Blacks Suck at Logical Reasoning and are Apparently Gullible as Hell

A black man and a white carpet salesman 100 years ago make up a religion to make Black people feel better about themselves. Pure invention.

But those 2 died and millions of living niggers believe it with all their hearts.

NATION OF ISLAM (i.e. Black Muslim) niggers think that niggers INVENTED WHITE PEOPLE in a laboratory.

But that whites rebelled against our much more intelligent masters.

There are literally millions of niggers walking the streets of America who believe that nonsense.

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Pick one.

The white and the nigger who invented Nation of Islam came up with the following:

>White people lived in caves in the Caucuses while Black Priest-Scientists ruled the world, walked on all-fours

>Whites reproduced only through incest, creating blonde hair and eyes (they don't understand how mutations work, they think blacks are "unmutated")

>Bestiality was the religion of cave-whites
>Yakub came to earth, invented magnetism (by playing with magnets and steel)

Some further branches of Afrocentrism, like one in Georgia (now disbanded) believed instead that whites were created by Black Egyptian Priest-Scientists in laboratories under the Pyramids.

Yes, really. Then they escaped


mutation is cellular change at the individual level. Niggers say this because it sounds like a good insult. Of course its wildly incorrect. If whites changed from generation to generation, its evolution, not mutation.

What's with Sup Forumss obsession with black Americans? It's neurotic and strange.

>NATION OF ISLAM (i.e. Black Muslim) niggers think that niggers INVENTED WHITE PEOPLE in a laboratory.

Actually, I kind of like the idea of us being created in a lab and then rebelling.

Makes us look kinda badass.

>What's with Sup Forumss obsession with black Americans? It's neurotic and strange.

You cannot turn on the television without niggers using race as a weapon against whites.

When whites merely point out the silliness and venality of niggers, niggers act like wilting flowers.

Hyperborean-believers have faith that men used to walk with the gods in Hyperborea, a super-continent whose remains are the Arctic circle, until a cataclysmic event whose legacy is known as the serpent Jormungandr caused an eternal winter and shifted the Earth's axis, forcing humanity to leave the paradise on Earth. They would eventually settle highly-advanced cities such as Lemuria, Atlantis, and Thule, but over time their societies would stagnate and deteriorate, and eventually collapse. Their remains were recognized by superior empires like the Hellenic and Roman leagues, but eventually those too passed away from being away from the presence of the gods.

However, this is the origin of WHITES and ASIANS. Blacks, on the other hand, have been moving northward from the south areas of Africa, raping, pillaging, and destroying anything and everything they touch, with their only hope in life being to tap into their "telluric spirit" which is pathetically weak, weaker than even a hedonist in his prime, and they cannot fathom the immaterial world.

He's right, you know.

I understand blacks are animals, but pol seems to have an unhealthy obsession with them. I don't like them either, but it in no way stems from jealousy, so I rarely if ever even think about them.

They don't believe it very passionately

Black people are the number 1 killer of black people

The mighty race of the one one who harvest the spiritual cosmic energy into melanine aka the blacks, are the true Israelite and should all go to the holy land in order to kick out or destroy the white demon whit the crooked nose.

We will take back what is ours brothers !!



>There are literally millions of niggers walking the streets of America who believe that nonsense.
How is it anymore nonsense than Christianity, Kekism, or any other magical-thinking nonsense? It is? So why are you going after blacks specifically? Racist much?

When you're ready to shit on all religions for being equally made up then you'll have a real thread. Until then, keep planted on the dick you're sitting on.

>black guy with undergraduate and graduate degrees in a field of science

I picked both. :^)

What do you think about the 98 percent of blacks that are worthless?

Don't you feel like apologizing to white people for the evil and ineptitude of your fellow blacks?

And shouldn't you say Thank You White People for all of the gibs we bestow on blacks who essentially waste it?

Why the FUCK are black people so retarded.

Pol tards have some kind of odd inferiority/black jealousy complex. You could ask about the acidity of rain, and they would find a way to talk about niggers. Blacks take up a ton of space in their minds. It's sad.

Because we have to see, hear, and smell them everytime we go outside.

Or there's the Jewish intellectuals theory.

Most poltards probably don't live around black people. Euros have to deal with gypsies everyday, but they get far less airtime on pol. Like I said poltards are obsessed.

What the fuck is that!?

kaffer nou weer gesteel?

Good observation rabbi! You are indeed my greatest ally.

>affirmative action

You're welcome :)

The Chosen are always there.


Niggers btfo

based yakub

>Makes us look kinda badass.

Niggers use this to say whites have no souls.

>They also call us Cave Bobby and Cave Becky

I guess Bobby and Becky are whiter sounding names than Shaniqua and Trayvon.

>>black guy with undergraduate and graduate degrees in a field of science

If you got it from an historically Black university, then I have no respect for you.

Every one (every single one) of the grads from those places that I have seen is worthless.

Read the bible instead of your stupid nog origins stories and then tell me it doesn't contain valid information.

To Blacks, STEM means:

Ebonics, &
Mo money from da white man.