Why would anyone want to have children?

You'd have to be totally insensitive, totally blind, a total idiot. Every day I see shit people. I wouldn't want to contribute to a child coming into this world where it would have to endure all these shit people daily.


Other urls found in this thread:


>A Swede letting mudskins outbreed viking population

And I? I wasn't even surprised.

And your point is? I linked scientific findings.

Shitskins are very dull, so it's no surprise they want to breed.

We are beings made from dna programmed to carry our dna into future by any means neccesary.

Currently the only way how to achieve semi immortality is to have few babies and give them same life values as your own and hope for the best.

Think about your life sweden troll. What is your purpose? Nothing? Then you can go kys yourself right now.

As with the problem about the most stupid ones have the most babies, we will have solution eventually in form of eugenics. Then it is just simple step to make even dumb niggaz to have clever babies.

Stay optimistic and never give up :-)

being intelligent, doesn't make you better or more successful

intelligent people overthink stuff a lot
sometimes acting is better then thinking

>why would I want to fulfill the only role I have been given in this life? Haha people who have meaningful relationships are fucking D U L L

People with bad genes shouldn't really breed anyways.

Some people aren't low t cucks we have 20 kids who all alpha.

Aren't correlation is not causation you just want it to be so to justify you're weakness and low t/fertility.

>correlation is not causation
no, but it is nevertheless a correlation
>you just want it to be so to justify you're weakness and low t/fertility
ad hominem

You consider it so, what's wrong with being a weak low t cuck?

>breeding is muh only role
I have bad news for you then, bydlo.
Your actual role is contributing as much to scientific and cultural progress as possible. Breeding is hardly unique to humans - alcohol bacteria do it just as well.

>not having children
>giving your genetics a funeral
>giving yourself a funeral
why not just kill yourself at this point if the future of your lineage is so unimportant
its like you never existed in the first place if you don't have off spring
or am I wrong on this?

So you're lower than bacteria.

Leave retards alone the fact they don't keep it to themselves is proof of their insecurity, our purpose is to reproduce as much as we can.

Have children increases the amount of good in the world
I want to increase the amount of good in the world
So I will have kids

This isn't hard Sven

I don't understand your question.

So it's retarded to post links to scientific findings as material for discussion? Your only argument is that it's retarded.

Um because only good people can reverse the tide of stupidity and avert disaster, and good people are the product of other good people.

Are you really that much of a fucking coward that you have to cite these hilariously stupid wiki articles about how it's so smart not to have kids?

Let me tell you something right now: 100% of people that don't have kids get old and go "what the fuck did I do with my life, oh yeah, nothing!" and die alone full of regret. I see it every day and I promise you it's true, especially from a biological perspective.

Stop being a virgin faggot and have children. Don't let the "big scary mean world" decide whether you reproduce or not - that's some suicidal idiotic failure if I've ever seen it.

Wait you must be a liberal. I'm glad you fuckers aren't breeding, desu.

My lord even the leaf gets it. You know you've been well and properly BTFO, swedecuck.

having children isnt a scientific experiment sven , it is a matter of continuing your legacy and your father's and his father's and so on. Your argument is literally
>to smart to have children
so instead you might replace your biological imperative with social degeneracy since it is the exact opposite of GENERATIVE since you generate more life. So yeah if you want more cash dont have children but ask yourself if money will make you happy. Will material ever give you happiness.

You already know humanity's future.
You realize that the human brain has been shrinking over the last thousands of years right?

>continuing your legacy
what kind of principle pulled out of your ass is that?

my children will bear my teachings and values and my racial/genetical make up therefore continuing what I started

What for?

so they can be like me or their parent , a good role model , a law abiding citizen , a working man , caring mother so that society wont fall on its knees and descend into chaos

Amen brother

May I posit an alternate hypothesis;
Maybe all the 'shit people' you see are ones produced by parents with your attitude. Maybe raising a child with a mindset of 'all people are shitty, and it's cruel to give life to a child and make it endure these shitty people.' Your beliefs are a self-fulfilling prophesy, because it sets a premise by which people would stop giving a shit.
What we need is to bring back families. Make being a mother or a father something to be proud of accomplishing, not something that happens by accident. I promise that if we encouraged intelligent, responsible, ethical people to have children rather than depend on impulsive sex by an ignorant, self-destructive underclass to stave off population collapse, I'm confident the trend you're seeing will reverse.
t. 31 and no gf :(

Yes sven, be a good goy and get a vasectomy. Only Muslims should breed in sweden.

You're so full of yourself.
You realize that by the time they're adult your cultural model will be obsolete and you will be the backwards stubborn dad?!
You're talking like you can see the future, you pompous turd.
SO your cultural model is irrelevant.
The point of cultural models is they have to change or else we would still live in the stone age around the fire in a tribe.
Why do you want kids again?
Don't involve made up concepts like society, laws(they're fictional concepts like Santa Claus), who knows how their meaning will change and how they'll stay relevant in the future.
My point is you have no reasonable motive to reproduce and that is why you feel pleasure when you fuck, because if you wouldn't you would focus on the consequences and never do it.AND that's why stupid people reproduce because they get tricked by their sexual impulse that takes over their reason. You see a family with 12 kids living in misery, how do you explain that?

I would love to be able to rationalize my way to having kids, but i fear it's not possible. There's simply no good argument against antinatalism. Creating and trapping a new conscious being to existence without being able to ask their consent is always, without any exceptions, unethical.

IQ of 143 and not having children at this point.
There's no point in it unless I can afforT them.
Even so, the child would have to be defended against hoards of lower-IQ bullies that are increasingly violent and degenerate.

>inb4 anti-overpopulation lunatics

I only want kids if they're clones of me. It may be possible in the near future too

>fucking normies and their meaningful relationships LOL

>they're all just living false fantasies, why can't everyone be as redpilled as I am and see the truth XD

>if only these sheeple would realize that the world is shit because a thread on Sup Forums said so, fucking idiots wasting their time doing something with their lives, everyone should live in their moms basement like i do

I'm actually glad people like you don't feel the need to breed, it's like the problem is sorting itself out

I will have my mind transferred into a robot body. Filthy meatbags

You are a defeatist.

Children are our legacy.

For what purpose?

And my kids will repair your robotic body for measly $$$. I dont see problem.

Fuck your ethics. Freedum is never attainable nor is desirable. We are born to be what we are.

>"You realize that by the time they're adult your cultural model will be obsolete and you will be the backwards stubborn dad?!"
not necessarily you start with the assumption that you can only go wrong with parenting and not garner respect for the people who raised and fed you. The point of me instilling values into them is not to have a permanent cultural model but a self conserving way of thinking that is sustainable.
>"You're talking like you can see the future, you pompous turd."
Well I can't but you can always dream and have a vision of the future that you want to accomplish and having goals.
>"SO your cultural model is irrelevant."
Again why? You seem to be so pessimistic about everything that nothing is relevant or has meaning.
>"The point of cultural models is they have to change or else we would still live in the stone age around the fire in a tribe."
yeah they change but the point is to have a fluidic change of culture , not this sudden sharp "lol everyone is an idiot and might aswell die off"
>"Don't involve made up concepts like society, laws(they're fictional concepts like Santa Claus), who knows how their meaning will change and how they'll stay relevant in the future."
I dont see how they are fictional , they quite clearly exist like the state which is raising children and teaching them. The laws of tomorrow will be made by the people of the future and if you teach people how to view the world of course they are going to change.
>"You see a family with 12 kids living in misery, how do you explain that?"
Maybe the children are not fulfilling the parents lives in a meaningful way. Misery and sadness is part of the human experience , you cant get rid of it. Also the reasoning for dumb people to have more children can be found in this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R/K_selection_theory

Will you be as quick to dismiss ethics when your wife gives a birth to a seriously ill child? Or, will you feel satisfaction because your biological purpose, was after all, fulfilled?

Deciding to breed is a gamble, and a gamble on another human's life is never morally nor ethically justifiable.

If you were actually intelligent you'd have lots of smart kids and teach them
How to exploit the shit people so that they themselves can have comfortable lives.

you were not supposed to think about that human

Sorry friend but my robotic wife will be doing repairs on me.

>implying im white

I live to serve the Grand Khanate. Mongoloids will rule the world.

it is like, somebody blaming some body, for their own failss, and meke it public.
Bcaususe it is tree!!

For greatness. To become stronger, smarter, wiser, more creative, to bend the world to their will. To become Gods.

To what end?

>robotic wife
I imagine that once we will be able to put brain into mashine, we will have button you push to release all happy and self-worth boost hormones straightly into your brain so companionship, fucking, love or other will become useless.

But the mainteance will be needed forever.

To attain ultimate Truth. Truth is beyond man's comprehension at this stage so we continue life's struggle.

Well that's a noble goal for sure.

BLM, Stockholm Somalians and Rabbi Bernie Goldstein salute you for not having kids, Sven

>is not to have a permanent cultural model but a self conserving
If it's not meant to be permanent then it shouldn't be at all and conserving in a changing world is in principle a defect and against adaptation to new conditions and subsequently prosperity.
>you want to accomplish and having goals
Your kids have their own lives you dumb shit, you don't own them. If you don't have kids you might be able to reach some of those goals.
>Again why? You seem to be so pessimistic
Because all previous cultural models are obsolete you stupid man.
> fluidic
Why fluid? You're such an idealistic piece of crap with 0 immagination, you know that?
>I dont see how they are fictional , they quite clearly exist like the state which is raising children and teaching them
You truly are a moron.
I guess you're one of the dumb breeders.

>Mongoloids will rule the world.
> "Mongoloid" has had a second usage, now generally avoided as highly offensive: until the late 20th century, people with Down syndrome[9][10][11][12] were often referred to as "Mongoloids" or in terms of "Mongolian idiocy" or "Mongolian imbecility
You truly are a moron.

tfw to intelligent to have kids

You're just jealous of the greatest race to ever walk on Earth. Not my fault.

Go get eaten in a giant fields by buzzards

Given you're asking questions ?

I'm guessing at some level you understand this.

Are you even capable of writing a single sentence which doesn't contain some weak petty insult?

It just makes you seem like a child to be honest.

>implying I'm not
What gave my old age away?

What you conceptualize as the ultimate truth may or may not exist in reality. From my point of view the mere possiblity of its existence is not enough to make intentionally bringing a child to this world any less unethical due to the nature of life itself.

From your point of view the mere possibility of its existence is makes striving towards it the highest ideal imaginable, offsetting any lesser nuisance and suffering that self-aware existence entails.

It basically boils down to pessimism vs. optimism

I'm antinatalist myself it's the ultimate redpill. The world is hell too much suffering and pointlessness. I can't bring another person into this. Only animals breed.

suffering is the whole point of living , enjoy it while you can

While I agree, I wouldn't say it's a red pill. A red pill is an uncomfortable truth. Antinatalism is based on an subjective perspective.

>suffering is the whole point of living

Can you explain your reasoning?

Only Alphas have kids. Or I guess if live in Sweden then you just elect an all women government and make sure only niggers will.

its the pressure of having to overcome a goal or challenge and self improving and learning from the pain

It's super tricky for smart people to justify endevours which cost a lot and put them in immense risk for something that really doesn't directly benefit them all that much.

But it requires harnessing your own impulses to have sex, and have babies, that's actually quite a hard thing to do because of a long string of ancestors who died out when they didn't have that impulse.

But deferring gratification is also extremely highly correlated with IQ, you can predict IQ of children into adulthood with experiments that test for the ability to defer gratification.

I've posed the question why have kids before on Sup Forums, appealing for grounded rational answers, but you won't get any, it's just irrational dogmatic or ideological belief.

Could self-improvement then be defined as an improved ability to experience suffering in your worldview?

>appealing for grounded rational answers, but you won't get any, it's just irrational dogmatic or ideological belief.

How I wish this was not the case. I've been looking for a convincing rational argument for having kids for years. I would love to find a way that is both rational and morally justifiable from my point of view, but it seems extremely difficult. Reaching the conclusion I want to reach would require either a dramatic change in worldview, or accepting the immorality of it and becoming fully confident in my ability to potentially carry the weigh of having created a being whose existence is miserable on my shoulders for the rest of my life.

You completely misrepresent what they are stating.

It's the idea that failure brings learning experiences. You can't know everything in the universe at the start. You're going to have to try new things in order to glean new information. Sometimes those attempts fall short of the intended outcome; or even further than ever conceived.

You will suffer in your life. How you build yourself to deal with suffering is a testament to how strong your conviction is to achieve your goals for your own life.

Knowing what suffering is and being able to cope with it allows you to weather storms that would otherwise topple your senses.

well yeah lifting weights for example is that you hurt your muscles so they can withstand bigger and bigger tensions and weights.
Also I see the point of self improving to avoid suffering to a certain extent like improving your cash flow to not die of hunger taken that if your work is miserable.
Its a tough world where the fast eat the slow who didn't train enough not to be slow. It is ultimately competition and evolution and I think everyone should try to win that competition

I disagree. Your argument is that suffering is necessary, while the finanon argues that suffering is the whole point of living.

>suffering is the point of living
>pain makes you learn and improve

If this is his axiom, then wouldn't increasing suffering (pain) directly lead to improved potential for self improvement?

>it's smart not to reproduce

somebody get these "geniuses" a darwin award

It's even worse than that because all the suffering aside, and the moral question of whether even bringing a life into this kind of world is right or not, you still have to wrestle with the idea of why should you sacrifice for another, for what purpose, and does that purpose hold any actual value for you.

None of the rational arguments to do with investment into children ever get borne out pragmatically, even assuming a child that takes care of you into old age the money saved not having to raise one easily covers care costs in old age.

The closest I can really think of family is a kind of insurance for if the shit really hits the fan, downfall of society or you becoming some terrible burden, then there's that blood thicker than water thing to rely on. But the investment is so high and the return so unlikely at this stage, I don't see that as a net benefit.

And what, because it feels good, it stimulates the old neurons? Well loads of things do that, drugs do that, if you just want to feel good there's ways which are lest costly and more reliable.

The world moves too slowly for tribalism or anything like that to matter, I'm 33, if we succumb to something like immigration it will be long after my time and not my problem, and I have resources (saved from no thaving a family) to basically relocate anywhere in the world within a short space of time.

But like you I remain open to arguments.


>Being this cucked
Most importantly, women who are brainwashed by liberal faggots. They're convinced their biological urges are degenerate.

None of the sources you cite show fertility goes to zero, which is your argument.

Pic semi related.

Leafbro based as fuck. Using that on g/f.