Are jews bodhisattvas?

I have a hypothesis that Jews are people that have transcended the material world, i.e. hell, and then decided to incarnate back into the material world to help others transcend it as well.

>(in Mahayana Buddhism) a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings.

>In Buddhism, bodhisattva is the Sanskrit term for anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish and a compassionate mind to attain buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.

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I think I thought about this while watching The Longest Yard, but I don't remember the plot.

dumbass shit forum

A kike is a Shudra and his morality is of chandala, he is far from being enlightened let alone reaching boddhisatva

The Jew is literally the antithesis of a Buddha.

Ok. A lot of people think the catholic church, the global elite/illuminati etc. are evil. But do people in general have sufficient enlightenment to have the authority to judge such a thing? Do you have the authority to judge the jews?

>Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

because jews only care about their tribe. a bodhisattva would care for eveyone

I'm actually a non strict Buddhist myself, non strict in that I don't pray nor have I stopped eating meat, but I have taken on the morals and believe in the teachings of Gautama. Been something like eleven, twelve years.
>B-b-but you're British and just a poser because of it! Westerners can't appreciate Buddhism!
And yet we're all expected to love Islam and convert?

Freedom of religion.

Eating little boys dick skins is not NOT enlightenment, idk what it is but i aint doing that shot to reach some higher plane fuck those wierd ass kikes.

Forgot pic lol

You dont need authority to judge filthy Jew, his materialism and decadence is a testimony of his culture.

Judaism in its purest form is a misanthropic desert cult , a bastardized admixture of Babylonian and Egyptian cults, these bastardized Semites are far from enlightened noble men, Jew always Carry's victim hood on his shoulder , Judaism is an epitome of slave morality

>because jews only care about their tribe. a bodhisattva would care for eveyone
how do you know they only care about their tribe?

I also have a hypothesis that when you hate something or view something as evil, that's a symptom of you yourself undergoing an enlightenment process. So the fact that people hate jews might show that they are undergoing enlightenment by the jews, i.e. that would be exactly what the jews wanted, i.e. they actually want antisemitism to occur. This concept would however make a discussion of this topic almost impossible.

An addition to this theory is that those you hate might not always be those who are doing the enlightenment. There might be pawns, puppets or useful idiots and such. If you hate your mother, it's not certain it's your mother who is enlightening you, although that might be the case, but it might instead be for example the global elite who manipulated gullible women and used feminism as a tool etc.

All people are egoistic. They cling on to their belongings. They want more of everything to themselves and less of everything to everyone else, basically. This condition is perhaps what causes the negative judgment to occur in people's perception of others. But what if the Jews and the Catholic church etc. took this concept of egoism and instead of just using it like everyone does, which is inherent, they consciously use it as a tool to enlighten others. Is what the idea is basically.

The Catholic church is the antithesis of a monk yes, with it's oppression and hoarding of gold etc. But this also means it's pushing lots of people into a monk-like existence. Insofar as poverty and suffering is monk-like.

Enlightenment in buddhism has a specific meaning related to being free fron desire for anything having to do with sense pleasures or even mental/intellectual pleasures. It's completely unrelated to Judaism.

>Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.

What about having your possessions taken away from you? Does that have the same effect as giving it away voluntarily?

How do you know it's completely unrelated to Judaism? Take feminism for example, which is pushed by Jews. It seems to cause people to have less desire for the opposite sex.

The same way I know feudalism is unrelated to communism. Both are political systems, but they have almost nothing in common.

For one obvious contradiction, Buddhist dogma denies that the universe was created by a god. In fact there's a sutra where the Buddha talks to brahma the god of the universe and convinces him that he didn't create anything, he only thought he did for some reason. Jews would not be on board with this.

The hypothesis wasn't really that Judaism and Buddhism have commonalities. It was about what Jews might be within a Buddhist context.

I've got you covered user

> And the Blessed One spoke, saying: "In whatsoever Dhamma and Discipline, Subhadda, there is not found the Noble Eightfold Path, neither is there found a true ascetic of the first, second, third, or fourth degree of saintliness. But in whatsoever Dhamma and Discipline there is found the Noble Eightfold Path, there is found a true ascetic of the first, second, third, and fourth degrees of saintliness.[54] Now in this Dhamma and Discipline, Subhadda, is found the Noble Eightfold Path; and in it alone are also found true ascetics of the first, second, third, and fourth degrees of saintliness. Devoid of true ascetics are the systems of other teachers. But if, Subhadda, the bhikkhus live righteously, the world will not be destitute of arahats.

In other words, since Judaism most definitely doesn't contain the Buddhist "eightfold path" or anything much like it, the Buddhist view would be that Jews are just ordinary sentient beings like everyone else and are not enlightened.

Ok. One comment to that might be that a Jew doesn't have to be limited to Judaism. A Jew, from what I understand, from how it's defined by consensus, can have no knowledge whatsoever of Judaism and still be a Jew. Also, with the high Jews that are in the power elite, who knows what they learn in their secret societies and whatever.

Well, all I'm saying is that you can have whatever wacky hypotheses about Jews transcending the material world, but there's no point in comparing them to bodhisattvas since Jews wouldn't consider themselves Buddhists and Buddhists certainly wouldn't consider Jews to be Buddhists. The parallel just isn't there.

So you have to be a Buddhist in order to be a Bodhisattva? Your quote above, does it have to be referring to Buddhism literally, or can it be speaking of any teaching that contains the same message, if such exist? Do you have to read the bible to be living your life the way the bible prescribes?

>can it be speaking of any teaching that contains the same message, if such exist
It means this. So if you have some other teaching that was invented by someone else that contains the following:

(1) Right view / intention - knowing about (the conceptual contents of, if not the specific formulation of) the four noble truths, eightfold path, three characteristics, and the intention to apply these in your life

(2) Right speech / action / livelihood - a very restrictive moral code that's basically meant to ensure that nobody can ever complain you did anything even approximately wrong, so that you can then focus on

(3) Right effort / mindfulness / concentration - sitting very quietly for long periods and examining what goes on in your head so that you grow the neural circuits required to directly understand and apply the contents of (1)

Then Buddhists would say that you can have the same enlightenment as the Buddha.

This is where the commonalities between Judaism and Buddhism come in though - since Judaism doesn't have anything like this and even has a lot of stuff that directly contradicts it, it wouldn't be considered an "equivalent" teaching.

Jews are an evil, blasphemous and wicked race. Cain.

But the hypothesis was that Jews had transcended and then incarnated back, i.e. were Bodhisattvas. What if there were people who followed those principles and then were given additional teachings on top of that, which would be Judaism, to be applied only after you had already done all those things, which you would have done if you were a Bodhisattva I guess.

>"how can anyone judge Jews?"
>judges jews

Fuck I forgot to sage. You got lucky, OP. Hopefully this moment of luck for you will be balanced out by an agonizing death in the near future

In that case, you'd still have to account for the fact that the teachings of Judaism are outright contradictory to those of Buddhism (especially the impermanence and not-self teachings, which directly state among other things that you don't have a soul and that not even God is eternal). Judaism also has a less restrictive moral code than Buddhism, for instance Buddhists aren't allowed to kill any sentient being under any circumstances, period.

If they were reincarnated as Jews, the Buddhist view would be that in this new life they've regressed morally and adopted outright incorrect teachings, so it just doesn't make sense.

In what way am I judging jews?

There is also the concept of exoteric vs esoteric teachings. Some things might be taught to the common man, while other things might only be revealed to you once you actually reach bodhisattva status. But this would also be hard for us to have a meaningful discussion about, it would only be speculation to discuss things that haven't been revealed to us in our current state.

>>Why do you see the cock that is in your sisters mouth, but do not notice the BBC that is in your own mouth?

This is why I love this place despite the overdosing on redpills. The ability to make me laugh my eyes out, thanks Sven, stay cucked

kys newfag go back to plebbit

>jews have transcended the material world

Are you fucking kidding? This is the illogical shit I've ever heard.

Aristotle on the Origin of the Jews in India - Graham Hancock Official Website
>Mfw we are the Jews

it´s a whole new type of shilling, also saged sorry modbastards I forgot the first two times, give me my meds!

Yep they came from your hood. But that is not the full story. The Hyksos tribe of egypt is related. IDK if the Brahmans ("""Abraham""") tribe of Cohens or whatever became the Hyksos. Do you pajeet?

You're grasping at straws here. Esoteric teachings wouldn't directly contradict the core, foundational basics. Tibetan tantric Buddhism is full of all kinds of wacky shit, but it's still consistent in a way that Judaism just isn't. I have some books on Dzogchen and Mahamudra that I'm not supposed to have because they're esoteric and are supposed to make your brain melt if you're uninitiated, so I do know roughly what's in there. There just isn't any way to make your idea make sense, sorry OP.

I was referring to the idea that in order to perceive the truth about some external object your own mind needs to be totally pure.

what is a hypothesis
what is the concept of entertaining a thought without accepting it

Their is a prevalent story I don't know it's authenticity or source that the tribe of Krishna the yadavs were cursed that they would die out fighting among themselves so the yadavs moved to the middle east and became the yahudis (Jews)

will read later perhaps. im tired now. can you give me a tldr. and also how it connects to the topic if you have anything to say about that.

...transcended the material world

It points towards usage of sanskrit names in Syria and Egypt for their kings and quite a few things the Egyptian and Jewish mythology share with Indian mythology

Sounds like Maitreya flavored cryptokikery. Fuck off.

"Jews" (or Khazars as they should be known) are the serpent in the garden of eden genesis origin story. They are Satan worshiping mongoloid turkroaches. They have no promise from God and are no God's "chosen". They "converted" to Judaism around 800 AD and infiltrated it and subverted the religion until the original Israelites went extinct. This is why they are so hostile to palestinians because they know a modern day Palestinian has more Israeli DNA than any "jew" ever did or will.

>You're grasping at straws here.
yeah, because the whole topic is speculative. i don't really expect to get any answers. it's more about throwing out the idea and playing with it.
>Esoteric teachings wouldn't directly contradict the core, foundational basics.
Are you sure about that? Isn't that what the whole rabbit hole analogy is about? That when you are initiated things that used to seem up seem down etc. Also thesis-antithesis-synthesis of hegelian dialectic might have this.
>they're esoteric and are supposed to make your brain melt if you're uninitiated
yeah, that's the idea isn't it, that even if you read it you won't understand it unless you are ready for it, hence unless you were ready it wouldn't really matter whether you read it, you wouldn't know the true meaning of it
>There just isn't any way to make your idea make sense, sorry OP.
fair enough, it's just an idea

I don't know enough about the Buddism rabbit hole but as i know it shares a lot with Hinduism I can debate you on the esoteric teaching thing

> i don't really expect to get any answers.
There's your problem honestly. I'm acquainted enough with Buddhism and the basics of Judaism to give you a concrete answer, the answer is simply no.
> Are you sure about that? Isn't that what the whole rabbit hole analogy is about? That when you are initiated things that used to seem up seem down etc. Also thesis-antithesis-synthesis of hegelian dialectic might have this.
Absolutely sure. You have to keep in mind that Buddhism didn't arise in a vacuum, it was a reaction to the Brahmanism of the time. So in the sutras there's a lot of discussion with other prevailing views of the time, and there's a lot of things like "no, seriously, the universe is not eternal and neither is God, and here's why in excruciating, repetitive, technical detail". It's silly to imagine that there's some esoteric teaching that then turns this around and says "haha jk, it's actually eternal after all".
>yeah, that's the idea isn't it, that even if you read it you won't understand it unless you are ready for it, hence unless you were ready it wouldn't really matter whether you read it, you wouldn't know the true meaning of it
I'm afraid you would be very disappointed. The esoteric stuff is nothing special at all, the cool stuff in Buddhism is all right there in the exoteric version.

You seem like you're interested in Buddhism in general, so why not study it? It's quite worthwhile, and with some time you would understand how I can be so confident that there is no link with Judaism.

>I have a hypothesis that Jews are people that have transcended the material world, i.e. hell, and then decided to incarnate back into the material world to help others transcend it as well.
Jews only want money.

>the cool stuff in Buddhism is all right there in the exoteric version
I'm not sure whether exoteric and esoteric necessarily is always like someone knocks on your door and hands you a book, or someone says welcome step behind this curtain, or whatever. Things can also be occulted in plain sight so to speak, and your mind reveals to you things that were already there but which you didn't perceive.

Well let me put it this way - the exoteric version of Buddhism purports to solve all your problems in life, permanently and unconditionally. If you want to mess around with esoteric stuff after that you can, but it's kind of a waste of time since all your problems are already solved and there is literally no possible method for you to further improve your condition in any way.

The esoteric schools actually don't even claim to teach you anything the exoteric schools don't, they just claim to get you the same result faster.

What is this nonsense? Jews are fucking parasites.