Question for Sup Forums

Nomiefag here-- feel free to call me a jew shill or whatev. Just curious, but what exactly is the end goal of your politics? What do you hope the future will look like in 500 years (other than "all white," I'm assuming that's a given). Are you generally optimistic or cynical about the future of the human race?

>Nomiefag here-- feel free to call me a jew shill or whatev
obvious bait, go away

Yeah I mean that's not even bait, I told you straight up

I'm cynical, and I can't believe that humanity hasn't wiped everything away with nukes already.

A peaceful multi cultural, body positive society where there is no wage gape between all 58 genders

For humanity at large I want us to colonize our solar system and achieve practical interstellar travel.

Aside from that, I want to be able to maintain my lifestyle or better and the same for my children. I can't do that if the government taxes me to death to pay for a bunch of social programs.

Read O'Neill's 'The High Frontier'

I see whites on mars and Earth a nuclear shithole.

This place is chaotic and there are a bunch of cliques. I hope Jesus comes soon, and I hope he does not find me asleep when he comes. I pray my eyes are open. I pray I dont fail and turn back to look at sodom.

500 years, we will be either extinct or Mad Max, we will not go farther than the moon, maybe if we didn't have to feed a gorillion niggers and foreigners it would be different, but alas should have could have, but didn't.

What if I told you that Jesus is alive and working in this day and age?

Completely positive that we'll hold hands and drink goat milk as equals :) No nukeys, only safe spaces

In 500 years I hope to see a genetically engineered/cyborg race of humans with all the best qualities and values of white people.

>What do you hope the future will look like in 500 years
Humanity is a parasite species that needs to be exterminated, but I'll be dead way before then and ain't having kids so I don't really care one way or the other.

>What do you *think* the future will look like in 500 years
Assuming we never find ayys, a handful of superstates ruled by elites and keeping the rest of humanity just healthy and placated enough to not actually revolt while they divide the world's resources - natural *and* human - among them. (So basically 1984)

World peace is impossible and contrary to human nature. People need enemies and will invent them if none are present. That's why hostile aliens are the only hope for true world peace.

Nukes, Mad Max, rapture, dystopia. Bleak.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, a utopia until Jesus returns. Until that day, it's all about what you as an individual are doing, not what nations and societies as a whole are doing.

I don't think you know what bait means

We just want the bullshit 1984-type tactics of the totalitarian SJW cultural marxists to be crushed forever. Most of us are just reasonable regular people.

I get that short-term, you want to defeat leftists. But I'm asking about the long-term vision. Most answers have been pretty dark so far.

I don't want it to be all white, though I must admit that would be really nice. (property values would skyrocket) I just want to keep the USA from turning into Africa or The Sand Pits.

>hostile aliens are the only hope for true world peace

Is world peace even something you want? I mean I'm a globalist (yes, genuinely-- I realize you guys think that means I'm evil), and I want the human race to be united, but I figured Sup Forums's, uh... ideas about race... would disallow for such a vision.

Every hear the term "reactionary politics?"

>to save human race from nuclear holocaust

All I really want is my way of life to not be fucked with by the government

I own guns, so that fact alone precludes me from supporting the left at all because too many of the fucks want to limit them even further

Really, I'm in it for selfish reasons
I don't wish to pay for programs that help the homeless or what have you, I just want my life to continue roughly the same way it has for the past 10 years


Yes, your point?

I hope for a world in which my great grandson can still use his white privilege to travel the world and fug exotic women.

>that's not even bait, I told you straight up
you use our terms, words normies don't know

LARPing baiting faggot

Please. Sup Forums isn't nearly as exclusive and secret as you think it is. Any 20-something reddit user who has bounced around the internet knows the word "normie."

> but what exactly is the end goal of your politics?
Fuck you think, nigger? A white ethnostate for the goyim

>I own guns, so that fact alone precludes me from supporting the left

Infowars is lying to you. I'm a democrat and I own guns. 90% of democrats support responsible gun-ownership. Hell, Rachel fucking Maddow met her gay life-partner at a gun range.

Just at the very most a stable economy and a sustainable system.

Maintaining disparity (Something liberals will never understand, that if you wind up forcing everyone to become one homogenized mess, there is no diversity remaining). By allowing people to remain in their own countries, can they really grow as a culture and civilization.

One must not interfere unless they have reached the same level as your own civilization; in other words, similar levels of modern civilization with similar codes and ethos that can match. In other words, you shouldn't be helping a 3rd world country and uplifting them as it is a gradual process and they will not understand the concepts of a 1st world country as easily as anyone from it.

Define responsible.

I'll wait.

I want to own MGs again, I want gun ownership without thousands of yards of red tape for every bullet you fire, I want guns that can look black and scary and not have to be designed in such a way as to not offend some faggot fresh out of a white neighborhood in California

Do you think there should be *any* rules?

Not one of Sup Forumss ideas are needed for that to be unrealistic, sadly. Some ideologies will never integrate with our society, islam being one of them.

The future is white no matter what happens. Either everyone is made white with eugenics since Whites hold the preferred gene pool or Whites take over through brute force conquest and eliminate the shitskins the old fashioned way.

Protip: the Muslim world hates western society because in their eyes we never finished the imperialization of the world and they hold it against us for leaving them alive in a world where they are considered subpar.

Being a globalist only makes you evil if you're the one in control. If you're not it just makes you retarded. Seriously why would you want a non-accountable government made up of incompetent, self-serving bureaucrats that probably aren't even on the same continent as you? At least with local democracy you can vote out those retards/


I think convicted felons and the mentally handicapped should generally not be allowed to own them

I say generally because I can imagine some mental handicap exemptions, if they were to say, pass some test written up by someone with a better grasp of mental illness than I

I wouldn't even mind an all encompassing "ownership license" if it was free to apply for and would be given to you in a reasonable amount of time

I namely don't like needless restrictions, like what California is trying to do
Bullet buttons and mag limits and the like are just attempts to pass a de facto gun ban rather than an outright one

Kys, faggot.

pretty much the fate of earth is a nuclear wasteland. even the peter said in the new testament all the works therein would be consumed by fire.

that is why im not concerned with this world except for its use as a spiritual training ground for my role in the heavenly realms.

Cool. Sounds like a reasonable position.

I expect a violent genocide of white people all over the Western World if we don't rise up before 50-70 years have passed.

Especially in the US where anti-white hate is on the rise together with the rapid increase of non-Whites.

It's not far fetched to think that this is a real possible outcome.


I do want almost no restrictions of what you actually can own though

And no more DD registering, with 1000 dollar permits for every grenade you own

If the police or nasty girls can use something, a private citizen should be able to use it as well

>only 58 genders

You were at least lurking long enough to know our language, so fuck off on that point. Even newfag lurkers don't announce it, because they don't have to: its an anonymous Mongolian wedding cake recipe forum. No one knows who you are unless you tell them, so people who announce """who""" they are, 9/10 times, are larping faggots trying to bait replies

Just like you're doing ITT.

>trying to bait replies
...Yes. I've successfully "tricked" people into participating in the thread. Honestly I think you're the only one who's acting all butthurt, so if this is bait then I think you're the only victim. Congratulations.