics all day to prove blacks are genetically predisposed to low IQ will ignore statistics that prove Jews are genetically predisposed to high IQ.

Well, actually it doesn't surprise me, because of course there would be people on Sup Forums that are as anti-science as tumblr whenever science tells them something they don't want to hear.

How else would explain why they weren't affected by the plague? Contrary to popular belief, the plague didn't spread from rats but from fleas that are parasitic to rats. Yersinia Pestis is only transmitted through flea bites. Unless ofcourse you're under the assumption that jews were somehow infecting people by breeding fleas or some shit.

You're in Brazil and don't what rats are? The fleas lived on rats.

Nope! But it also doesn't actually HAVE to, just like vaccines don't make you immune to the disease, just resistant enough to produce herd immunity.

As I said earlier Jews were absolutely killed by the plague, and tended to die in greater numbers due to close living conditions.

>Blood Libel
>Still existing in Western Europe
>In 2017

If this was around 200BC-900AD, I would believe you. Nowadays, ehhh. I think it probably takes in Israel against the Palestinians in the crazy Zionist terrorist group in Israel (they exist).

And rats lives where there is food, usually livestock/granary.

You realize traditional Judaism calls for washing before every meal, wash dirt and germs off hands, don't get sick. Same rules apply today you nigger.

Fleas give zero fucks about clean hands.

They weren't cleanly, they were distant. They weren't living in conctrated areas where the plague was present. They were forced out of the cities and major areas and into their own conclaves and ghettos. They were still dirty jews there, and jews that did live around the plague ares fell victim to the disease just as much as gentiles. It had nothing to do with this myth that they bathed more regularly and were "cleaner" then the average europoor. They were and have always been dirty jews. They just didn't live near the epicenters of the plague outbreaks.

And yes they probably helped spread it directly.


And food is....wherever people are. Where people are rats are too.

Actually, it's pretty unlikely that Jews owned those ships. More likely it was either Venetians, Byzantines, or Arabs.

Also, the Black Death paradoxically saved Europe from an early social collapse. Prior to the Black Death, food production was stalling and famines were becoming increasingly common - along with droughts. As a result the rat population - already infected from fleas from China/India - gathered together in great swarms around granaries and wells which brought them into close contact with humans, who then were infected by the fleas.

Had the black death not occurred, then the population in Europe would have likely ran out of food and collapsed. Because of the Black Death, however, order was maintained by local feudal lords doubling down on religious purges and authoritarian rationing of remaining food. A fall in population meant there was enough food to go around as the disease spread and eventually abated, and this gave Europe more time to develop technology to increase food production.

If you want an example of where this sort of social collapse happened without a plague 'fixing' things, then look at the pre-Columbian mound building corn kingdoms along the Mississippi, as well as the Mayans. All of those societies just vanished due to overpopulation and famine.

As for how the Jews survived relatively unscathed, it was probably their isolation in ghettos. Antisemitism saved them.

>implying kikes actually practice what they preach
>implying that kikes living in poverty where clean water isn't easily accesible are going to waste any of it on "cleaning their hands"

You are retarded kike. gas yourself and your family.

Everyone knows Jews are smart you fucking nigger, that doesn't excuse them from being evil.

Being clean generally does not make you resistant to a disease once you're already infected.

Also: Fun fact about the Mississippi mound building civilization.

After it collapsed, its inhabitants then became nomads that spread themselves out across North America, frequently displacing local tribes. What they brought with them were two intriguing things: first, corn, and second horses recently introduced by the Spanish.

So all those Sioux in Dakota bitching about Mount Rushmore are actually descended from the remnants of the mound building civilization. They stole the land from somebody else while the Spanish were dicking around in Mexico.

Also anyone who actually KNOWS jews firsthand can testify they are pretty gross. Not the most cleanly people. Literally walking germ-warehouses.

> effected

How can I debate on this board if my own kin cannot speak their proper native tongue?

The answer is that Jews did not integrate, kept to themselves, so they were impacted less. Their lack of integration, and viewing the goy as below them, ultimately lead to the holocaust and ongoing anti-semitism. Pretty obvious, friend.

Hey guys, I'm just going to leave my lavender right here for a minute. Don't be going and putting it in a water well or something, that could make everybody sick who drinks it. We wouldn't want them going to the doctor and paying any hefty medical expenses, would we?

The plague wasnt contagious person-to-person. It was spread by being bitten by fleas. That's how fucking dirty the people were in the middle ages.

>effected by it

Spotted the foreigner.

Affected you illiterate nigger.

Jews poisoned the wells ... so ... they had id coming.

Don't know about that but they poisoned the Wells.

Jews have a tradition of washing their hands before eating, something that other societies at the time didn't really do, they also were sanctioned off in the ghettos with very little outside interaction.


Hahaha. My grandpa always told stories about his old dirty jewish neighbors. He was glad when they moved away over night.

Jews actually do wash their hands, and there is a tradition to wash hands, even though at the time they didn't know what it meant, they just did it because God said so

Jews were rich then too, it only effected poor people that could be bit by rats.

you obviously don't know your history, you know where the word "ghetto" comes from?


>When they moved away overnight


>Jew's are also required to maintain a certain standard of cleanliness

It's "ritual cleanliness." Not hygiene.

>jews weren't affected by the plague
It's because they aren't human

> moved away over night.

checks out

Do you also believe there was actual witchcraft being practiced during the 1600's?

It was brought into Europe by the mongols you retard

holy fuck you're a moron