Why people become manchildren? Why do they play video games, watch anime, cosplay?

Why people become manchildren? Why do they play video games, watch anime, cosplay?
How do modern philosophers explain it?

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It's more fun than their real lives and they can get away with it

Because life is too stressful for these people.

They just want to work their jobs and come back home to play video games or watch anime.

That is even what most of Sup Forums does most of their lives.

It is because of beta fathers who never teach their children useful skills.

It is because of overprotective mothers that never let their kid outside because they're overly afraid of rapists.

Sheltered, spoiled, privileged white kids, children in the body of a man.

One of the many reasons why the west is doomed.

Sup Forums are a bunch of nerd virgin losers who don't have any real friends, which is why they are racist jerks who support blumpf

Why would I do anything else :D:D:D

fucking checked

I agree fellow ausbro, Sup Forums is full of fat retards who wouldn't dare express their bigotry to PoC in real life

what about women becoming little girls and literally throwing temper tantrums in public/congress

>nancy pelosi

Agreed, just look at the guy from op-pic. Can you imagine him saying anything non-pc or outside of mainstream political thought?

you can be completely baller at women life and everything and still watch anime and play video games. moderation is key you autists. people who overdo anything are bad.

it is good to be a child, and it is good to do what you love.
This term exists to shame men who dont pursue the bullshit society serves them as how they should be.
so be a manchild, own it.

what saddens me is not that these slogans exist it is that men pick that shit up and turn on other men that way.

The Stoics would say that humanity in its natural state tends towards this. We avoid risk and if we are not in terrible circumstances because of this, nothing compels us to move forward. This is why you need to keep yourself grounded with practising poverty, negative visualizations etc.

Think of it like going to the gym. If you have a basic office job and a typical western lifestyle, you're unlikely to actually use those muscles for a productive purpose (other than looking swole). Most people therefore don't lift. However, if there is an eventuality where you do need to use your muscles to lift a car off a child or something, then you can display your prowess while the rest of the population stand there weeping like fat slobs.

Same thing applies to your mental state. If you're too lazy to learn to control your willpower, you're going to be a useless bystander to any adversity in your life, unable to act because you're the mental equivalent of morbidly obese.

As humans, it is our duty to ourselves to cultivate both these aspects as this is the only path to true personal freedom and genuine contentment.

Source: /fitlit/

I always figured a manchild was a person who went overboard obsessing over that type of stuff, Anime, vidya, ect. I mean, if you're debating non-obsessive love of those things you have to debate movies and tv along with it. Hell, you could probably throw fiction literature in there while you're at it.

This is essentially me saying that i dont believe that just enjoying vidya or anime or any other form of entertainment makes a person a manchild, but rather the obsession over that form of entertainment makes them so. Actually, the only reason I think anime and vidya are quoted so often is because they're mediums that lie of the beaten path, so-to-speak, Vidya because of it's original target market, and anime because its japanese cartoons.

What else are we supposed to be doing?

Just leave me alone normie.

>Do nothing but play vidya games.
>Barely watch American TV at all, just anime.
>Unironically have a waifu and anime figures.

>Pull 8-9/10s easily.
>Tall and /fit/

It's amazing these faggots at shareblue coordinate such shitty threads and replies. It's extremely low energy, just in it for the shekels per hour? Kys faggots.

This is an idealistic post. You're not wrong with what your posting but it's naive to think everyone comes to this conclusion and to even think that anywhere in society promotes this.

People are educated to be hedonists, to be stupid, to be slaves to the moment, to not practice fidelity in their relationships and honor in their lives. All these ideals and practices have been rooted out by The Jew and replaced with false jewish ideals, etc.

"We taught him wrong as a joke" -JEWS

I still play video games for the same reason old people watch TV or read fiction novels, entertainment.
I'm married with kids, I could just give a fuck less about watching TV to pass time, aside from a few old sitcoms I never cared for TV much, always enjoyed interacting rather than spectating if I'm going to be immersing myself in fiction for my imaginations sake. Don't care much for most anime and cosplay tho.

Everything outwith your own thoughts and emotions is not in your control. I don't care if others are taught or believe. The only person you can truly improve is yourself.

Nothing is stopping you from focusing only on your own mind and body. Any excuse about society at large being decadent is just that - an excuse. You will only be truly free when you realize your mind is the only thing that no man can enslave.

((they)) wanted tamed non aggressive men and they got them.Too bad those men now want nothing to do with ((them)) and their precious economy.

The cosplay thing for the most part is to score with geeky girls.

There you go, people have hobbies.
My dads hobby was getting pissed after work in a bar, come home, watch tv and then sleep.
I do the same just switch tv with vidya and theres my life in a work day.
Its just a damn hobby but youre getting at the NEET problem and their escapism through anime and videogame culture, thats a whole different subject. Meaning these guys didnt have a decent father figure in their life, they had nothing to imitate worth shit, just an overcaring mom and lots of brightly coloured entertainment shit. of course they shut themselves in and let the entertainment waste the day away, its uncomplicated and easy.
(Nothing worth having comes easy tho)

No this is a lie. Anime and video games are for losers. Stop doing them. Stop being a loser.

>when you realize your mind is the only thing that no man can enslave

you're an idiot. Public schooling, television, radio, SJW college, leftist politicians! your mind can be enslaved.

What's Infowars slogan?! There's a war on for your MIND!

you fucking stupid faggot
are you going to tell me to look at sweden and then say "hurr ur mind nobody can get it"

This, only exception is Quake III

Man do what man want to do. Nothing to explain.

I do what I want to.

Early childhood sexual abuse, and neglect by system because feminists and their negroes.

It's an economic issue. Saddled with a mortgage size debt and something of limited value to show for it, the kids are forced to stay with their parents until they can find adequate work. The result is remaining in the habits you had as a kid.

I don't play anthing online, don't watch cartoons, and don't crosdress (cosplay).
But I do talk openly about my interests, that includes vidya, fiction, and nerd-tier technology.

Do I quailfy as a manchild?

summed it up pretty well

This generation is a sad cringey joke.

>okay new rules guys
>the only exception is the thing i do that's not any different, just I do it

slap yourself in the fucking face

And the thing is, they cant do anything about it, its hardwired in their brain, its not even their fault for the most part.
Thats the real sad thing about it.

Sometimes being productive isn't worth effort involved, nor the reward for doing so.

>How do modern philosophers explain it?
Have you ever looked at youtube? If anything the lazy man children are the modern 1 dollar philosophers.

Only white bois become man-children, blacks are naturally better at being social, they're always less socially awkward than your average white boi, their dicks are bigger, and they can fuck better. I'm speaking from experience, it's 2017, and white bois aren't making an effort to start relationships, white women won't and don't miss you.

You can only be enslaved if you let other people do it. You have the faculty for reason and rationality. You have the capacity to read and to perceive the world around you.

None of the things you mention are unbreakable nor irreversible. Someone with a desire to educate themselves will always find the means to do so.

this. wageslaves want everyone else to do the same because they're miserable and they don't have means to do anything else. if everyone could just be rich and fuck off you know they would. slaves keep the other slaves from jumping off the boat out of jealousy.

Anyone not supporting their wife's son is a manchild apparently. So yes.

lol no enslavement occurs between 1 and 4 years of age you normie.


male child sexual abuse victims aka cuckservatives.

>It is because of beta fathers who never teach their children useful skills.
>It is because of overprotective mothers that never let their kid outside because they're overly afraid of rapists.
No. It's because of the erosion of institutions which would normally guide young people.

Church, marriage, courtship, apprenticeship, local jobs, cheap housing, lifetime employment, a stable community with low immigration and emigration, team sports, volunteering, kids at school, marrying the nice girl from work at age 23, shaming single mothers, shaming spinsters and bachelors, room and board, sharing items between households... all these things were once available to guide young people toward marriage and stability.

We're also entering a world of extremes spikes of wealth yet pervasive mediocrity. That's the kind of world where Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg have personal harems.

The carrot on the stick is rotten. I understand anyone opting out, though I believe that it is a rather small and insignificant percentage. So, why do you even care?

Men contribute only sperm to the reproductive process. If you think about this, it's an indication the majority of male contribution to reproduction, child-rearing, and the family unit is through their social roles.

But society has been undermining and reducing the value of male social roles for decades. As providers, men are often replaced by the state and by women in the workplace. (This has the unfortunate side effect of making men less attractive as long-term partners to women who earn more than they do.) As hunters and protectors, they've been so completely replaced by societal machinery that they're not needed or allowed to protect by law and they've been made unnecessary (by other men, ironically) as hunters. As parents, their importance is denied (to the detriment of their children's development). As leaders, they're often assailed for their masculinity as the source of social ills that wouldn't exist with female leaders. They're also criticized for their masculinity in a world that increasingly values feminized leaders and leadership skills.

TL;DR: Men's value in society and in the family is through social roles that have been diminished or destroyed. So they often fill their time with empty activities, many of which stimulate the roles we used to fill in society.

Trust fund babies sit around doing nothing and nobody cares because they spend

Manchildren/MGTOW sit around and do nothing and everyone freaks out because they dont consume

Cucksumers wont make me part from my shekels, fuck off

Good for you, now what about all the people who weren't born beautiful chads?

Indeed fellow ausbros, Sup Forums is full of social rejects who are also nazis who support blimpf
t. lighter-than-haircraft

I watch anime, play vidya, and paint 40k minis. But I have a high paying job, no debt, not a virgin, lift, shoot guns, and actually do shit outdoors. Some people take things far to the extreme. Same could be said about lifting or shooting/collecting guns.

Because their Father/Father figure failed them or was absent in some capacity.



no its not, if you are a muscular chad you can do anything and girls will think its awesome or quirky, instead of weird and off putting

stupid beta

>Church, marriage, courtship, apprenticeship, local jobs, cheap housing, lifetime employment, a stable community with low immigration and emigration, team sports, volunteering, kids at school, marrying the nice girl from work at age 23, shaming single mothers, shaming spinsters and bachelors, room and board, sharing items between households
This list makes me wistful. Oh well

>mpv [HorribleSubs]*Harem*Sister*Sexy*01*mkv

>you can do whatever you want all day
>or you can be a slave

my head sponge is tingling

Shareblue, you really need new material.

That rat experimentd does it. You know which one

Shitty parents who didn't bother paying attention to kids so they went to vidya.

>Why do people do things I don't like?
Because other people enjoy different things.
The world dose not revolve around you and your preferences, you are no a special unique snowflake. If you cannot fathom that, I have some bad news for you.