Is it bad that I come here to laugh at the white trash to make myself feel better...

Is it bad that I come here to laugh at the white trash to make myself feel better? I've achieved so much in my life yet I still come back here every once in a while

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I'm Jewish and I do the same thing, friend.

I'm Muslim and I do the same thing.

Fuck off kike.

me too lad

You will always be a shitskin.
Greatest ally?


Shitskins that laugh at 'white trash' are shit skins.
Whites that laugh at shit skins are shit skins.


Dont you feel any shame to leave your ancestor's land, and come to a land built by whites and then feel no gratitude? You are shit of the earth, fuck off. People like you are the reason why there is racial tensions in the West.

Arab here. It is EXACTLY what i do. Work full time, study part time, train and have a decent social life. Coming here is like visiting the zoo, it's funny to watch how animals behave. That said, i still don't trust kikes.

What did you achieve?

>achieved so much
>seeks some sort of validation from the neets and racist white trash you mock


>Visiting the zoo!
That's the perfect analogy, especially considering the fact that they seem to love horses now.

Only when you realise plenty of us are smarter than you and come here to bait those even smarter than us into interesting arguments.

Why were you idiotic enough to believe the mainstream media narratives? Why wasn't it obvious that they lie consistently? There are more libertarians here than Nazis and even then the Nazis are just recruiting from stormfront because only libertarians actually tolerate freedom of speech.

Sup Forums has always been libertarian and only ironically Nazi.

Just know that when the day of the rope comes you hang

>white liberal posts black feels guy

We got a live one here kek

t.Chang here. Yes but I do feel sorry what they put up in their culture of liberals. Good luck nationalists.

The level of cognitive dissonance is outstanding seeing as how you would be default stuck in a Muslim shit hole or Asia if it weren't for the existence of western civilization which is objectively superior, were it by you and every other shit skin mongrel would not want to be here.

I laugh at ugly Jews to feel better about myself too OP. It's normal

How will education and training help you when we Whites finally go Deus Vult though?

Can Jews even tell the truth?


The Warrior Gene refers to certain copies (alleles) of the MAO-A gene that have been linked to violent anti-social behavior. One such copy, 2R, which I'll call the "violent chimp allele", is 55x more common in niggers than in whites:

>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[32][33] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[23][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]

The reason a majority of niggers act like violent apes is because they carry the violent chimp allele. This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.

Now you know... and knowing is half the battle.

Not at all; it's good to go to the zoo sometimes to get a little perspective.

I've been here since 05, back then moralfag was used to describe cunts who told other people how to live.

Sup Forums has always been libertarian. Always.

About as often as a leaf.

>posting in a /leftypol/ circlejerk thread
Don't forget to sage and report.

>Using "libertarian" to define his political view.

Yet objectively they make terrible warriors in a military context.

Almonds activated

Hey look everyone it's a Jew lying

ITT: insecure blacks and browns find a place they can roleplay their ultimate power fantasy (being white) and try to justify it by self-deceiving ("I'm just watching Pokémon IRONICALLY mom!!!")
>none of you will ever be white, beautiful white women will always avoid you, you'll never know how it feels when other people look at you like you're white, you'll never be trusted by strangers, you'll never be at-ease at a nickleback concert

Other than being greedy liars, a crime many are guilty of, what's so bad about us Hebrews?

How old are you 40 and still shitposting on a anime board.
Or just JIDF

Im white and I laugh at the white trash here.

I guess that makes me a race traitor, so when the death squads come you and I will be on the same team.

Ask any of the thousand countries that kicked every single one of you out
>they did it for no reason at all!!
umm no sweetums

So let me tell you about Jews.....

Okay. Then what were their reasons?

It's painfully obvious

Are you mad? Why are you mad though? I can justify why, if you like? Good men can act good for themselves and for their own identity, they don't need a state to force them and would feel being forced to be good nullifies any reason to be good.

This is not an uncommon view on Sup Forums or in wider western philosophy and secular morality is a common topic amongst people with IQs over 120.

Did you know you're not welcome here?

Congrats on not being a peat-gavel manchild, OP.

I love how I haven't gotten an answer to this yet.

Jewish people have always seen themselves as a group apart from their host society. A perpetual minority, Jews have always had a parasitic strategy combined with the fact that they are safer in countries where they're not the only minority (melting pot) means they advocate for immigration, like a tapeworm that wants you to get Ebola so you're distracted from the pain in your gut. Jews don't consider themselves part of the nation, think it is their responsibility to change the nation to suit themselves, and always just happen to find themselves working against the best interest of the host population. They also use the good nature of Europeans against them, exploiting trust and guilt in ways that would never work on themselves in order to achieve their goals

You got an answer kike. We know your debate tactics. Don't make me post hitler.

>t. moralfag
Anyone not farming for "lulz" as the highest ideal was called a moralfag. You don't want to ruin someones business and marriage for a meme? moralfag cancer.

Things change, this is a nazi board where one of the biggest theme is the decay of morals in society. Complete "moralfaggotry".

Hitler doesn't scare me, you fucking idiot.

>beautiful white women will always avoid you
And probably you as well haha

>he thinks blacks will browse his Twitter history to check if he's woke af before kicking in his door
>AY yo Issa race war nigga but dis nigga support trayvon nigga sheeit he allrigh

Then you don't know him as we do.

not gonna lie, former white guy here. it's fucking hilarious seeing how all these white bois can't compete against the BBC. but in all seriousness, we can't let drumpf have the nuclear codes

Sounds a bit like insecurity

Make fun of me, your natural place is outside Europe.

>t. Somalian on welfare
Cry more faggot, I'm married to a beautiful European princess

>lol you think i have a twitter

Did you hear on the Jews that Hillary is ahead by twenty percent.

who are you quoting?


Fucking muslim



A foreign organism invading another is not a good for the former.

T. Muslim

Fuck off kike

The purpose of a state is the well being of a defined population group that can be distinguished from another, prove me wrong.

Haha sure thing bud ;)

Apparently the wrong person?
Thats weird. Your post wasnt even up when I made mine.

he thinks blacks will browse his Twitter history to check if he's woke af before kicking in his door

>AY yo Issa race war nigga but dis nigga support trayvon nigga sheeit he allrigh

Racism is a coping mechanism for non-whites to handle the truth that white people are superior. White people are superior, so they're not actually racist.

It's honestly sad watching you guys squirm and spasm like worms. You are having such a hard time accepting the truth, that you have to reaffirm the 'white devil' narrative for yourself so you can believe you're better. So much in fact that minorities are the primary stakeholder in racism. Racism against whites, racism against non-whites.

It's funny watching videos like this:

She says 'white, white, white' when she means 'jew, jew, jew'